Cthulhu Gonfalon

Chapter 30

Chapter 30: Chapter 30

Translator: Nyoi_Bo_Studio Editor: Nyoi_Bo_Studio

Sitting in a safe place and looking at the despicable villain who plotted against them running about for hideous things was indeed a very novel experience.

However, neither Gerrard nor Palin was a good and qualified spectator.

Gerrard became sleepy after having kept watching it for a moment. For this big man, it was indeed uncomfortable to bend over in the cave. Not long after he sat on the ground he again began to doze off.

But Palin was intently watching it with great interest. However, his face quickly turned pale, the vitality of his body also dimmed, making him seem like he was dying.

“No soul is really troublesome!” Sui Xiong whispered secretly. He used some magic to add to his vitality.

Time passed slowly and the screen reflected Ryan’s every move. Things that he thought were secret were clearly seen by Palin.

He turned out to be the president of the Association of Thieves of Pyroxene town. The reason why he disguised himself as a desolate old thief was to implicitly plot against Gerrard. This was not for seizing the sacred object where God’s will resided, but simply for pleasing the gods of his faith.

He did not believe in the God of Thieves, but the God of Conspiracy. This god was keen on making believers use plots and framing extensively. He despised pure violence and proper communication. Only by ghostly means, such as intrigues and deception, could he be pleased.

Although the president only ruled the Association of Thieves in Pyroxene town, which was trivial for the entire world, obtaining such power and status had been the result of decades of hard work and use of power and wisdom through countless conspiracies and bloodshed.

Throughout his life, he used conspiracies more than bloodshed, so he liked using conspiracies indeed. This made him a loyal follower of the God of Conspiracy, and he also defamed the God of Thieves’ glory more than once because of his faith.

All this had been rewarded, he had been commended more than once by the deity so that he had obtained strength and position above his talent, which firmly restricted his vice president who far exceeded him in terms of talent.

But everything was of little significance to him.

A few days ago, after using a trick once, he annihilated a gang of bandits who had been reluctant to sell cheap booty to the Association of Thieves. Afterwards, when Ryan drank to celebrate it, he saw a dying old man from the reflection of the glass.

At that moment, he suddenly realized that his life was about to end.

When he realized this, things like power, status, and money...all were overshadowed. All his thoughts had been occupied by one thing.

He wanted to go to the Holy Kingdom of His Majesty God of Conspiracy and never to the netherworld!

Considering his conducts, it was likely that he would fall directly to purgatory if he went to the netherworld, where he would experience all the numerous tortures once, twice or three times amid the devils who were waiting for villains to be punished. Anyway, the devils would certainly not let him feel good. If his soul could still survive after the end of his torture, then he would be crushed and slung to the bottom of the Stygian River, where he would be recombined with other particles of soul and formed into new souls with no chance of independent reincarnation...

This result was what he absolutely did not want!

So he hurried to pray to the God of Conspiracy for the eligibility to go to the Holy Kingdom after death. But the God of Conspiracy did not give him permission directly but asked him to do something that could please himself for the privilege of going to the Holy Kingdom.

After careful consideration, Ryan decided to use a plot to kill the ghost with the holy object which he felt was sure enough to please the God of Conspiracy. To this end he had others do him a favor. He had others falsify some information inside the Association of Adventurers and also found a large number of unknown people to pose as adventurers there.

He prepared very carefully and in the process of getting trust by fraud, all the relevant staff did not even lie.

He had indeed been an adventurer and quitted it about twenty years ago. He did have a son who loved to gamble, he even asked his son to lose a fortune in a casino which detained him and required a ransom to redeem him. And he really could not get that much money, because he had temporarily transferred his capital to others.

Everything was done to fool the god who could detect lies.

In the end, he succeeded.

After getting trust by fraud, the rest of the things were simple. Playing some tricks in the treasure cave was easy because he had done this kind of thing more than once when he was an adventurer.

Things went on even more smoothly than he expected. It turned out that “Bloody Hand” Ruhr’s treasure cave used the magic formation of transmission for people to enter and exit. He didn’t know where the orc robber found this cave, perhaps it was the legacy of a great sorcerer.

With the help of this cave and a scroll of the death cloud that couldn’t be unlocked in a closed environment, he successfully completed a trap where anyone would definitely be killed. In order to ensure the effect, even after he was transferred and left, he also destroyed the magic formation of transmission for entering the treasure cave.

Even if that giant could resist the scary noxious gas, he could not leave the cave and would have to stay there. He would starve to death because he had no magic formation of transmission.

Ryan’s plan was so perfect from design to implementation, it did not make the slightest mistake.

So when he returned to the Pyroxene town at night, he was very happy. He even thought that the Holy Kingdom of the God of Conspiracy had an open door for him. A world that would make him a decent person would be just in front of him. A gloomy and quiet world with only night and no day, where only the moon and stars shone while believers schemed against each other all day and even put trivial things into various forms.

