Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1083 Abandoned World (6)

When he walked into the room, the first thing that Lin Fan saw were the large pillars that were all over the room.

Unlike the previous room, this room was brightly lit by some kind of strange light that was coming from above. When he looked up to see where this light was coming from, Lin Fan wasn't able to see a thing.

The only thing that he could see was the light itself and not the source of the light.

But that wasn't important.

The important thing was the pillars that were in this room.

This room was much bigger than before and it was filled with many different large pillars. When he looked carefully at the pillars, Lin Fan found that there were different symbols that were carved on them.

There were a few symbols that he could understand since they were simple and basic symbols, such as a symbol for fire, water, earth, wind, thunder, and other basic elements.

Then there were symbols that he couldn't understand since they had such strange shapes.

Lin Fan didn't put away the lantern even though this room was fully lit and instead lifted it up to check the room around himself.

But the eerie glow of the lantern wasn't able to find anything.

Seeing this, Lin Fan had no choice but to move to one of the pillars to see what it was about.

The one that he chose was the one that had the fire symbol on it.

He made his way forward, but before he could walk up in front of the pillar, there was something that suddenly happened with the pillar. There was a flame that suddenly appeared at the top of the pillar before shooting out a ball of fire at Lin Fan who had been approaching the pillar.

This ball of flame moved quickly and if it wasn't for Lin Fan's quick reactions, he might have been hit right in the chest with it.

But he was able to dodge out of the way in the end and the flames landed on the floor behind him.

Seeing these flames, Lin Fan couldn't help knitting his brows.

That was because he could feel the heat that was coming from these flames. If they had hit him head on, perhaps he might have been burnt quite badly.

Even if he had broken through, the power and heat in these flames were intense…they might even be hard for a Ruler Realm Expert to block completely.

The flames just continued to burn there in front of Lin Fan, almost as if they were taunting him.

He didn't understand why these flames didn't disappear, but he didn't have time to think about that.

Instead, Lin Fan turned his attention back to the pillar since he wanted to figure out why it had suddenly shot those flames at him.

"It should be because I came too close, but will it shoot more at me if I approached again?" Lin Fan couldn't help wondering out loud.

After thinking about it, he decided that he should check out the other pillars first.

He didn't look at any of the other pillars that had symbols that he couldn't understand and instead turned to the ones with the basic symbols. After looking through them, he decided to go with the five basic elements, like the fire one that he had just tested.

Out of the five, he chose to go with water.

After all, if things went the same way as the fire pillar, water shooting at him should be the safest one.

So he started moving closer to the pillar with the symbol for water on it.

When he reached the threshold, just like with the pillar of fire, there was a ball of water that was gathered above the pillar.

Lin Fan revealed a smile when he saw this, but that smile soon turned stiff.

That was because there was something different about this ball of water that he didn't expect. This ball of water was bubbling as if something was happening inside of it.

It didn't take long before that ball of water had completely changed shape into…a blade of water.

That blade of water suddenly shot out with a force that Lin Fan didn't expect. If it wasn't for the fact that he was already expecting this and reacted as soon as it shot, it might have hit him right in his chest.

But the strange thing was that even though he felt the force of it as it flew past him, there wasn't a hole that was created in the ground when it landed.

It was as if it cushioned itself before it hit the ground or that the ground was hard enough to withstand this impact.

Then the even stranger thing was that this ball of water didn't disappear like he thought it would. This water blade landed on the ground and formed a large ball of water there that was similar to the ball of fire that was also idle nearby.

It almost seemed strange how perfect this ball of water was. It was like there was this strange force that was holding it together.

Lin Fan just stopped moving after landing and watched the two balls that were there. He wanted to see if anything else would happen with them.

But he was disappointed to find that not a single thing happened.

He could have taken this time to check the other pillars, but he had a bad feeling about these two balls. It was as if they were left alone, something bad would happen…

He felt like he couldn't just ignore them.

So he released his spiritual sense towards them to see just what they are. But all that it told him was that these were balls of energy that didn't seem to have anything different about them.

It wasn't as if he could do anything with this information.

It seemed like the only thing that he could do was move closer to explore what these things were about.

But when he came closer, he saw that there was another change with the ball of flame that he was approaching.

It had been still when he had been far away from it, but when he came closer to it, it started shaking as if it was reacting to him.

Lin Fan paused for a second to try and use his spiritual sense to see what this was about, but once again, all he felt from it was that it was a normal ball of flames. There was just energy inside of it and nothing else, he couldn't even feel a flowing to this energy even though he could see it.

So after thinking about it, Lin Fan still decided to approach this ball of flames.

When he was just a few steps away, the ball of flames finally reacted.

It shot out a tiny ball of flame right at him.

This tiny ball of flame gave off the same heat that the large ball of flame did, so Lin Fan knew that he couldn't take this head on. Lin Fan quickly dodged to the side and jumped back slightly so that he was out of the range of this ball of flames.

The small ball of flame quickly went past him as he dodged out of the way.

But when he thought that he was out of danger, he felt something from behind him.

Lin Fan didn't need to turn around as he released his spiritual senses, seeing that it was the same small ball of flame coming right back at him. Without any hesitation, he quickly jumped to the side to dodge out of the way.

This small ball of flame was slower than before, so he was able to easily dodge out of the way.

Then when it went past him, it hit the larger ball of flame and was reabsorbed by that large ball of flame.

When that happened, the ball of flame settled once again because Lin Fan had moved out of the range of this ball of flame.

Lin Fan turned his attention to the ball of water right away and he fell into deep thought.

After standing there for a bit, he started moving towards that ball of water as well.

And as he had expected, the ball of water also shot out a blade of water at him. This blade of water boomeranged just like the small ball of fire, so he had to dodge out of the way twice.

Once it was over, Lin Fan was certain of two things.

The other pillars in this place would also attack anyone that approached them and then leave similar balls in the places that their attacks landed.

At the same time, these balls would attack whatever came close to them just like the pillars did.

That meant that the more pillars that Lin Fan approached, the more balls there would be in this place.

The more balls there were in this place, the less space he would have to maneuver around.

This meant that he had to figure out a wall to deal with these balls before he triggered more of these pillars. Otherwise, he would eventually be trapped like a rat by all of the balls that would appear.

So Lin Fan turned his attention to the ball of flames that he triggered first.

He gathered a ball of water in his hand before throwing it out at the ball of flames.

The moment that the ball of water came near the ball of flames, it suddenly started to tremble.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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