Crimson Overlord

Chapter 221 Against the Demon 2

Chapter 221 Against the Demon 2

A/N: A quick reminder.

An Origin Beast Tier 1= Origin Master Level 7-6, Tier 2=Level 5, Tier 3=Level 4, etc. We only have names for Tier 5 (Level 2) and Tier 6 (Level 1): Semi-Lord class and Lord Class. As for Tier 7 Origin beasts like Level 0, there isn't any Tier 7.


Orpheus didn't want to waste his time on those two small free, he summoned his sword and raised it before he swung it downward.


Suddenly, the surroundings turned pin-drop silent and turned blinding dark. Every source of light lost its function.

A sense of helplessness gripped everyone. It was a helplessness every blind man would know in a strange environment, but it was new to those in the mausoleum.


Space was ripped apart along with the two weird-looking origins beast's bodies, they were shredded into countless pieces before getting swallowed into the crack in the space.

Orpheus sheathed his sword and the gash in the space slowly mended itself as if nothing happened.

He continued forward and finally arrived before an abyss, even his powerful sense couldn't scan deeper into this abyss. Orpheus sauntered into the abyss when suddenly there was a wail in the chasm, a flash of lightning, and suddenly he was greeted by a mammoth entity of sickness and blood. Two bitter eyes stared at him with a debilitating severity, and another wail exploded from its oozing mouth with terrifying intensity.

Six thick horns adorn its lean head, which itself is devoid of any expression. Excited breaths escape the creature's angular nostrils set within a chunky nose.

Its lean head sits atop a thin, powerful body. Bizarre bulges crawled beneath its skin, but he could guess only guess at the origins.

The creature rushes forward, its two legs elegantly carrying its wicked body with a dreadful energy.

Still, the creature looks upon Orpheus, and a horrible grimace appears on its face.

Orpheus scrutinized the beast who came to the abyss and estimated its strength, which should be closer to Level 4 Origin master.

''Better use your strongest move right away!" He suggested and as if the denizen of the abyss could hear his words, its body started morphing and soon it had morphed into humanoid form with snake's scale all over his body, like a snake man.

The transformed demon's strength increased as well, it was now equal to the Level 4 Origin master.

''Not bad!" Orpheus chuckled before vanishing and the next moment he was already before the demon throwing a fist. His punch seemed as big as a mountain, but the demon could not dodge in time and his body was sent flying far in the distance.

BOOM! Bang! Bang!

Finally, the demon managed to stop his fall and stood up but his snake-like face was an absolute mess. Blood was leaking out from the shards that had penetrated his flesh. His regenerative ability took effect and his wounds healed in no time.

''Despicable human!" He roared full of rage.

Orpheus didn't respond. He turned into a series of afterimages, and the next moment, he appeared in front of Viper. He clenched his fist and aimed at the demon's head.

The latter quickly crossed his arms in front of his head to block the incoming attack. His scales protruded out like blades, ready to tackle the attack.

But much to his amazement, the punch never came. Sadly, this didn't give him the least bit of joy as he felt a knee ruthlessly slamming into his crotch.

Instantly, he collapsed on the floor. His yellow face turned as white as a sheet of paper and his eyes popped out. He opened his mouth to scream but no sound came out.

Earlier, he thought the attack Orpheus previously launched was deadly. After all, they had shattered many bones inside him and the pain was terrible. His enhanced healing power has made his bones recover but the pain was unbearable nevertheless.

Now, he realized the agony from bone-shattering was nothing compared to what he was feeling now. Every nerve receptor transmitted a burning tormenting sensation that swept from his crotch to the other parts of his body.

His entire body convulsed and he gasped for air. This attack was not only terrifying but it was below the belt!

Just how can the opposite party pretend to launch a fist assault and instead charge with a kick in the balls?! Such underhanded methods were not something a powerful origin master should use! Has the world changed since their last appearance?

The demon wondered but quickly shook his head, he felt like it was only this man who was so despicable.

Orpheus chuckled before launching a series of devastating attacks and the demon suffered under them.


The demon coughed up blood as he jumped to his feet. He looked at Orpheus as he tried to bid time to recover. He felt he could overpower the enemy as long as he was given enough time. The only reason the opposite party succeeded so far was due to the surprise factor.

He quickly summoned a weird humanoid origin beast.

Three tiny eyes view their surroundings from their tiny sockets. A broad nose rests below, but it's the deep mouth below that takes all the attention. A sardonic smile reveals several huge sharp teeth and a large tongue.

Tiny jagged ears sit on each side of its tiny, bony head, which itself is covered in thin hair-like tentacles and has two large tentacles protruding from the top.

Its small lean body is hunched over. Two broad fleshy arms hang at its sides and end in small hands with short fingers, of which it has 10 in total.

Its legs are muscular and stand straight, each ending in lean paws.

Its body is covered in small scales and its shoulders are narrower than its pelvis, from which a long tail sways back and forth.

This monster breathed fire, trying to buy its master as much time as possible. It strength is equal to a powerful Level 5 Origin master.

Orpheus remained silent. He was amused by the demon's action, although it was a smart decision, it would have worked if he was not the opponent.

Suddenly, he raised his right hand above his head. A spear of light was rushing at him with supersonic speed, carrying waves of destructive force.

The air split apart and the entire surrounding was engulfed by ear-piercing sound.

Just the pressure alone wiped out the flames and turned the debris into fine pieces.


The spear crashed against his palm and dissipated into dots of light. He motioned his hand like he was wiping some dust, and the light disappeared.


The demon exclaimed in horror, unable to believe his eyes.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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