Cultivation Through Artifacts

Chapter 120: Dinner

Chapter 120: Dinner

As the moon just emerged from the east bringing darkness upon half of the world, a girl was slowly walking on Moon Academy’s streets, seemingly anxious about something.

It was Liza, who decided to get some fresh air below the starry sky to calm herself down. Since she realized that less than a day remained before Khal set off to the capital to that hellish tournament with his own life on the line, she couldn’t help but feel extremely worried.

When she lost against him a month ago she didn’t realize this as she didn’t want to, but now that only one day remained she finally acknowledged the fact that this could be the very last moment she could meet him again!

Just the thought alone that she won’t be able to see him again made her heart tighten and feel an indescribable feeling that she only felt once in her entire life…

When she lost her parents…

That’s why she walked to Moon Academy’s gate in the hope she could see him and accompany him on his hunt, yet, who would have thought that even after standing there for an entire hour, not even his shadow could be glimpsed.

“Did he decided to get some rest? No, that can’t be true. He is not that stupid to spend his last day asleep! He must have already set off to Moon Mountain!” exclaimed Liza loudly, biting her lower lip gently as her eyes flashed with even greater anxiety.

But who would have thought that just as she was about to go to Moon Mountain after Khal, a warm voice came from behind her back, making her body flinch scarcely.

“Why are you out here so late? By any chance, you were hoping to find me?”

Turning around in a flash, Liza was dumbfounded to notice that Khal was looking at her with a wide grin, quite apparent what he was thinking.

But her shock didn’t last long because a second later she hugged herself and with the same smile as him, she asked, “And what if I was?”

Khal was surprised to hear Liza’s honest answer as he had never expected it, so simply shrugged and stepped closer to her, his eyes deeply staring into hers.

“Wh-what?” asked Liza in a low voice, her cheeks turning mildly rosy unknown what Khal planned to do.

Khal seeing Liza’s reaction couldn’t help but smile even wider and avert his gaze toward the city and ask, “Are you hungry? Let’s go eat something. I am starving!”

“Huh?” Liza turned speechless after hearing Khal’s question and even stumbled a bit, but couldn’t even reply as Khal has already grabbed her hand and pulled her away in a flash.

“I know a great place. The food there is remarkably delicious! You will like it for sure!” said Khal merrily and pulled the stupified Liza behind him toward the city.

Moon City was a relatively popular place among Cultivators and merchants where one could buy and sell almost everything.

From High-Quality weapons all the way to everyday stuff, there was almost everything; except those things that only was sold in the capital city, but even those were only a few.

And exactly because of this that hundreds if not thousands of people came and went from day to day, places such as luxurious restaurants were a must!

For example, Moon City’s most renowned restaurant, the Lunar Tavern was where food was so delicious that all the people leaving that place felt like they were blessed by the Moon Goddess herself!

There were even Cultivators from several points of the continent that came just because of its well-known reputation! No matter what, all of them desired to taste it!

And this is the exact place where Khal brought Liza.

“Esteemed Guests, welcome to Lunar Tavern! My name is Lily, what can I do for you?” asked a kind woman in her late twenties, obviously looking at Khal and Liza like a couple especially that Khal still held Liza by her arm.

“A table for tw-, for three, please,” said Khal as he realized Rubie was there too.

“Understood Sir, please follow me.” with a warm smile, Lily turned around and began to show the way for the three.

“Let’s go,” said Khal, his hand still firmly holding Liza’s palm.

The interior of the restaurant was nothing but chintzy. Crystal lamps with yellow stones on them on the sides, while several golden chandeliers hung from high above with several hundreds of tiny candles burning on them with gentle light. The floor was made out of not marble nor wood but out of royal red carpet, while the white jade pillars between the tables were decorated with golden jewels, giving the whole place a cozy and noble atmosphere.

As Khal and Liza examined the sight around them with awe, Lily stopped before a table next to a wide window and gestured toward it.

“How about this, Sir? Our Table 21; the best spot for couples with Tamed Beasts.”

“What? Coup-“

“Yes, it will be perfect,” said Khal in a flash right before Liza could have, and moved her to sit down.

After both of them sat down Khal looked up at Lily beside their table and asked, “What kind of food do you recommend for us?”

“We have Thermal-Cooked Dragon Wings with Hellflame Salad which is a perfect choice if you want to feel refreshed after a tiring day. But we also have the Hundred Flavored Ice Rabbit Limbs that can ease both the mind and body. Both of them are the most delicious food on our today’s menu so I am quite confident you will like them.”

Tilting his gaze at Liza, Khal looked at her and waited for her response.

“They truly sound good, but… They seem way too expen-“

“We want 2 from each please,” replied Khal toward Lily, not waiting for Liza to finish her sentence.

“Khal! You…”

“Understood Sir! I will serve your food right away!” bowed Lily and without any further question walked away with hurried steps.

Khal smiled merrily upon seeing this and turned her head toward Liza, but his smile immediately turned into a frown, “What?”

Liza who stared at Khal with a piercing stare stayed silent for a very long time and only sometime later did she ask, “What is this all about?”

“What do you mean ‘what is this all about’? Can’t I invite you for a dinner without a reason? Hell, we didn’t even spend time together ever since we enrolled into the Academy!”

“That is true.” nodded Liza, but her eyes were still firmly locked on Khal, “But why now and here? I mean, we could have eaten together whenever we wanted to and in places where food and things are not this… luxurious…”

“I thought we should try this out. It was a very long time since…” began to say Khal but abruptly stopped in mid-sentence as he noticed Liza’s change of emotion.

“Sorry.” apologized Khal in a flash, “In all honesty, even myself can’t answer that question properly. I just simply wanted to spend some time with you before I leave this city.”

Liza glanced at Khal and after a brief silence she could only sigh and say coldly, “If you dare say to me that you brought me here because you fear you won’t see me again I will stand up right away and leave.”

“Wha… No! Of course not! I already told you why!” waved Khal his hand hurriedly, but still couldn’t help but start sweating profusely.

Of course, he brought her here because he feared he won’t see her again, but it was also true he wanted to spend some time with her! Damn, they talked only for a few minutes daily even though they should have talked more than that!

That was his major reason for bringing her here, and anything else was secondary.

Liza stared at Khal for quite a while, but no matter what she tried to think about, Khal had a point so could do nothing but sigh.

“Sure, whatever…”

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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