Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1079 Abandoned World (2)

Lin Fan sent out Brainy's puppets to scour the area.

Instead of the general sweep that he had done before, he had Brainy's puppets full search every single part of this place. If there was even a single rock that was out of place, he wanted to find out.

But in the end, they couldn't find anything that was strange about this place.

So Lin Fan was once again confused about what to do.

Without any indications on what to do here, he could only turn to the only thing that he had which was the map.

He held up the lantern in one hand and the map in the other as he started walking around the area.

As he walked around, one might think that he was crazy with the way that he was walking back and forth. He was clearly just moving around in a circle, but he was still focused on the map and continued walking forward.

It was almost as if he had gone crazy…but there was no one around to say anything.

However, Lin Fan did have a goal in doing this.

It wasn't as if he was just walking around for no reason.

He was trying to pinpoint exactly where the X on the map was in this place.

As he moved with the lantern in hand, the mark on the map would move so slightly. However, it still did move in the end which allowed him to track just where he was.

He was using this mark and moving back and forth to align himself with the X.

Once he was certain where the X was, he would be able to search even more in depth.

So with this method, he finally stopped in one area.

This was the area that was considered right on the X according to the map.

However, this area was just as barren as the rest of the area. There wasn't a single thing here that he could see that could show him what he was supposed to find.

So Lin Fan was about to put the lantern away so he could focus on searching.

But before he could, he noticed something…something that he didn't see before.

Lin Fan slowly brought his lantern forward and towards the ground. As the light of the lantern came closer and closer to the ground, he found that there was something changing in front of him.

Once he was almost right up against the ground, he saw what it was…

It was a X that was made of stones.

He didn't know how he didn't see this before, but now there it was right in front of him. Even if he wanted to miss it, it was impossible for him to miss it.

But how had he missed it before?

Lin Fan stood up again and he realized just how he had missed it before.

When he stood up, the X made of stones slowly started to fade away.

That was because the light of the lantern was slowly being moved away from it.

It turned out that the lantern wasn't just used to mark him on the map, but also to show these things that were hidden by the person who made this place. However, the light of the lantern was very faint, which was why it had a short range.

So that was why he hadn't been able to see anything when he used the lantern earlier…

Lin Fan really had some choice words for the people who designed this…

But that was for later.

For now, he wanted to see what was so special about this X that it needed to be hidden with this much security.

The only problem that Lin Fan had now was that he had to hold the lantern in one hand as he inspected this X.

It was quite cumbersome holding it in his hand like this, but he was able to do it in the end by shifting his grip on the lantern's handle.

He brought it close up to the center of the X and he found that there was one stone that was different from the rest. This one stone had a higher level of elevation compared to the rest.

With how it jutted out like this, it was almost as if it was being asked to be pushed.

But at the same time, it also looked like the perfect trap.

This X in the middle of nowhere that could only be revealed by this lantern…this all seemed like some kind of convoluted and elaborate trap…

So Lin Fan couldn't help feeling conflicted over this.

After agonizing over it for a bit, Lin Fan finally decided to take a risk and press that center stone.

After all, there was nothing else for him to do here.

He could take the safe way and search the entire special cultivation realm…but there was no guarantee that he would even find anything if he did this.

So even if this was risky…it was the better choice.

After taking a deep breath and calling back Brainy and the puppets, Lin Fan pressed the center stone.

There was nothing that happened at first, but then there was a sudden clicking sound.

While Lin Fan was still looking around, searching for the source of that clicking, he felt the ground disappear from under him. When he looked down, he found that there was a large pit that was now under him and he was currently in a freefall.

Lin Fan looked to the sides of this pit to find something to grab onto, but he found that there wasn't a single thing. The sides of the pit seemed like they had been deliberately smoothed out so that there wouldn't be a single thing to grab.

So without any hesitation, he called out the Iron Eater Bone Artifact.

He changed it into the shape of a grappling hook and shot it at the wall on the side.

When the grappling hook hit the wall, there was a loud metal clanging sound that rang out. Then when he looked at the grappling hook more closely, he found that there were even cracks that had formed on it.

That meant that whatever the wall was made of, it was much harder than the grappling hook made from the Iron Eater Bone Artifact.

Lin Fan couldn't help revealing a bitter smile when he heard this, but he wasn't worried when he put the Iron Eater Bone Artifact away. That was because it would be able to heal itself in no time, but he wouldn't be able to use it before it healed itself.

Seeing that he had no way of stopping this, Lin Fan just resigned himself to his fate.

After all, there was something here that was suppressing his ability to fly as well.

So there really was nothing that he could do.

As he fell, Lin Fan couldn't help being surprised by just how far he was falling.

By his estimate, he should have already been falling for around half an hour and yet he still hadn't reached the bottom of this pit yet. The Iron Eater Bone Artifact had even regenerated during this time.

Yet he didn't even see a sign of the bottom.

That is until he suddenly felt something below him.

Even though it was dark, he could still see that there was some kind of floor that was approaching him.

Lin Fan didn't know how fast he was falling, but he knew that it would certainly hurt if he slammed into that ground below him.

So he immediately focused his mind and gathered his life energy.

Weaving it in his hands together, he combined several different laws together. Then all of sudden, he pushed forward with his hands and released that ball of different laws that he had gathered.

There was a large explosive force that came from in front of him that cancelled most of the speed that he was falling with. However, it wasn't enough to cancel out everything, so he had a rough landing in the end.

But at least this was better than the alternative of smacking onto the ground like a meat patty and dying.

Though the injuries that he got couldn't be considered light either.

The worst part of it all came after he got up and he looked around himself.

He found that the part of the floor that he landed on was a different colour from the floor around him. The floor around him was all green and the floor that he was currently on was gray…

Lin Fan went over to the green part of the floor and reached his hand down to pat it.

When his hand made contact with that part of the floor, he found that it sunk right into the floor.

This part of the floor was very soft and very absorbent…It seemed like it would negate all impact that came its way.

For example, a very long drop down this long hole.

But at the edge of where this green part stopped and it revealed the gray part, he found that this part of the floor was scorched…as if the green part that had been over the gray part had been burnt away.

As for what burnt it away, it wasn't hard for him to guess.

After all, there was only one explosion that happened just now.

If he hadn't done anything, he would have been perfectly fine since the impact of his fall would have been absorbed by the green part of the floor…

So in the end, he had only made the situation worse.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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