Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1158 Once More To The Battlefield

When the light in front of them cleared, they found that they were in front of Zi Ling once more.

She had been standing there with a worried look on her face and she was shocked to see them suddenly coming back.

She had been prepared to wait much longer, so she never thought that it would only take a week for them to come back.

After all, some of the trips that they took…had been much longer than this.

When they appeared, she quickly went over to Lin Fan to check that he was alright before checking on the others.

But Lin Fan didn't want to waste any time here.

He had a path to take and he wanted to take it as soon as possible.

So leading the rest, he headed to the royal palace.

There were many people that were surprised to see him come out so quickly, but they were also shocked by the look on his face. That cold and determined look on his face made it impossible for people to approach him.

Just like this, Lin Fan made his way to the royal palace.

Along the way, Zi Ling had asked Angela and the others about what had happened, but not a single one of them answered her.

They knew that these things should be best kept secret, so even if it was Zi Ling, they wouldn't tell her these things.

But the more important thing that they were doing was keeping watch over Lin Fan.

Or more specifically, they were keeping watch over his finger.

They were still worried about the finger bone that had integrated itself with him, so they had been watching him just in case anything happened.

While they weren't sure if they would even be able to stop him since he had that finger bone that allowed him to use God Realm laws, they would still do what they could to stop him.

They didn't want to see him lose himself in a rampage in this place that was important to him.

But in the end, they were able to reach the palace without incident.

Even the guards didn't dare stop Lin Fan when they saw the look on his face, but he stopped to ask them, "Where is great grandfather?"

The guards looked at each other with unsure looks before saying, "His majesty and the ministers are currently in a meeting."

Lin Fan gave a nod before asking, "The usual room?"

The guard said with a nod, "The usual room."

Then without even caring about the guards, Lin Fan walked right into the palace and headed down a familiar path.

This was a path that he had taken quite a few times since every time he had come back from something, he would go down this path to reach that meeting room.

This time was no different.

The guards just watched as he went off, but they did give a shudder when they saw Angela walking back.

After all…she was still a legend in the Lin Astral Empire.

When Lin Fan came into the room, the meeting was currently ongoing.

A minister had been trying to report when the door suddenly opened.

That minister was caught off guard before going to say, "Who is…"

But before he could finish, he saw who it was and immediately closed his mouth.

In fact, everyone immediately turned to look in Lin Fan's direction when they saw that it was him.

As they looked at him, their eyes immediately lit up.

While they had been able to repel the Beast Race forces during this time without Lin Fan, but if he were to step onto the battlefield, there was no doubt that it would greatly help them.

So all of them just waited with bated breath to see what Lin Fan would do.

Lin Fan came to the front of the table and stood there in front of the Lin Astral Emperor to say, "Your majesty, I want to step onto the battlefield again."

The moment that they heard this, the eyes of all of the ministers and generals lit up.

This was the result that they had wanted to see and now that it was in front of them, of course they couldn't hold back their excitement.

Many of them even started pulling out reports as they made their preparations to convince Lin Fan on where he should go.

However, they didn't dare act until they saw how the Lin Astral Emperor reacted.

The Lin Astral Emperor hadn't reacted at all after hearing this from Lin Fan. He just calmly sat there looking at Lin Fan without showing any signs of emotion.

But then all of a sudden, the Lin Astral Emperor gave a sigh and said, "Xiao Fan, they are out of closed door cultivation now."

As soon as Lin Fan heard this, his eyes couldn't help narrowing a bit before he calmed his expression.

However the ones that were the most bothered by this were the ministers and generals.

After all, they could tell that the Lin Astral Emperor was hesitating in sending Lin Fan to the battlefield.

Last time he had opposed this and now it seemed like he would oppose this again…

They couldn't help feeling anxious, but they knew that there was nothing that they could say in this situation. So the only thing that they could do was wait and see how they reacted.

They just hoped that Lin Fan would have the same firm will as before.

After a pause, Lin Fan said, "Can you call them here? I want to talk to them a bit."

The Lin Astral Emperor hesitated a bit before giving a slight nod.

Then he turned to his guard waiting on the side and gave an order in a small voice that no one could hear.

The guard couldn't help revealing a surprised look when receiving this order, but he still ran off to carry it out. During this time, everyone just waited in silence to see what would happen next.

It didn't take long before the doors to this room opened and four people walked in.

It was Lin Fan's family.

It was his father, his mother, his little sister, and the Lin Family ancestor.

It was these people that had come out of closed doors cultivation, or rather it was his father and little sister who did.

After they came in, they walked over to where Lin Fan and the Lin Astral Emperor were waiting.

Lin Fan could see in the eyes of Yue Qingru that she wanted to run over and hug him, but she also knew that this was a serious place and she shouldn't do something like that.

When they came over, Lin Fan said, "It's been a long time."

Lin Ao just gave a nod in response.

This was the first time that they were meeting in five years since last time, they were still in closed door cultivation.

There was a silence that followed before Lin Fan said, "I'm heading to the battlefield."

When they heard this, all of them knitted their brows except for Lin Ao.

After a shorter pause this time, Yue Qingru said, "Fan'er, this is…"

Before she could finish, Lin Ao raised his hand to cut her off.

She looked at him with a sad look, but Lin Ao just shook his head before turning back to Lin Fan and asking, "Do you have something to do there?"

Lin Fan gave a slow nod.

Lin Ao also nodded before saying, "Then do what you need to do. A man shouldn't worry too much about things like this. As long as you come back safe, we'll wait."

Lin Fan looked at Lin Ao with a strange look before slowly giving an appreciative nod.

Then he turned back to look at the Lin Astral Emperor.

The Lin Astral Emperor still had an unwilling look on his face, but seeing Lin Fan look at him like this, he could only give a sigh before saying, "Do what you want."

The ones that were the most overjoyed with this were the ministers and generals, but they knew to hold themselves back. They made themselves as small as possible while they were having their reunion out of fear of offending Lin Fan.

After the Lin Astral Emperor said this, Lin Xue suddenly came forward and punched Lin Fan in the back.

Lin Fan didn't even flinch when he felt this punch, but he did reveal a bitter smile.

When he turned around to look at her, he also couldn't help revealing a bit of a look of praise.

He could tell from the power behind that punch that Lin Xue had already reached the Planet Realm.

For someone of her age to reach this realm, it really was impressive.

But then again, it was only in the Lin Astral Family that she could reach this stage since without the support of the Lin Astral Family's resources, it wouldn't have happened.

He turned and looked at her without saying a thing because he knew that she wanted to say something.

After a long silence, she said, "Come back safe."

Lin Fan gave a nod before saying, "I will."

Then as if it was an illusion, he seemed to have heard her murmur something under her voice, "If you die, I'll come to hell to kill you myself…"

But that had to be an illusion because his cute little sister wouldn't say something like this.

With this, Lin Fan finally turned his attention to the ministers and generals.

None of them revealed a confused look, but rather their eyes lit up when they saw this.

They knew what he was looking at them for, so they started pulling out the reports that they had prepared.

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