Crimson Overlord

Chapter 66

The following morning the students of S class woke up feeling refreshed, but soon they remembered today’s schedule color drained from their faces.

While others were preparing themselves mentally in the twin goddesses’ tents, Lily was about to put away their tent before joining others with her sister.

”She is the devil, she is the devil, I tell you,” Lily mumbled with a pale face.

Even the intense training she and her sister had to undergo wasn’t this scary. She had goosebumps just by remembering the basic training. It was true that they felt the change after those three days of basic training, but the hellish training they went through wasn’t something one should be able to forget easily.

Lily even wondered if other classes were undergoing the same training as them but soon shook her head, thinking it was unlikely because every teacher had their own teaching. Their teacher was probably the scariest one.

”No wonder she is called the Crazy demon. Ella, what do you think today’s training will be?” Lily asked her other half, but she didn’t respond.

Confused, Lily touched her sister’s shoulder; however, still no response; the latter eyes were focused in another direction. Following this direction, Lily was able to see what her sister was looking at.

”Again?” Lily mumbled, exhausted; this was not the first she had caught her sister looking at that annoying man. It had become a daily basis.

”What is so good about him?” Lily asked, frustrated, making Ella come to her sense.

”He is different. Something inside him seemed broken; it was not healing properly.” Ella explained what she saw while observing Orpheus a few minutes ago.

”What? I thought I forbad you for using your special eyes.” Lily’s face changed, and she grabbed Ella’s shoulders.

”It hurts. You should stop before I get angry.” Ella reminded her sister, who immediately lessened her grip.

”Sorry, but I thought we decided that you won’t use that ability, not until you can perfectly control it and will not suffer any side effects.”

Lily tried to remind her sister about the side effects that ensued every time she used that ability.

”I know, but you don’t have to worry. My Saint’s eyes activated on their own to look into that man’s body; everything happened too fast; it didn’t last even one second; all I saw was a huge crack slowly healing and terrible darkness. Then my eyes were forcibly shut down, strangely there weren’t any side effects.”

”What?” Lily was shocked when she heard her sister’s explanation. This is weird; it was the first time it had happened, and this man was indeed different from others. To think her sister’s unique eyes would activate independently and without side effects, was surprising.

This ability manifested a few months ago, and whenever Ella used this ability, she could see through the essence of things. The two called this ability the Saint’s eyes. Ella’s eyes would turn golden when she used that ability; however, the side effects were severe; it might cause headaches for hours or bleeding. She would become unable to use origin after using the Saint’s eyes temporarily.

While Lily believed that these eyes were a wonderful thing if her sister could perfectly control them. For example, there was that time when Ella killed a Tier 2 beast in a single strike; she had unconsciously used the Saint’s eyes to be able to do that; she later told Lily that when she used the Saint’s eyes, she saw a red line and following this line she was able to instakill the origin beast by cutting this line until the end.

”I understand, and I’m happy, but you should stop until we find out he really is,” Lily warned her sister, who nodded and added.

”Don’t worry, I’ll find out when I go on a date with him, but I’m sure you can tell he means no harm.”

Lily didn’t comment and headed to where the students were gathered. Ella followed after Lily looking in Orpheus’s direction. Unfortunately, he had disappeared.

‘He’s probably already with other students. Ella gets yourself together; why are you so obsessed with that man? Ah! It must be because he knows something about us.’ Ella thought while trying to catch up to her sister, who had gone far ahead.

Meanwhile, Orpheus was already where the other students gathered. Xiaosu, who spotted him, waved at him, but he ignored him and continued thinking about what happened with Ella a few minutes ago.

‘To think she would be able to use the Eyes of Truth without her memories back. It seems that her awakening, no, their awakening is not far. I would have never expected that that spell could split her original soul into two parts. I know it was a forbidden spell, but still, this is ridiculous. I wonder what really happened.’

”Hey! Man, what are you thinking so hard about?” Xiaosu approached Orpheus and gave him a light slap on the shoulder, breaking him from his formulating thoughts.

“Are you-” Xiaosu, who was about to say something, couldn’t finish his sentence when Orpheus glared at him, angry that he disturbed him when he was busy thinking.

It was the first time Xiaosu felt so insignificant before someone; he saw his death in the split-second Orpheus’s eyes landed on him. In those eyes, he saw how insignificant he was, he could easily kill him, and he wouldn’t even care about the consequences.

Xiaosu’s heartbeat increased, and he started sweating.


Quinn Evelyn Asmodeus, their teacher who had just arrived, felt something and looked in their direction, but what she felt was long gone.

‘I thought I felt an intent just now, a pretty powerful intent. However, when I checked, I saw nothing; maybe it was my imagination.’ Quinn mumbled before finally concluding she was being oversensitive because of a certain bastard breaking her plan to have fun.

”Ah! Let’s focus on the real lesson and stop being petty.” She decided to begin the second lesson today instead of making them continue with the basic training.

While she was organizing her thoughts Orpheus who came back to his sense, knew he had overreacted; he immediately calmed down. Fortunately, he had canceled his intent before Quinn detected him; however, Xiaosu was still under the shock of his powerful intent. Even if what he felt was a fragment of his intent, it was not something someone who had not achieved the rank of gaining an intent could endure.

”Ouch!” Xiaosu regained his sense after receiving a powerful slap from Orpheus.

”Do you know it hurts? I’m sure I haven’t slapped you that strongly. You are too petty.”

Hearing Xiaosu complains, Orpheus chuckled and pointed ahead.

”What? Do you think I’ll fall such obvious trick and-”

He stopped mid-sentence when he noticed everyone glared at him and their teacher heading this way.

”Eh! Teacher, please continue; there is no need to come this way. I will shut up from now on.” Xiaosu declared with her hand raised; he felt like since he knew Orpheus, he changed, not for good; he became talkative.

‘I guess I must control myself a bit.’ Xiaosu thought. He heaved a sigh of relief, seeing Quinn stopping and returning to where she was.

After clearing her throat, she began today’s lesson.

”Today, we will be doing another exercise instead of the basic training.”


The students celebrated hearing that they wouldn’t have to continue today’s hellish training.

”Silence, please,” Quinn shouted while amplifying her voice using origin.

They felt like their ears would burst; they were forced to stop shouting and focus on her.

”Good, that’s more like. Like I said today, we will do a different exercise, but first, for those who already have a spirit perception, please step ahead. By the way, spirit perception is the ability to perceive your enemy without seeing them. I’m sure you all have heard about it.”

All the students nodded their heads, every one of them had heard about spirit perception even once; while not all of them had this ability, there was no doubt that they all knew about it.

”Good, step forward those that have spirit perception.”

At Quinn’s command, more than half of the class stepped forward. Seeing this, Quinn was amazed.

”Not bad, you’re more than expected.” She said before looking at the remaining who had yet to acquire a spirit perception.

”As for the remaining, you do a simple exercise; you will use these special bandanas to block your eyes before fighting against your classmate until you feel a change.” She instructed before distributing black bandages to twelves students.

They immediately began fighting against each other blindfolded. This exercise may be simple, but it was designed to draw their innate ability to detect other through another means, the spirit perception. This training would help them acquire the spirit perception. Well, this was the first part. Before they finish, she would instruct others about the other lesson she had planned for today.

”For you who already have a spirit perception. I will now talk about Intent.”

Lily and the students who already had spirit perception grinned; they had been waiting for this.

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