Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1117 To War (3)

Since the Lin Astral Emperor had given his permission, the ministers and generals didn't hold back at all.

They immediately started giving suggestions on where Lin Fan should go.

After all, they were in a dire situation and there were many places that required Lin Fan's help. So they all wanted Lin Fan to go to a certain place where they thought needed help the most.

Out of all the suggestions, there were three places that were the most suggested.

The first was the southern border which was being hit the worst by the Beast Race troops.

The Lin Astral Empire troops there were outnumbered a hundred to one and the only reason they had been able to hold the Beast Race troops back was because of the great wall built there. This was a great structure that had been built with a lot of the Lin Astral Empire's resources and wouldn't crack that easily.

But given enough time…all things would be destroyed.

It was where most of the Beast Race troops were concentrated, so once the wall broke, there would be a beast flood in the Lin Astral Empire's territory.

This would be disastrous and would come close to bringing the end of the Lin Astral Empire.

The second place was a small planet in the east where an important facility was.

This was the control facility for the transport gates all over the Lin Astral Empire.

Transport gates were an important part of the Lin Astral Empire's supply line and once these transport gates were downed, the fighting ability of the Lin Astral Empire army would greatly decrease. After all, a soldier that didn't have supplies would only be able to fight half as effectively.

The Beast Race knew that, so they had pushed a large group of troops into the Lin Astral Empire's territory to surround this.

This was a suicide group that only had a single mission of destroying the control for the transport gates.

As such, they fought the most fiercely and even now, the reinforcements weren't able to save that planet.

The third location was actually not in the Lin Astral Empire, but in the nearby Lu Astral Empire.

The Lu Astral Empire had also been hit hard, but they hadn't been able to resist as well as the Lin Astral Empire.

There was a large group of Beast Race troops that were gathered near the shared borders of the Lin Astral Empire and the Lu Astral Empire, but they were currently fighting the Lu Astral Empire army.

However, the current situation of that battle was that the Lu Astral Empire was quickly losing ground.

Once the Lu Astral Empire's army was defeated…all of those Beast Race troops that were left would surge into the Lin Astral Empire's territory.

Combined with the Beast Race troops that were already attacking the Lin Astral Empire…they would be completely overwhelmed and swallowed by the beast flood that would come.

But in the end, Lin Fan didn't choose any of these places to go.

Instead of these three places, he chose a small plane that no one had ever heard of before that was inside of their territory. This was a planet that didn't have much on it, but it was being used as one of the rally points for their army.

Just like the other rally points, it was being attacked by the Beast Race troops, but it wasn't heavy enough of an attack that would make it worthy of receiving Lin Fan's help.

This was nothing more than a small planet that didn't need urgent reinforcements in the first place.

The only thing that was special about it was that it was close to the southern border where the large number of Beast Race troops were attacking. So it was a place that could receive reinforcements from the Beast Race at any time.

Seeing this, the ministers and generals all started trying to convince Lin Fan of this decision.

After all, there were many other places that needed him much more than this small planet.

But in the end, Lin Fan wouldn't budge on this decision.

So they had no choice but to turn to the Lin Astral Emperor for help.

The ministers and generals hoped that the Lin Astral Emperor would see how important it was for Lin Fan to be deployed in one of these three places, but the Lin Astral Emperor wasn't on their side in the first place.

He had been surprised that Lin Fan would choose this kind of small place to go, but he fully supported this.

Lin Fan going to the battlefield was not something that he could stop anymore, but if Lin Fan went to a place where there wasn't as much danger, that was fine too. It was just like when he had gone to the Mu Stellar Kingdom and the Galactic Humanity Alliance.

He wasn't too worried since those places didn't have that many powerful people in the first place.

So the Lin Astral Emperor approved of this and Lin Fan was given permission to head out.

The generals and ministers clearly had more to say, but Lin Fan didn't give them a chance at all.

Once he had received approval from the Lin Astral Emperor, there was no need for him to hesitate anymore.

He stood up and headed out of the room.

The ministers and generals also wanted to pursue him to try and convince him otherwise still, but the Lin Astral Emperor was watching over them.

The Lin Astral Emperor didn't seem like he would let them go and would immediately punish anyone that tried to leave…

So the ministers and generals could only let Lin Fan go like this.

They all let out sighs of regret, almost as if they felt like they had let down the people of the Lin Astral Empire.

Lin Fan had been their only hope and there were more important places for him to be deployed, but they hadn't been able to stop him from being willful.

There was a bit of anger that came from Lin Fan being this willful, but there was nothing that they could do about it.

After Lin Fan left the meeting room, he found that Angela and the rest were already waiting for him. At the same time, he was told that all of his crew had already been gathered on the ship.

Although he had thought that he would need some time to gather everyone, it seemed that everything had been prepared.

He looked at Angela with a grateful look since he knew that it was her who had arranged everything.

She knew him better than anyone, so she knew exactly what he planned on doing.

Once they returned to the ship, they immediately set out since the ship had already been prepared by the crew.

As they were heading out, they asked Lin Fan where they were going.

Many of them were confused why they would be going to a small planet like this, but in the end, they just followed Lin Fan's orders.

But as for where Lin Fan had come up with the idea to go to this place…

It was the system.

This time, it wasn't a quest that had popped up for him, but rather a blunt notification from the system.

This time, it was a sincere suggestion from the system that he head to this place.

This was the first time Lin Fan was seeing this and he knew that the system wouldn't do something like this without a reason, so he knew that there must be something special about this planet.

With this thought in mind, Lin Fan decided to take the risk and head there.

This planet was close to the border, but since they were in the Lin Astral Empire's territory, they were able to use the portals that were there.

As a rally point, it was naturally connected to the transport gate system, so they were able to take jumps until they reached it.

In less than a day, they had already arrived at their destination.

It seemed quiet at first, but Lin Fan knew that something was wrong since this was too quiet.

This planet should have been surrounded by the Beast Race troops, but he wasn't seeing any of them.

Without hesitation, he ordered for the sensors to be activated and as he had guessed, there were fluctuations that came from the planet.

It seemed that the Beast Race troops couldn't wait any longer and had engaged in a frontal assault.

Wasting no time at all, Lin Fan immediately gave the order for the ship to land.

The guards all had worried looks on their faces, but they also had determined looks.

After all, this was a fight to defend their territory from the Beast Race invaders, so this was something that they were excited about.

On the contrary, Angela's troops seemed much more relaxed.

However, that was just because they were used to the battlefield since they had followed her into it when she was the general.

When they landed, they quickly followed the fluctuations in the air until they found the battlefield. They had landed far away because they had wanted to scout the situation first, but it seemed like they had wasted too much time.

That was because the Lin Astral Empire troops were completely surrounded by the Beast Race troops.

Judging by the weakening life energy fluctuations that came from within the blockade, they could tell that they wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer.

This time, Lin Fan didn't try to do everything himself.

Instead, he said, "Charge!"

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