Crimson Overlord

Chapter 95

After their intense session, Nemesis, who was beyond satisfied, was using Orpheus’s chest as a pillow; even though she could not feel his beating heart, even though she could only feel cold coming from his chest, she was still happy because she loved him more than anything and to let him know this she declared.

”If I ever give up on your love then I have slain myself, for it is your heart that pumps blood in my veins. If I ever grow cold, find me because then I am truly lost. If I ever recoil at your touch, I have harmed my soul and need your forgiveness. With your love around me, I will always find my way home, for when fear sets my compass spinning, it matters not which direction I take, only that I keep on walking.”

Orpheus stayed silent as if digesting the words said by his woman before finally saying.

”Okay, I understand. Now it’s my turn. I promise to learn more about you, to fall in love with you, to give you what you truly desire even when knowing you will not be alone. While I may not be able to love you all equally, always remember this, I will do anything and everything to protect you because you’re all precious to me.” Orpheus declared before kissing Nemesis on the forehead.

Accepting Nemesis seemed to have changed something inside him; he was more emotional than in the past two thousand years.

Nemesis smiled, extremely happy; suddenly, she remembered something, and she asked.

”Orpheus, did you know why the teachers postponed the mock battles?”

Orpheus, who was leaving to take a bath, stopped and answered.

”Yes! It’s because a new ruin appeared, a higher-level one. The schools dispatched many teachers to explore this ruin; well explore the first levels to map it.”

”I see. No wonder, Ruins are such mysterious things. Most people think that Ruins are the creator gods doing, but I don’t share the same thought as them. What do you say?”

Orpheus shrugged his shoulders, not saying anything, and went to the bathroom.

Left alone, Nemesis pouted, she thought she could keep him busy so he would not leave to play with another woman, but in the end, she could not do that. She could only sigh and sleep. She felt pity for Leon and her mother; they made an enemy of the only person they shouldn’t have. If they knew who really was, they would die from fear. Orpheus Kyle Nero Blake, the original vampire, many had forgotten his name, but soon they would remember again.


Going back a little in time. Empress Lillia’s room.

“Dammit, dammit!!!”

“That whore, dammit, curse you.”


In the empress’s room, several vases were thrown to the ground in succession.

Not content with that, Empress Lillia grabbed everything she could find and threw it to the ground furiously.

Jewels, expensive tableware, sets of tea, even clothes.

Even the expensive mirror offered to her as a betrothal gift by Leonardo; the empress had broken it in her fit of rage.


Empress Lillia even tore apart several expensive paintings; most of them had Her and Emperor drawn on them. This seems like a painting of their younger days when everything was going perfectly between them. However, now it’s a different story.

“E-Empress Lillia, calm down.” A maid hurriedly tried to stop Lillia, but Lillia became more hysterical; she looked angrier. She roared:

“Shut up! You bitch. Who authorized you to speak?”


The maid was slapped hard, and the strength of the slap threw the maid to the ground. Her level wasn’t strong, to begin with. The slapped cheek was swollen. However, the maid didn’t dare to lift her head, fearing being beaten; in the worst case, she may die, so, she lowered her head, deciding to suffer her mistress’s anger in silence.

Nonetheless, that slap seemed to have calmed the empress’s emotions.

Empress Lillia put a hand on her forehead, before walking toward her bed and sitting down. She then crossed her legs while ordering the maid.

“Quickly get up and clean the room.”

“Certainly, my lady,” The maid replied before starting to work.

Suddenly, the door of the room was opened by another woman dressed just like the maid cleaning. It was another maid.

“My lady, I’m back.” She said.

“Oh! Nia, What happened?” Lillia asked in an obvious bad mood.

Noticing her mistress’s bad mood, the Nia quickly said. She started talking about the information she had brought.

“From the information I’ve managed to collect, His majesty emperor is happy because the unborn child gender is said to be a boy without a doubt.”


The empress hit a table nearby, and her Peak Level 4 strength crushed it into smithereens.

“Dammit.! It’s that whore again. She is planning to steal Leon’s future. Curse you, you damn whore” Empress Lillia shouted.

“I’ll kill him, immediately. Like this, he will not threaten my son’s future”

“Calm down, my lady. You must carefully consider what you must or must not do before acting.” Nia, the new maid that had just entered, advised.

Empress Lillia calmed down a little while nodding her head. What her servant has said is right. She needs to calm down and carefully plan her next actions.

“My lady, you need to calm down for now. You need to return to normal before acting. Why not go visit that place you had often visited in the past?” Nia suggested.

“Oh? You’re right. I need to calm down; besides, nobody cares if I’m here or not. I’m sure they won’t probably notice if I slept outside. I must calm down and plan my future actions; everything is for my dearest son, Leon. Don’t worry, son; I’ll take care of them. Even that Kyle.” Empress Lillia muttered with a vicious smile.

While she was busy planning things in her head, Empress Lillia did not notice that her second maid had a mysterious smile on her face; neither did the first maid notice this little abnormality. How could she? She was busy cleaning.

Two hours later, they sneaked out of the Golden palace and went to the Commercial Area where that mysterious establishment was located. Naturally, they disguised themselves, especially Empress Lillia.

Soon, they faced a two-story building, considering the height of the buildings around this should have been strange; however, nobody bothered about it because this mysterious establishment was a high-class bar; who created it, nobody knows. Here your identity is kept secret; every big shot patronizes this hidden and mysterious establishment. Naturally, their identities were kept secret.

The two entered the establishment.

Fifteen minutes later, a figure dressed in black also entered the establishment.


The insides of the establishment were very comfortable. Dim lights brightened it, and several musicians were playing soft music. You could even see women dancing.

The chairs and tableware were of high quality, and the colors of the walls and ground were warm and calming. Beautiful paintings were hung on the wall; even the painting depicted the whole capital. A masterpiece.

Empress Lillia’s second maid excused herself after they entered. As for the Empress, she muttered, “It has been a while since I came here.”

She chose a seat next to the counter and ordered. “Give me your strongest whisky.”

The bartender does as he is told. The next instant, though, Lillia grabbed the cup and downed it in one go.

“Another, please”

She drowned another five cups in a flash.

“Another one.”

“.Madam, are you sure it is alright? That was your seventh cup, you know,” the bartender asked out of concern for his customer.

“Shut up and serve me my drinks, do your job. Don’t concern yourself with me,” Empress Lillia roared.

“As you wish, madam.”

Empress Lillia drowned cup after cup for half an hour. Even though she was not drunk because of her cultivation, she started to feel tipsy.

When she wanted to drink another cup, her maid stopped saying it was enough; however she refused, she even ordered her maid to leave her alone, to have fun on her own.

Seeing that, the maid hesitated for a while before finally leaving the counter.

However, not much time after the maid left, someone else sat down beside Lillia.

It was a handsome young man with dark hair and blue eyes. The young man asked for a cup of wine from the bartender and looked at Lillia with a smile.

“Madam, you look in a bad mood.”

“Please go away; I want to be alone.”

The young man was stunned; still, he smiled before saying:

“You want to be alone, you say? That won’t do. In my experience, talking to someone is good in your situation. My name is Stefan; If you want, I don’t mind listening to your story for a while.”

“And what made you think I’ll talk?” Empress Lillia asked in a bad mood.

“You will, simply because I’m patient, and the most important reason is that I’m a good listener,” the black-haired man shamelessly boasted.

The disguised Empress Lillia was astonished.

‘I met a shameless one. Still, why not play around as I’ve nothing to lose.’ Lillie thought.

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