Cultivation Through Artifacts

Chapter 141: Restriction Domain!

Chapter 141: Restriction Domain!

Seila’s complexion was ice cold, her eyes holding a great grudge against Theon in the distance.

So far in her life, let it be before she got her Talent or after that, no one dared to touch her let alone punch her in the abdomen!

She was respected by many and even made people kneeling before her as her Natural Born presence put fear into anyone’s heart that was below her in Cultivation base!

Yet, this boy, who wasn’t even on the Fourth Cultivation Stage, not only dared to attack her without mercy, but even succeeded with it!

He punched her right in her stomach with such great force that blood filled her mouth, some even falling out and falling onto her robe that he got from his Master!

After her failure of killing Khal with one of the strongest Secret Arts in the cultivation world, this was such a blow to her pride that she couldn’t overlook it just with a simple sneer!

The only way she could soothe the raging fire in her heart was to kill Theon right here and now! No matter what she needed to do, she will definitely slice him up into hundreds of pieces!

“Although I am surprised to see someone with a Spirit Body on this tournament, once your Talent gets into its cooldown you will be dead.”

Theon hearing this just simply smiled while even a laugh slight escaped his mouth as he found Seila’s threat kinda funny.

On the other hand, when Seila saw this her mood just became colder while her hand began to move, “I see… I hope this arrogance of yours won’t vanish once I pierce your skull with my sword!”


In a flash, Seila’s figure arose before Theon, her sword raised high above her head, ready to chop it down with all the anger contained within it.

Theon seeing this stopped laughing and pushed his feet to the side, though his smile still remaining on his face.

Avoiding the sword by only a hairsbreadth and watching as the blade pointed toward the ground, Theon stepped on the tip of the sword in false and swung his palm.


Akin to a bull slamming into a wall, Seila felt a great force crashing into the middle of her chest, sending her body flying once again.

“A great sword indeed, it should be on the Legendary Tier.” hummed Theon with interest, his feet still on the sword that was pierced forcefully into the ground.

“Argh…” as Theon was inspecting Seila’s sword with great allure, Seila in the distance stood up from the debris, blood streaming down from the corner of her mouth.

Elder Caz seeing this sight turned silent, his body stiffened motionless in his seat.

Did he see it right or was it just an illusion? Did that brat still on the Third Stage really just disarmed and punched a Natural Born on the Fifth Stage like it was nothing or was that some kind of a trick?

Hence, Elder Caz didn’t hesitate at all and pinched himself powerfully on the arm, creating great pain in his hand in an instant!

However, even after several seconds, the sight before him remained the same with Theon still playing with the sword, while Seila stared at him from the distance with debris and blood covering her body!

He didn’t hallucinate a thing and everything he just saw was true!

“This… How?” was the only thing Elder Caz and almost everyone around the world could utter after several moments of silence.

“How did you do that?”

“Hm?” raising his gaze at Seila, Theon frowned and asked, “Do what?”

Seila upon hearing Theon’s innocent question turned even colder but still decided to ask in a calm voice, “The way you moved and attacked me. That was not a Secret Art nor a second Talent. How did you do it?”

Realizing what Seila was talking about, Theon’s eyes brightened immediately, and moved his feet. In a flash, the sword that was pierced into the ground until this very moment now was kicked into the air and with a smooth move was grabbed by him.

Theon stared at the sword for a while and once his gazes seemed to lose interest in it, threw it toward Seila. This act of his not only surprised but also dumbfounded many as only fools would do such a thing!

“What I just did was called Martial Arts. My Master taught me how to use it when I was still a little kid,” said Theon calmly, but once he saw the confusion in Seila’s eyes as she stared at the sword on the ground he just smiled.

“My Master taught me to respect my enemies and fight them fair and square. If I would dare to take your weapon away, then it would be equal to me disregarding my Master’s teaching. I would never dare to do a lowlife move such as that, never in my life!”

“So pick your weapon up and don’t spare your strength on me! If you end up killing me that only meant I was not enough strong!”


In a flash, a powerful aura broke forth from Theon, shocking Seila and everyone around into speechlessness!

Peak Phase of the Fourth Cultivation Stage! He was half a step away to reach the Fifth Cultivation Stage which meant he concealed his true strength all this time!

Seila stared at Theon with a calm gaze, the fire in her heart no longer raging as before. Now she understood that Theon acted not out of arrogance, but because of pure respect and excitement!

It seemed he was the type of guy that loved to fight and turned excited in the face of death! If not, then he wouldn’t have smiled so casually when she attacked and didn’t have threw her weapon back at her.

Everything he said and the way he just acted made Seila’s heart calm down almost completely while she began to feel respect toward Theon for some strange reason!

Even though he was still below her in Cultivation Base, she began to feel respect that she only showed and felt toward Cultivators above her! This feeling surprised her a bit, but only for a bit.

“You are blessed to be a disciple of such a great Master,” exclaimed Seila calmly, her fingers tightly clenching around the sword’s hilt on the ground.

“Yes, I feel blessed indeed. Without my Master, I would have been long ago! He taught me how to fight, how to survive, and how to strive for more! Hence I ask you… please fight me with everything you have!” said Theon, his eyes holding deep respect and firm passion as he talked.

“…” Seila stared at Theon in silence and nodded mildly as she gradually began to lift her sword.

“In respect of you and your Master, I will.”


Right as her voice fell, a suffocating presence erupted from her body, making the air around her to be filled with great pressure!

Theon however didn’t seem scared nor shocked, instead, his eyes brightened up like stars while a wide smile shaped on his face!

He seemed extremely excited!

“That’s what I like to see!” exclaimed Theon merrily as he watched Seila’s body vanishing and appearing before him out of thin air in a flash!



With a flicker of silver light, Seila’s sword approached his abdomen while another silver flash moved toward his neck!

Two attacks with a single weapon at the same time! A rare sight that only a few could achive at the Fifth Cultivation Stage!

“Perfect!” Theon’s eye shone brightly as adrenalin began to rush through his veins.

Pushing his feet powerfully against the ground that left a deep pit below his feet, Theon jumped high up into the air and avoided the first assault toward his abdomen while deflecting the second one simply with his robe-covered hand!


The moment Seila’s sword hit Theon’s robe, a metallic sound reverberated throughout the air, making many frown with confusion at that sight.

“Golden Dragon Scales. My Master gave them as gifts as their durability was exceptionally great. Not even a Sixth Stage Cultivator could break them! Though I only have them on my left side hence you should aim at my right!” explained Theon still in the air, and kicked toward Seila.

Learning from her previous mistakes, Seila didn’t let Theon’s attack hit her body, therefore she raised her sword and used it as a shield.



The strength behind Theon’s kick was so great that Seila was unable to remain still, and had to take a few steps back as the sword in her hand began to tremble slightly.

“How can his attacks have such a tremendous force even without any Secret Arts? Does learning Martial Arts truly grant such a huge physical advantage against others?” wondered Seila with shock once she halted her body and stared at Theon.

“Well, it does not really matter,” said Seila as she extended her free arm before her chest.

Upon seeing this, Elder Caz stood up abruptly and opened his mouth wide. He was way familiar with that sight and that’s why he seemed to be so shocked.

“Will she use her second Talent? Against a brat lo-“

However, even before he could have said anything more, Seila’s calm but loud voice sounded right away.

“Restriction Domain, Open!”


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