Cultivation Pet Shop

133 Chapter 133

The Alchemy Master's face turned ugly at this, but there was still the look of fear in his eyes from that unknown attack. It was a power that he had never seen before.

Humans couldn't help fearing the unknown and in front of this overwhelming unknown power that he couldn't match at all, of course there was a primal fear that came from the bottom of his heart.

The Alchemy Master didn't give up as he said, "You will regret this decision, it's easier to give her up than to protect her."

Lin Fan narrowed his eyes as he looked at him and said, "Was it not enough being beaten, do you not want to leave this place?"

The Alchemy Master flinched because he didn't know what would happen to him, so he quickly gathered his group and left, but he didn't forget to throw behind him, "You'll regret this."

Lin Fan just shook his head before turning back to Song Shu who was still terrified.

She eventually came back to her senses and looked at Lin Fan with a worried look as she said, "Boss, maybe it would have been better to hand me over. Those people looked quite important."

Lin Fan just patted her on the head and said, "It's fine, you just worry about your work. As long as you're an employee here, no one will touch a hair on your head."

Elder Hua also quickly came over and took Song Shu by the shoulders, looking right at her face for a while before grabbing her in a hug, "Young miss, I'm truly sorry about what happened. It was all my fault."

Elder Gu also came over and stood on the side, but there was a worried look on his face as he looked at Song Shu.

However, Song Shu had a confused look on her face while being hugged by Elder Hua. Only after a while did she say in a hesitant voice, "I'm sorry, do we know each other? I think you're mistaken, I'm not this young miss that you're talking about."

Elder Hua pulled back immediately and looked at her in shock before saying, "I would never make a mistake, you are clearly young miss Jun. Your father Jun Ting was the most honourable man that I've ever known, he was the person I respected the most in my life. His last orders to me were to protect you, but I'm ashamed to admit that I failed this mission until now."

Elder Gu also echoed, "We truly are sorry young miss, it was all our fault that day. We only looked away for a second..."

But before he could finish, Song Shu suddenly grabbed her head as she cried out in pain.

Earlier when Elder Hua had mentioned the name of the previous Alchemy Master, she had narrowed her eyes and after a bit, there was a piercing pain that filled her head, one that she couldn't take at all.

Elder Hua and Elder Gu were both shocked to see this, even Lin Fan was shocked by this sudden outburst.

But before any of them could do anything to help, Song Shu suddenly stopped and she fell down like a puppet whose strings were cut. It was a good thing that Elder Hua was still holding her, otherwise she would have hurt herself falling to the ground.

Elder Hua and Elder Gu gathered around her, looking her over in a worried manner. As for Lin Fan, he just watched on the side with slightly knit brows.

Eventually, Lin Fan said, "Bring her over here, we'll lie her out on the counter, there's enough space for her here."

Elder Hua carefully brought Song Shu over to the counter and put her atop it. During this, Lin Fan had Angela come over to take a look at Song Shu.

Angela moved her hand from head to toe over Song Shu, using her mental energy to scan her.

After she was done, she turned to the rest and said, "It doesn't seem like anything physical. Other than suffering from malnourishment a bit, there isn't anything wrong with her body. This condition that she's suffering from is most likely mental, such as a past trauma. She suddenly broke down after hearing about her past, so it must be related to that."

At this, Elder Hua and Elder Gu revealed depressed looks.

If they hadn't failed in their missions back then, the young miss wouldn't have had to suffer this much.

Then Angela said, "It also seems like her memories are sealed based on what I've seen. The way she talks is completely shaped by her time on the streets, but there's also a few formal words that should have come from her teachings when she was younger."

Elder Hua and Elder Gu's faces fell even further when they heard this.

After some deliberation, Elder Hua turned to Lin Fan and said, "Owner Lin, this place isn't safe for the young miss. We need to find another place for her before they come back again."

Lin Fan just shook his head and said, "As long as she is my store, there is no safer place for her on this planet."

Elder Hua knit her brows and argued, "They didn't succeed today and with how you hurt them, they are justified to call an envoy, which they most likely have already done. The envoy will be here in just a few days and when that time comes, no one will be able to stop them. This is an expert from the upper realm, he surpasses the limits of this lower realm."

Lin Fan still insisted, "I can tell you now that if he really does come, there is no safer place on this planet for her than right here. There will be no one else willing to help her and you definitely won't be able to hide from them. As long as she remains here as my employee, no one will be able to touch a single hair on her head."

Elder Hua wanted to say something else, but she realized that Lin Fan was right. From what she had seen today, Lin Fan was also supported by an upper realm faction and it seemed like they valued this store quite a bit to send an expert to guard it.

She had no idea how strong this expert was, but with the power he demonstrated, it was clear that he also surpassed the limit of this realm.

Moreover, he showed that he was willing to protect the employees of the store, so that meant Song Shu would be under his protection as long as she was at this shop.

But still, she couldn't help feeling worried since this was an unknown faction, it was hard to predict their actions.

Then again, after being with Lin Fan for some time, she felt that she could trust him since he had kept all his promises.

So in the end, she said, "Owner Lin, I'll leave the young miss to you then. I hope that you can keep your promise."

Lin Fan just nodded and said again, "Only in this shop will she be safe." Then after thinking for a bit, he added, "Also, don't call her young miss. We need to slowly let her recover her memories, so forcing it will damage her mind instead of helping her. We'll slowly let her remember what happened in the past."

Elder Hua nodded at this and said, "You're right, I was too excited just now."

Then they just waited for Song Shu to wake up.

After half an hour, she slowly opened her eyes to find everyone gathered around her.

Song Shu slowly sat up and asked, "What's going on? Why am I sleeping at the store?"

Lin Fan looked at everyone before saying, "Do you not remember what happened just now?"

Song Shu knit her brows before she suddenly said, "What happened to the bad guys just now? Why are they suddenly gone?"

Lin Fan knit his brows too when he heard this, but he still said, "What else do you remember?"

Song Shu tried to think, but then she knit her brows and started clutching her head.

Lin Fan quickly said, "Alright, alright, calm down. You don't need to think about it."

Only then did Song Shu calm down, but she was still confused why her head had suddenly started hurting.

Lin Fan had the rest of them come to the side before saying, "It seems like her mind is blocking out everything that has to do with her past. Let's just slowly work on this and not force her."

Everyone nodded before turning back to Song Shu who was looking at them with a curious gaze.

Then before anyone else could say a thing, Angela came forward to take her in her arms and she said, "It's fine now, no one can hurt you."

Song Shu was even more confused, but for some reason, this hug felt very nice and she couldn't resist it as tears came out of her eyes.

No one said anything when they saw this, they just silently watched as Song Shu let her tears out.

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