So he did not have time to send someone to redeem his son seized in the casino, but impatiently came to his chamber of prayers and began praying to the God he believed in.

His secret chamber was small and completely enclosed. All walls were black, while only its roof was inlaid with a few glittering fragments of magic stone lighting just like stars. But the stars were separated in two sides, with a crimson crescent moon in the middle, the holy symbol of the God of Conspiracy.

Special made grey-green candles were erected in the four corners of the secret chamber. Ryan lit them one by one, making a grey-green smoke soon flow in the room accompanied by a fantastic smell with a strange fragrance. The smoke was slightly blown by a soft breeze coming from the vent that lied below and flew to the overhead crescent moon, forming a reverse whirlpool shape.

Ryan knelt in the middle of the whirlpool, facing the small altar made from the skull of the former president of the Association of Thieves he had murdered, with a look of anticipation and joy on his face. He then began to pray.

“Master who dominates the shadows, a darkened moon that rises into the sky, the mentor of fraud and betrayal, the mastermind behind the rise and fall. Your humble servant prays to you here. The servant has completed the task you have delivered to him, for he deceived the enemies with a lie and put them to death. May this little sacrifice please you and honor the servant by taking him to your country after death and making him continue to serve you.”

As he prayed, the pale-colored skull altar was suffused with a demon-black light. It was dark and thick, like some mucus slowly spread inside the chamber. After a while, the entire chamber seemed to be soaked in a black liquid.

In this rippling black light, Ryan’s prayers seemed low and vague. It was mixed with the echoes reflected by the walls, causing a disturbing rhythm.

Through the eyes of the soul, Sui Xiong saw a black beam of light emerging from somewhere in the sky and slowly falling toward the secret chamber.

Sui Xiong, waiting for a long time in the sky, sneered and fully expanded his huge and transparent body that could change its color. It changed into the night and stars so that even the acutest human on the ground could not see the slightest difference. His tentacles form a lot of magic formations covering the entire Pyroxene town, even a mosquito could not come in.

However, he deliberately left a crack on the magic formation, so that the black light beam could continue to fall. That said, there were a few thick tentacles around the beam, ready to launch an attack.

“Are you God of Conspiracy? How dare your believer deceive me and plot against me? Let’s settle all accounts with you!”

The huge floating jellyfish, waving its tentacles, sneered toward the place where the black lights were cast. It waited in silence like a hunter ambushing his prey.

Inside the secret chamber, Ryan had prayed piously for some time, but no one knew why the God of Conspiracy did not respond to his prayers.

He kept praying, but his heart had been full of panic.

God’s response to the believers’ prayer was the instinct of nature. If he did not respond, it must be that the link between him and the believers’ faith was interrupted. The reason for this might be that either the belief link was blocked or the god was in weakness. The most common reason was that the believer was abandoned by him!

Was he abandoned by His Majesty the God of Conspiracy?

How could this be possible! He just deceived a god by using a conspiracy! Was this not a doctrinal act? Why did this not please the god, but instead made him be given up on by the god?!

In the secret chamber, the president of the Association of Thieves of Pyroxene town was plunged into chaos.

He was nervous and violent, with countless thoughts flowing like headless flies in his mind and countless horrible imaginations emerged one by one. He thought he was done for. Maybe he would fall into hell in a second, perhaps there was already a brutal judge waving a burning iron fork, considering which body part was more suitable to stab him with the fork.

Had he really wronged the God of Conspiracy?

In fact, his deeds greatly pleased the God of Conspiracy, so much so that the god wanted to send an angel to meet him in his Holy Kingdom.

However, neither the link of faith of the God of Conspiracy nor the messenger he sent was successful.

Two or three hundred meters above the ground of Pyroxene town, a huge floating jellyfish completely unfolded its body and built a huge magic formation, completely cutting off the connection between the God of Conspiracy and his loyal follower.

Above it, a pair of mighty tentacles firmly hauled a strange creature with four faces and six arms that was enveloped with chaotic black winds. The holy envoy of the God of Conspiracy, a strange creature known as “Four-faced Monster”.

The “Four-faced Monster” was a kind of very powerful creature, with its black wind as the embodiment of the power of illusion. As long as an ordinary person even saw it, he or she often would fall into an illusion. Such monsters were created by the God of Conspiracy exclusively for the purpose of passing on his orders. Whenever they appeared in the world of humanity, they would make kind people nervous and cheer up the villains who loved conspiracies.

But this time, the “Four-faced Monster” who went to the earth under the command of the God of Conspiracy was stopped en route. A jellyfish, completely ignoring its magic power and horrible illusions, wrapped it with tentacles. The jellyfish ignored the spells that it constantly cast and the anger of the god behind it, and tried to swallow it.

“Everything that has a beginning has an end. I’ll first eat your envoy before I tackle you!”

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