Crimson Overlord

Chapter 163 Before Departure

After the two sat, they ordered their drinks; for Orpheus, it was a whisky, while for Ella, a wine. Shortly later, the bartender arrived with their drinks.

Ice cubes in whiskey gold bring a hue to his eyes that speak of sunshine and better days ahead.

While enjoying his drink, he heard a question coming from Ella.

”What were we?”

To this question, Orpheus stopped for a moment before finishing his drink.

”We were lovers.”

”I see. So the face I kept seeing in my dreams was probably your face. The story you told me must be our story.” Ella mumbled while drinking her wine.

Orpheus didn’t say anything, but his silence was also an answer.

”You are an odd one.” She was chuckling as she said this.

”What makes you say that?” He was curious as to what made Ella says that.

”It is because you’re being honest. In most situations, you mustn’t tell me the truth as it might make me vigilant against you; you will lie to slowly gain my trust while lying to yourself, saying you won’t tell me everything yet as it is not the time. However, Kyle, you didn’t do that; you told me a the truth through a story. Even now that I asked you what our relationship was and you said we were lovers. I appreciate your honesty, and I like your personality. While I didn’t believe everything you said, I know you are not lying. I will find my truth amidst your truths.” She declared, and Orpheus smiled.

”I knew you like honest people; it is why I didn’t lie and answered honestly. As whether you believe me or not, it doesn’t matter as the truth will triumph eventually. You will know everything soon; I’m just laying the groundwork for this future.”

”I see. I have a question for the honest you.” Ella suddenly declared after asking for the bartender to serve her a whisky this time.

Orpheus was sure that he would not like this question; still, he said.

”Go ahead, I’m listening.”

”Great. You said we were lovers in the past, right?”

He nodded, and a slow smile worked its way across Ella’s face and into her eyes.

Her smile warmed his eyes.

”You have a lovely smile.” He could not help but compliment her.

”Thank you, here’s my question. Do you have another lover beside me in the past.”


This question was made Orpheus spit his whisky, but he still answered her right away.


”It’s that so?” Ella said with a smile that was not a smile.

”Are you perhaps jealous?” He asked with a smile that wasn’t a smile.

”As if we are not in a relationship, besides the way you look at them is not the same as you look at me. You love me more; I’m your priority; I’m not unreasonable to say not to engage in other relationships as I’m not in one with you.” Ella explained to Orpheus.

He chuckled; he could detect her confidence in this sentence, almost as if she was saying no matter what those women do, they would never take her place; she had this unshakable belief that her place would always remain there, whether or not in the future she became his woman or not.

”That is some confidence you have there, but I like it.” He teased her, and she just shrugged her shoulders.

The conversation continued for a while as they talked about their hobbies and other things.

It was already late in the night when they stopped and decided to return.

Just as Ella thought they would go back together, Orpheus asked her to go back; he would follow after as there was somewhere, he must go before going back.

”Okay, see you tomorrow. Good night. I appreciate this date. Next time invite us.”

”I will.” He promised. Orpheus knew that us must be referring to inviting her and Lily. He would use this opportunity to know about Lily; he could also confirm his doubt during the date.

Orpheus watched Ella disappear before lowering his head.

”Time to clean some trash.” He mumbled before disappearing.

In a dark alley, a man was concealing himself; he had followed Ella on his master’s order.

”Tch! To think that I, a prince, would be reduced to doing such meaningless chores. I’m not some kind of stalker, dammit.” Daneel complained and was about to go back and report that nothing happened during the date between Orpheus and Ella.

However, just as he was about to go back, he appeared; he was standing there in the darkness.

”I hate rats the most, especially rats that run in my backyard and spy on me.” Orpheus declared as his eyes locked onto Daneel, dressed in all black.

Being stared at by those dangerous eyes, Daneel felt like weak prey facing the ultimate predator. Automatically, his heart tightened, and a chill went down his back as cold sweat covered his hands and feet; a feeling of unease clawed at his heart. He took a step back and summoned a sword; the sword shone silver amidst the darkness.

”How the hell did you get here? And how did you know that I was tailing you? My disguise should have been perfect.” Daneel mumbled as he got another chill. Right now, he felt a shiver go down his chilled back.

Orpheus obviously wouldn’t answer Daneel’s question; the latter panicked because, in the next moment, Orpheus vanished. Without hesitation, Daneel slashed in front of him with all he got, origin poured into the sword, making it shine in silver hue.

”Crescent Moon Slash!”

With this attack, Daneel expected to deal damage or at least delay Orpheus until he could escape but what happened surpassed all his expectations when he reappeared in front of him.

Daneel flew all over as the sword and machete clashed intensely. The difference in strength broke Daneel’s wrist, and he dislocated his ankle while trying to withstand the force of the being Orpheus’s blow. He was flung out of the cave and landed face down on the ground. His sword was broken, and he felt a burning pain from the bloodied hand gripping the hilt.

“M.. Monster..” He muttered while coughing blood. Daneel was scared beyond word.

”I heard that often. Now, what should I do with you.” Orpheus declared with his hand on his chin as if he was in deep contemplation.

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