Crimson Overlord

Chapter 245 Lurking in the Night

Chapter 245 Lurking in the Night

In a vacant plot near the castle, the knight squad stopped. Nemesis could finally see the whole ensemble. It wasn't just this squad, other squads were arriving in droves. It looks like they are trying to organize an army here, it was certainly impressive to see.

The Camus family didn't just recall a part of their forces, it looks like they recalled all of their outstation personnel. It seems like they are treating this haunting with a more severe undertone.

It wasn't just because the Camus officials are afraid of dying.

Their entire clan was in a precarious position.

Three days ago, Marcus was found to have been transformed into a monster. This news has since spread far and wide in the entire empire. Even citizens got wind of this, naturally, the news of their second-in-charge turning into a monster and then subsequently killed brought great shame and disgrace upon the clan. Fortunately, his affiliation with an assassin organization wasn't brought to the light if not, it would have done them greater damage. As a family that pride himself to be a good family, being associated with such organization could not be made public, it would their great image.

If Marcus's disgrace was not enough, another problem arose.

In their home turf, there was news of a man-eating demon. If they played their cards wrong, the Camus Family might become known as the clan of demons.

At that time, people wouldn't mind kicking them while they are down. This is especially so when the number 3 noble family, the Ladin family wants nothing more than to quickly increase their status to replace Camus as the new no.2 noble power.

In view of this, it seemed natural that they enhanced their defense as much as possible.

Looking at the 1000-men or so army, Nemesis scratched her cheek, as she looked at the Camus' clan's HQ.

She wondered to herself.

'Should I sneak inside?'

She did not doubt that the monster lurking in the Camus clan was linked to the black light.

The timing was too uncanny for this to be an accident. A monster pops out around the same time the black light got chased here?

There was already a precedent where Marcus turned into an abominable monster.

Empowered by the black light which came from a source on par with her.

A black wisp of light that can turn a human into a monster capable of weird and bizarre feats of power, that shouldn't be possible under normal conditions, right?

Thinking back, Marcus' transformation was most likely linked with his ascension into Level 4. If that's the case, the black light's effect isn't just simple empowerment. It can forcefully raise a host's tier, that's an OP effect.

'Since when this has become possible? Who's the one behind this?'

Nemesis ran that question through her mind for the last three days. In the end, he couldn't come up with an answer. She knew too little about the wondrous secrets of this thing. The black light that can turn someone, that certainly is suspicious and a cause of concern.

More than that, however, the reaction her bloodline had when the black light appeared.

While Nemesis was busy in her thoughts, the Camus's castle opened up as a figure emerged from within accompanied by multiple security escorts.

She grinned when she saw a familiar figure. A certain douchbag brother.

Elliot stood upon a podium, he roamed his gaze over everyone present with a tense look.

"Good, you're all here, listen well to what I am about to say..."

Elliot continued.

"In a short while, you will all receive your respective positions for the night."

"After confirming your positions, you will report there immediately and guard your posts without fail."

Elliot emitted cold lights from his eyes.

"Tonight, we will drag that monster out, this task must succeed!"

"Sir, yes sir!"

The soldiers replied. Elliot's tense look somewhat diminished as he waved his hand, ordering his guards to pass the documents and memos down.

Nemesis heard Elliot loud and clear, in a flash, she disappeared from the gathering grounds.


The night slowly enveloped the city.

After all the trouble and talks during the day, the squads were sent to their respective regions. They were anxious when night came, however, they are more curious about the monster mentioned in the rumors.

The Camus family is very strong and influential, as clan members or affiliated persons, they know full-well just what their clan was capable of.

The soldiers also know their positions in the organizational chart. They were just underlings working under the Camus family. That's part of the reason why they were sent outstation by their commanders. The people who get to stay in the Camus Family HQ are the individuals with real power.

Most of the soldiers are Level 7 in strength, and that's normally for positions like basic infantry, guards, and the likes. Level 6 would be the average power here. There are high-ranking officials with level 4 power although they are rarely seen. The Camus HQ's power is great as can be seen from the mobilization of their infantries.

Yet, no one noticed the "ghost" haunting the place. In the end, they lost 20 members to the ghost.

This started causing unease among the soldiers as well as a macabre interest in unveiling the identity of the ghost.

A crescent moon hung high up in the sky, raining down its cold light upon the land. It also gave the Camus Family HQ a silver luster that looked out of this world.

Most of the inhabitants here are still awake because they knew a major operation is in place, they were also not comfortable enough to sleep with a man-eating demon on the prowl.

The ones who were tasked with tracking down the demon were also taking their jobs seriously. They made sure to keep their eyes open so they can see the ghost when it appears.

More like, they didn't want to end up as monster food.

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