Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1072 Black Tortoise God Fragment (4)

Since it wasn't that bright, through this burst of light, one was able to see that there were more and more cracks that were currently forming on the surface of this egg.

It didn't take long before there was almost a web-like pattern that had formed on it.

However, even with this pattern on the surface of the egg, it still didn't crack open.

It was as if there was some kind of mysterious force that was holding all of the cracked pieces in place, keeping it in the shape of an egg. But there was a force that was building up behind it that caused the egg itself to shake.

The more the egg shook, the more powerful the force they could sense became.

Lin Fan couldn't help taking a step back as if he was afraid that the egg would explode and shoot out the pieces of its shell.

The Black Tortoise God Fragment just stood there in the same place, but the look on his face kept changing. It was filled with more and more excitement as he sensed the power inside of the egg building up.

Finally, the shell of the egg didn't seem like it could take it anymore as even more cracks formed on the surface.

These continued to grow until all of a sudden, the egg shell cracked to pieces and exploded.

They didn't shoot out like one would expect of them, but instead they just crumpled away to pieces and disappeared without a trace. These egg shell fragments turned into sparkles that quickly dissipated in the air.

When they disappeared, all that was revealed was another ball of light.

This ball of light was clearly holding something inside of it, but it was too bright to see what this thing inside of it was.

So they had to wait again for this ball of light to dissipate.

This ball of light had flown up into the sky after it appeared and it just kept floating there, as if it was building up to something.

But then all of sudden, this ball of light landed on the ground and shattered to pieces like it was made of glass.

When the ball of light disappeared, there was a creature that was left in its place on the ground. It just laid there for a few seconds before looking up and looking around itself, as if it was looking for something.

This creature kept looking around until it saw Lin Fan.

When it noticed Lin Fan, it stood up on its four legs and began moving towards him.

As it came closer, Lin Fan was able to clearly see the appearance of this creature.

It looked like a very strange reptile, but when Lin Fan looked at it closely, he realized that this thing was a turtle. And the even stranger thing about this turtle was…it didn't have a shell.

This turtle made its way over to Lin Fan and stood up on two legs, reaching its front legs up towards Lin Fan as if it was asking to be picked up.

Lin Fan didn't do anything at first since he didn't understand what was happening.

But then he put two and two together and realized what the situation was.

Lin Fan looked down at the naked turtle in front of him and asked, "Rocky, is that you?"

The turtle tilted its head as if it was confused by this question before giving a nod still to answer it.

Lin Fan's chin couldn't help dropping down when he saw this.

Even though he had already guessed that this was the result, seeing it in front of him was still very shocking.

To confirm that this was true, Lin Fan pulled up the system's screen and found that under the panel for Rocky, it now showed that he had the Black Tortoise Bloodline. At the same time, it was registering that it was indeed Rocky that was this turtle that was standing in front of him.

Seeing that Lin Fan wasn't picking him up, Rocky couldn't help pouting out his cheeks like he was having a tantrum.

When Lin Fan saw this, he revealed a bitter smile and picked up Rocky in the end, holding him in his arms.

But as he held him, he couldn't help feeling that it was very strange.

During this time, the Black Tortoise God Fragment had been staring at Rocky the entire time with a strange look in his eyes.

Finally, seeing that Lin Fan was holding him, the Black Tortoise God Fragment snapped out of this and came over to where Lin Fan was. He reached his hands out as if he was about to take Rocky from him, but Rocky quickly moved out of the way to avoid his hands.

In the end, Rocky peeked out from behind Lin Fan with a wary look that caused the Black Tortoise God Fragment to have a bitter smile on his face.

With that bitter smile, the Black Tortoise God Fragment said, "Hei'er, it's me. It's your father."

But no matter what he said, Rocky just looked like he didn't trust him at all.I think you should take a look at

Lin Fan slightly knitted his brows when he heard what the Black Tortoise God Fragment said.

The other god fragments hadn't acted this strongly, but this Black Tortoise God Fragment…it seemed like he had a story. Still, Lin Fan wasn't interested in hearing it right now since there were other things that he wanted to do.

But before any of them could do anything, Rocky looked at his own body as if he realized that he was missing something. Then he jumped out of Lin Fan's hands and made his way over to the rocks that had been abandoned on the ground.

With a stomp of his two front feet, the rocks that were on the ground suddenly floated up into the air before flying out at Rocky. But right before they seemed like they would hit him, they started slowing down.

In the end, they came slowly enough to gently fall onto Rocky's back and they started piecing themselves together.

By the end of it, the rocks had turned into a shell on Rocky's back.

Once the shell had properly formed, Rocky took a good look at it.

After seeing that it was to his standards and it was satisfactory, Rocky gave a nod before coming back over to Lin Fan.

He reached his hands up once again to be hugged by Lin Fan.

Lin Fan shook his head with a smile, but he still picked up Rocky in the end.

Seeing the two of them like this, the Black Tortoise God Fragment had a bitter look on his face. But in the end, he said, "Come over and I'll give you the inheritance."

Before he could though, Lin Fan suddenly said, "Can I take all the herbs with me?"

The Black Tortoise God Fragment looked at Lin Fan with a bitter smile before giving a nod. After all, it wasn't as if he had a use for this in the first place, so he didn't care if the Void God's successor took it.

With this, Lin Fan put Rocky on the ground and pushed him towards the Black Tortoise God Fragment.

Seeing this, the Black Tortoise God Fragment revealed a grateful look while Rocky revealed a look like he had been betrayed. It was just too bad that Lin Fan didn't care about any of this and headed off to collect the herbs.

Just like this, a few hours passed.

When Lin Fan came back, he saw the two of them still standing apart.

The Black Tortoise God Fragment had a bitter smile on his face, but it seemed like he was slowly fading.

Lin Fan had only seen this happen when the god fragments finished passing down their inheritances. So he knew that the Black Tortoise God Fragment had done his duty and Rocky had received the inheritance.

The only difference was that Rocky didn't grow in size…

No, Xiao Bai also hadn't grown in size and that was because he was too young.

Whether it was this turtle Rocky or the previous rock Rocky, they were both younger than Xiao Bai.

So it seemed that Rocky would stay the same size just like Xiao Bai had done until he could fully use the Black Tortoise Bloodline.

As the Black Tortoise God Fragment was disappearing, his eyes had been on Rocky the whole time.

Right when he was about to disappear, he said, "Hei'er, live a good life."

With that, the Black Tortoise God Fragment completely disappeared.

Rocky couldn't help looking at where the Black Tortoise God Fragment had disappeared and then he raised his hand to give a wave.

He didn't know why he did this, but it felt like the right thing to do at this moment.

Lin Fan couldn't help looking at Rocky as he did this.

He didn't know if this meant that Rocky had latent memories from the past or if this was just a fragment that was left, but it seemed like he had to keep his eyes on Rocky. If Rocky suddenly changed personalities one day or broke free from his control, that would be bad.

After they had finished everything here, Lin Fan picked up Rocky and they headed back the way that they came.

As they were heading back, Lin Fan was lost deep in thought.

After all, he had to think of a way to explain what happened to Rocky.

Rocky had turned from a pile of rocks into a turtle, this really was something that was hard to explain…

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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