Cultivation Pet Shop

23 Chapter 23

There was only silence in the air, everyone just watched on as Lord Yu's head dropped to the ground and rolled a few times before stopping at Lin Fan's feet.

All Lin Fan did was swing his hand, throwing off the blood that was on it.

Then when his pets came over to be praised, it was like he was a completely different person compared to before as he warmly patted them on the head.

Ao Jian's legs turned completely soft and the only thing he could do was fall flat on his butt as his legs gave out from under him.

Lin Fan just completely ignored him as he moved over to the corpses of the Gold Realm beasts. These were beasts in the Gold Realm, these were all high grade items that could be exchanged for points.

He just went up and put all the corpses into the storage of his watch before moving back to Lord Yu's corpse.

Compared to the other Gold Realm beasts, this Lord Yu was a mutated beast, so he clearly had a higher position.

As Lin Fan searched through Lord Yu's corpse, he finally came upon what he was looking for.

As the technology for humans progressed, there were innovations in storage technology, which led to storages being integrated into the watches that everyone wore. There was a certain amount of storage in the watch at first, but that could be expanded with further payments.

But the Beast Clan wasn't as advanced when it came to technology, therefore they still used antique storage methods like spatial rings, which is what this Lord Yu had.

Lin Fan sent his spiritual sense into the ring and seeing the few items inside, he couldn't help feeling disappointed.

This Lord Yu was a mutated beast, so he should be someone who received focus training within the Beast Clan, but why was he so poor?

After taking care of that, Lin Fan moved over to Ao Juan who was trembling on the ground.

His eyes were cold when he moved towards him, but surprisingly, the one who stopped him was Boss Gao.

Boss Gao grabbed him by the shoulder and said, "Brother Lin, even if he has betrayed humanity, we should bring him back as evidence."

Lin Fan just coldly looked at him for a while before his eyes relaxed, "Alright, but I still advise ending things as soon as possible."

Boss Gao let out a sigh of relief since he was also a bit scared of Lin Fan, after all he was someone who had fought against a Gold Realm mutated beast alone!

Boss Gao came over to Ao Jian and seeing the sorry state he was in, he could only shake his head, "It didn't have to be this way."

Ao Jian just had his head in his hands and didn't answer at all.

Boss Gao tied up Ao Jian and put him in their car, he clearly wasn't in any condition to run away, so he didn't have to worry about that.

After taking care of this, Boss Gao came over to Lin Fan's side and said, "Brother Lin, we should head back and report this."

But Lin Fan shook his head and said, "Before we go, let's try to find the survivors. There were tracks, so there might still be survivors."

Boss Gao didn't agree with him, "Brother Lin, there were ten Gold Realm beasts. The seekers that went missing before were all in the Iron and Bronze Realm, there is no way that they would have survived. As for the tracks from earlier, they must have been tracks left by members of the Ao Family."

Lin Fan continued shaking his head, "No, call it a gut intuition, I think they are still alive."

Seeing that Lin Fan was insistent, Boss Gao had no choice but to agree to his request, "Alright, we'll look around a bit, but I doubt we'll find anything."

Once they decided their next move, they headed off in the direction that the tracks went and they went through the forest until they reached this grotto on the other side.

This was a grotto with a waterfall crashing down in the middle, creating mist that sprayed through the air.

The tracks led them to the edge of the pool in the center of the grotto, but they seemed to lead straight into the water. On the side, there were several beast tracks that were scattered around.

Boss Gao came forward to look it over and said, "Brother Lin, see? There's beast tracks scattered all over, which must mean that they were attacked."

Lin Fan just ignored him and released his spiritual sense, spreading across the area and into the pool.

As his spiritual sense spread, he couldn't find anything strange, but then he found that he actually couldn't reach the bottom of the pool.

Lin Fan gathered his spiritual sense and pushed it all down the pool, trying to reach the bottom.

Once his spiritual sense hit the bottom of the pool, it spread across the bottom, but it only hit the wall on a single side.

On the other side of the pool, there was an underwater cave that led to an unknown place.

After retracting his spiritual sense, Lin Fan said to the others, "There's a cave under the water leading somewhere, they might have gone in to hide."

Boss Gao was surprised, "Underwater cave? How did you find it?"

Lin Fan just casually said, "Spiritual sense."

Boss Gao released his spiritual sense, but he couldn't reach the bottom of the pool at all. Once he retracted it, he looked at Lin Fan like he was looking at a monster. Not only was Lin Fan's body strong, even his spiritual sense was powerful.

Since they had a lead, everyone gathered their life energy around them and dove into the pool.

They quickly reached the bottom and found the cave, swimming through it for a while before reaching the end.

When they surfaced, they had appeared in a large cave that was completely dark.

Boss Gao lifted his hand to release a ball of life energy that instantly lit up the room.

The moment the room was lit up, what they saw were cages with people lining the walls of the room.

There were many cages lining the wall, but the one similarity was that every single of the people locked inside had been beaten.

Lin Fan walked around the cages until he found the one he was looking for, "Uncle Zhang, are you ok?"

The middle aged man inside had a gruff beard and was quite thin from starvation, but when he heard someone calling him Uncle Zhang, he couldn't help turning in surprise. After staring at Lin Fan for a while in a daze, a spark appeared in his eyes as he seemed to recognize him, "Xiao Fan, is that you?"

Lin Fan saw that his Uncle Zhang could still speak properly, which meant that he was alright even if he did look a bit ragged, "It's me Uncle Zhang, let me help you get out of this cage."

After saying that, Lin Fan used his hands to rip the bars of the cage apart and helped his Uncle Zhang out. He took out some of the food and water that he stored in his watch and gave it to his Uncle Zhang.

While Lin Fan had been doing this, Boss Gao and the others had been taking care of the other people in cages. After verifying they were the seekers that had gone missing, they quickly helped them out and gave them food and water.

After the prisoners had finished eating, Lin Fan came forward to ask, "Do you know why they locked you all in these cages?"

One young man who recovered faster than the others looked at him and said, "None of us know why they dragged us here, but all we know is that they didn't kill us when they clearly had a chance to do so."

Lin Fan kept asking, "Are you sure?"

The young man gave a certain nod.

Well since there was nothing else they could get from asking them, Lin Fan just let them rest while he walked around the cave.

When he opened the map, he was in the exact spot that the system had marked, so that meant for sure that the Qilin Bone was here.

Lin Fan called out Xiao Lei since it had the same qilin bloodline, so he wanted Xiao Lei to find the bone.

Once Xiao Lei appeared, it took a sniff and it revealed an excited look. Xiao Lei came to an area in the back of the cave where there weren't any cages and started digging.

After digging for a while, Xiao Lei had found the thing that made it so excited. It was a large bone that seemed like a bone from the comics on earth, but it looked like it was completely carved of jade.

When it had been dug out of the ground, there was an ancient aura that filled the cave that drew everyone's attention.

Lin Fan turned back to the group and casually said, "This was what my master sent me to find."

Only then did Boss Gao's group understand why Lin Fan wanted to join them for this mission, so it was because of a task from his master.

Based on how terrifying Lin Fan was, they couldn't even imagine what kind of master had trained him.

There were a few greedy looks among the sorry looking seekers, but of course they wouldn't dare do anything right now.

Of course, Lin Fan didn't miss those looks.

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