Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1168 Central Command

There were many people that didn't recognize these four and they couldn't help finding it strange.

With how beautiful and handsome they were, it was strange that they couldn't remember them.

After all, the appearances that they had really were hard to forget.

In the end, there were some people that had wanted to approach these four…but they were stopped when they saw the badges that were on their chests.

These badges were an indication of rank and the badges that these four were wearing showed that they were all majors.

The rank of major was not a low one and it signified that they were in the special unit. This was the unit that had been chosen to pilot those special armour suits, so they were very powerful.

They were not people that could be approached that easily.

With this, the four of them were able to make their way through this building without many people bothering them.

Normally, there would be far more people with the same rank or higher rank as them here, but most of those people were currently deployed in the other universe. So there was no one here to stop them even if someone wanted to stop them.

This group made their way deeper into the headquarters and they eventually reached the archives.

The person who was in charge of the archives was surprised to see them, but he was easily convinced to let them in after seeing their military IDs and badges.

The four of them made their way into the archives and started going through the information that was there.

The person who was in charge of the archives couldn't help looking at them with a strange look as they looked through these things.

It wasn't because the information that they were looking for was classified, but rather because it was information that could be obtained anywhere.

This was information that could be obtained freely in their military state, so it wasn't as if it was anything dangerous. It was just that he couldn't understand why they would come all this way just for this information.

The only reason that this person in charge of the archives could think of was that they needed this information for some kind of special mission.

However, this information was just about the founding of their military state and nothing else.

There wasn't anything that was special about this information that could be used in any missions, whether they were special missions or normal missions.

Just what were they using this information for?

That person didn't bother them in the end since they had already verified their identities.

These identities had been registered in the system and even the fingerprint technology was a match.

With all of these checks, it would be impossible for them to fake their identity.

That was just how advanced the technology of their military state was.

In the end, that person in charge of the archives just left them alone.

This group of four went over the material in front of them for a while before…two of them almost seemed like they were about to fall asleep.

It was the two women who had gotten bored of reading all of these things.

The two men were still reading these books that had been brought without any problems.

But seeing that the two of them were about to fall asleep, they stood up with bitter smiles on their faces. One of them said, "Let's go and get something to eat."

As soon as they heard that they were going to eat, the two women immediately stood up with excited looks and followed them out.

Once they left the military headquarters, they went over to a small cafe by the side of the road.

The two women just happily ordered dishes while the men looked on with bitter smiles.

One of them pulled out a wallet before looking at how deflated it was.

Would it be enough to feed them?

In the end, the two women seemed to hold back a bit as they made their order.

When the waiter brought over their food and left, there was some kind of barrier that suddenly appeared around them. It was as if all of the sound in the surrounding area was blocked off from them.

At the same time, it was as if nothing they said was transmitted out.

With a sigh, the man who had taken out the wallet said, "If we keep going like this, we'll run out of money in just a few days."

The two women revealed displeased looks before one of them said, "If you just use that money, we wouldn't have a problem."

The man said with a bitter smile, "The moment that we use it, they will immediately start tracking us and the jig will be up."

These four that were sitting in this cafe were Lin Fan, Angela, Yuki, and Momonga.

Using the power of the system, they had passed over to the Outer universe.

Then with the power of the illusion law that Lin Fan had gotten from one of his pets, he was able to fake their identities with military IDs that they had gotten from the Outers that he had captured.

But they were now facing a large problem even though they had smoothly made their way into the Outer universe.


They didn't have enough money to buy the things that they needed in this Outer universe.

Most of the Outers that they had killed or captured were high ranking Outers and they all had bank accounts in this world. They didn't carry around cash with them and only access cards for their bank accounts.

So they didn't have any money that they could use after coming to this world.

Angela was suggesting that they use the bank accounts of these Outers since they had the access cards, but Lin Fan rejected this.

He knew that bank accounts were much more connected than one would think.

As soon as they touched the money in those accounts, warning signs would appear and it would only be a matter of time they would be exposed.

After all, those accounts were connected to the family members of those deceased Outers.

The moment that those family members were involved, they would be exposed.

So Lin Fan was strongly against this.

Before they ran out of money to maintain a proper and not suspicious lifestyle, they would need to find what they were looking for.

When they had been in the archives, they had been learning what they could about this universe.

It turned out that this universe had developed under a military regime, which was why almost everyone in this universe had military ranks.

There weren't any things like demon beasts in this world, so humans had been the only force in this world. 

It took a single dictator to unite all of them under a military regime and allowed humans to expand out into the universe. This was the military state of Amestris.

Now several generations later, they were still ruled by a single person known as the Fuhrer who was the head of the military, but it was no longer a dictatorship. Instead, the Fuhrer was chosen by the council of highest military officials and only ruled for a certain period.

It was a strange form of military democracy.

But the most surprising thing was that most of the people in this world weren't able to cultivate. They were able to use body refinement techniques to make themselves stronger, but they didn't cultivate life energy.

It was only the ones at the top that had these things known as special powers, but Lin Fan knew that these were the God Realm Experts of this universe who could use the power of laws.

It seemed that the high ranking military officials had kept the secret of cultivation hidden amongst themselves to ensure that they would be able to keep their positions. They had spread the body refinement techniques so that they could have powerful soldiers under their control.

Those that weren't able to cultivate fought with technology.

Humans in this world had created amazing technology to make up for the fact that they didn't have cultivation.

This gave them ships that could travel all over the universe in an instant and many different amazing technologies that Lin Fan didn't have in either of the universes that he had been in before.

But learning this made him realize just how hard it was for him to accomplish his goal.

Right now, what he needed to decide was whether to find a way to earn more money or quickly find a way to find what they were looking for.

Angela said in the end, "Since we can't do anything, we should just break into their main facilities and find what we're looking for."

Lin Fan revealed a bitter smile when he heard this.

Break into their main facilities?

There were God Realm Experts in this place and they were all alone.

Lin Fan could fight one or two God Realm Experts with the power that he obtained, but this was the enemy territory and there were more than just one or two God Realm Experts.

So breaking in was the worst idea possible.

However, Momonga said, "That's not a bad idea."

Lin Fan couldn't help looking at him with a shocked look when he said this.

Momonga said with a smile, "While I was reading through those books, I noticed a few things that I thought we could explore. I would need to verify a few more things, but I think it could work."

Since it was Momonga who said this, Lin Fan trusted him since he knew that he was more intelligent than him.

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