Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 1170 Hidden depths (2)

Chapter 1170 Hidden depths (2)

Lin Fan used his laws to float up to the ceiling of this room.

This room was quite spacious, so the ceiling was quite far up above him.

When he reached it, he used his spiritual sense to check this part of the roof before suddenly grabbing a part of the roof.

With his strength, it was easy for him to pull the roof tile out and reveal what was hidden inside.

When it was pulled away, there was a tube that appeared.

This tube didn't seem like anything special, but when it was revealed, Momonga knitted his brows.

That was because he could feel the God Realm laws coming from it.

He didn't know what these laws were, but he could feel it even influencing him.

When the God Realm laws came over him, it was almost as if it was inhibiting his mind and slowly putting him to sleep.

He might have succumbed to this God Realm law if it wasn't for Lin Fan suddenly raising his hand with a black hole in it. The black hole in his hand drained the God Realm law away from Momonga and he slowly felt his brain coming back.

Taking a deep breath, Momonga said, "Thanks."

Lin Fan gave a nod before turning his attention to the pipe.

As he did, he made sure to raise his hand with the black hole in it up so that he could absorb this God Realm law, making sure that it wouldn't affect him as he was looking into this pipe.

After looking for a while, he was certain that he wouldn't be able to get anything more out of this and decided on what to do next.

The first thing that he did was call Angela and Yuki into the room since there was no need for them to stand guard outside anymore.

Once they came in, he showed them the pipe and both of them knitted their brows as well before turning to look at him, as if waiting to hear what plan he had.

Lin Fan looked at them and simply said, "We follow it."

All three of them couldn't help being caught off guard when they heard this, but after thinking about it, they realized that he was right.

This was the only thing that they could do right now since this was the only lead that they had.

So they slowly gave nods to show that they agreed with Lin Fan's plan.

The one that would be leading the way into the pipe would be Lin Fan since they needed him to clear the God Realm laws that kept coming out of this pipe. If they didn't have him clearing this out for them, there was no way that they would be able to last under this continuous release of God Realm laws.

So Lin Fan went into the pipe first with a layer of void laws around him.

He made sure that this layer of void laws stretched out behind him so that it would also protect the others when they entered the pipe.

After that, the rest of them entered the pipe behind Lin Fan and they started moving forward.

With their level of cultivation, it was an easy matter to move through the pipe.

They didn't even need to crawl through it like others would, they could just use their life energy to float themselves through this pipe.

The pipe was actually quite long and it took them quite a while to reach the end, but when they did, they found that there was a vent blocking their path forward.

Luckily, they could still see through the vent since the holes of the vent were big enough.

As they peeked through, they were surprised to find that this room wasn't what they thought it would be.

This was a room with a large vat of water in the center that had some kind of crystal inside of it.

When they looked at this crystal, they could feel that the power of the God Realm law was coming from that crystal.

It seemed that whatever this crystal was, it was concentrating the power of the God Realm law.

The more that they looked at it, the more that they had a bad feeling.

Could it be that this thing…was the form of pure law?

Could it be that they had extracted the law from whoever this belonged to and left it here to continuously radiate that law?

They couldn't help feeling strange feelings when they saw this, but they knew that this would be their fate as well if they lost this universal war.

That was most likely how each universe stole laws from each other.

They couldn't figure out what this God Realm law was, but this meant that this universe they were currently in was quite dangerous.

After all, they had already defeated another universe and taken their laws.

That meant that they had experience with universal war…

That meant that they had God Realm Experts that were strong enough to defeat the God Realm Experts of other universes.

That was a bad sign for Lin Fan especially since he wasn't sure that he was that strong.

He might have been able to defeat the ones that had invaded their universe, but that was because they weren't that strong in the first place.

If they were strong, he definitely wouldn't have been able to win with the power of the finger bone alone.

And now that they had infiltrated into the depths of this universe, they were in even more danger.

If they were found and surrounded by those powerful God Realm Experts, Lin Fan wasn't certain that they would be able to escape even with the system. The system was made by the strongest God Realm Experts in their universe, but he had no idea how they would match up against the God Realm Experts of this universe.

He wasn't looking forward to testing that.

He was planning on leaving as soon as they found anything helpful.

As he looked at the crystal in the center of the room, he was debating whether to absorb it with his void law or not. 

If he did, then he would gain its power and it would make him stronger. But the moment that he did…he was certain that they would be revealed and caught.

So it wasn't worth it to absorb this crystal.

They opened the vent easily and dropped into this room with the crystal.

After entering that room, they were surprised to find that this room was covered in different vents.

They were certain that all of these vents led to different parts of this headquarters building.

But what was the point of venting this law to all those different places?

After thinking about it, Momonga said, "Could it be that this is how they are controlling their people?"

They all couldn't help looking at him with a confused look when they heard this.

Momonga explained the sensation that he felt when he had been hit with the God Realm law earlier.

When Lin Fan released the void law and they felt the influence of the God Realm law, they understood what Momonga was implying.

They were using this God Realm law crystal to null the senses of everyone in this place.

At the same time, there were rooms where concentrated amounts of this law would be pumped in so that they could change the personalities of those that they didn't like.

They were basically controlling people through this God Realm law crystal by mind controlling them.

This really went to show just how ruthless this place was…

In the end, Lin Fan said, "We shouldn't stay here long or we'll be caught. Let's go and see if we can find anything. If we can't, we'll leave and head back to our universe right away."

The other three nodded in agreement.

Just this alone was already enough for their first time here.

If they kept pushing it, it would only be a matter of time before they were caught.

So they shouldn't push their luck and get out of this place as soon as possible.

There was only a single door that led out of this room which showed how secure this place was. Once they left this room, they would almost certainly be in a location that was very high security.

So they had to be prepared to escape at any time.

As for how they would open the door…

Lin Fan had wanted to use their own badges first, but Momonga shook his head to show that he was against this idea.

He was no longer the same Momonga that didn't know a thing about human technology.

Now that he had been with Lin Fan for a while, he had learned quite a bit about technology through the books that he read.

He said, "The moment that we open this door, we will expose ourselves. Instead of using a wrong ID to give them a warning right away, we should use the highest clearance ID that we have. Then we'll at least have some time before they realize that something is off."

I looked at him for a bit with a surprised look, but I slowly gave a nod in the end since what he said made sense.

I was just surprised that he was able to think of something like this since I had still had the preconceived perception that he wasn't good with technology.

So I took out the highest ranking ID that we had, the ID from Lieutenant General Raven.

After making sure that everyone was ready, I moved the ID towards the sensor.

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