Crimson Overlord

Chapter 255 5th Reincarnation 2

Chapter 255 5th Reincarnation 2

As Freya headed towards the exit of the house, these were the fantasies that came to her.

Passing by the corridors with miserable face, she could clearly see the confused and confounded faces of the knights, slaves and even that of the earls, barons and viscounts. If they only knew what had happened and what is she going to do- escaping and planning not to return back forever- they could have ceased her and locked inside her room or even put into a dungeon. Luckily, they aren't any orders released and declared so, they just continued what they have been doing and continued to think of stupid reasons, a million of miles different compared to the real happening.

Freya reached the grand gate and saw two knights guarding the passageway. They prohibited her from moving out- their top most purpose for guarding- but Freya insisted and pulled off her hands from their strong hands.

"I am now allowed" She said as she removed her tiara crown and gave to the guards.

"To Prove, I am no longer your master's daughter. From now on, I am just Freya Lucian, or just simply Freya, going to live ordinarily".

Shocked, the two guards felt numb, as if severely paralyzed.

As soon as she saw the two guards frozen, she opened the grand gate and passed through the silver arc designed with humanoid statues- statue of the liberty and the Oblation- signifying FREEDOM. At last, she had conquered her thirst for freedom. She is now free.

As she steeped out, a big grin flashed on her face. It was her first time to feel the soft breeze of the outside world. For eighteen years, she was not allowed to go out from the palace. She was confined inside those big halls. And now is the time to bid goodbye to those vast halls or she thought "vast hell".

She continued to wander until she realized she had nowhere to go. Hence, it was better this way than to be lost inside a devil's cradle. She looked over her shoulders and saw that dreaded palace. A stupendous distance lies between them.

She remained tackling the Emperor's Drive until she saw a small town down the road. She headed towards that town with a feeling of enthusiasm. As she reached the town, she saw a small sign engraved in a cheap metal in front of her that's read as "Welcome to Pontera"

Curiosity flashed on her face as she saw peasants and vendors crowding on a town square with their mini inventories arranged in a very disarray manner inside their stalls made up of tacky woods. The same impression can be seen on their faces as they looked at her wandering.

Freya heard their mumbles and hubbubs. She realized then that she is wearing a very elegant court dress while each and every one around her is wearing his/her usual shorts and shirts and trousers and blouses. More, her light skin complexion did not match their yellowish one. Her stature too was towering over those in her gender- males were of her height. She smiled to herself and continued straying.

She looked up the sky and saw how cloudy it is. The sun seemed to be hiding on one of those clouds but, the temperature here seemed to be higher. Maybe because of the heat generated by the compression of these people, she told herself.

She remained wandering on her flat shoes- luckily she wore one. Beads of sweat poured down on her face- first time in her history. As she wiped her forehead with her hands that blocked her view, she accidentally bumped herself with a man.

"Ouch!" she grumbled.

"Oh! My apologies, my dear. I did not mean it" The man exclaimed.

Freya looked at the man and was astonished. The man seemed to be different from other town's men. He wore a golden tunic with a silver belt on his waist- showing his perfect body figure- and a black pants designed with assorted silver geometric patterns throughout that suits his long legs. He looked very much elven, an elf, without his slippers. Besides his unusual protruding ears, his face is beautiful. Perfectly human.

"Are you hurt?" the man spoke, cutting her astonishment.

"I…er… I'm fine" Freya muttered.


The man exclaimed.

"By the way, my pleasure to meet ye."

"Ruslan" He muttered lifting his pale right hand. He intended to shake hands.

Freya looked at his hands with curiosity. She hasn't had an encounter like this. She never knew that she must shake hands.

"Oh… Freya" She said and instead of shaking hands, she let her cheek touched his.

Ruslan was surprised. He did not know what she meant by that either. Then he looked at Freya, who is smiling at him, with a blush on his pale cheeks.

Freya looked at his golden eyes. She felt something indescribable. Something magical. Something mysteriously exquisite that seemed to be very fragile, very delicate that must be kept with prior significance.

Love at first sight.

For over eighteen years, this is the very first time she fell in love. Her heart beats faster as she remained her gazed locked in his eyes.

As for Ruslan, she is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Her beauty is that of Venus, though he had not yet had a glimpse of Venus. She is unique.

"You alright… my dear?" Ruslan asked softly.

"Ah… er… Absolutely" Freya said gently removing her gaze.

"Ah, okay. You seemed to be different compared to anyone in here. Where did you come from?" he asked. Not curious.

"Where… did… I… come… from?" Freya repeated with short pauses in between each words.

Ruslan nodded.

"I…umm…just there…somewhere there. I am not really sure."

"Oh, too bad. You seemed lost. Can I help you?" Ruslan asked. Now, concerned.

"Of course. That's great!" Freya exclaimed.

"So, how?"

"Er…" Freya said as she looked at the cemented floor. "Honestly, I… have nowhere to go. I stowed away."

"But, why?"

"It's a very long story. I doubt if you can catch up with it."

"Alright. Then-"

"HEY SCAMPS, MOVE OUT!" someone shouted and a loud horn followed. They have been blocking the way since they started the conversation. The small truck loaded with vegetables can't go on. Another loud horn followed.

"My apologies sire," Ruslan said in a gentle, sorry manner. Then he held Freya's wrist and moved off the road as the truck passed by.

"So, where are we?" Freya asked shaking her hands off Ruslan. Blushing again.

"Oh, I would like to ask if you would like to… umm… stay in my house until things go better."

"I mean… until you have resolved your problem and ready to go back home" Ruslan added.

"For Free?" Freya asked.

"For a fair lady like you, Absolutely!"

"Oh… then…Thank You. But…"

"Worry not my dear, I will not harm you."

"That's… That's not it…"

They paused for a few seconds and looked at each other.

Freya's hesitation was merely due to her feeling. She was afraid that this feeling- if already is Love- would go deeper. And, she could not forget herself being curse by her own father. If things went the way she thought they would, she'll surely die.

But at this point, she is presented with another problem, wherein the solution is, at the same time, presented. She have nowhere to go and Ruslan has been offering a place for her to go.

"Alright then. I accept your offer. I owe you one." Freya said with a smile. As for her, only a little self-control would make things better.

"Excellent" Ruslan muttered

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