Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 96 Elf Queen Condition Part II

Xia Tian muttered under his breath. "I'm sorry, Little Jing. It was all my fault."

But the two elven women had keen hearing, they could hear Xia Tian's guilt ridden muttering. Fan Quexian then asked him with a serious expression. "Are you perhaps Immortal Long Tian's reincarnation, Young Master Xia?"

Fan Quexin guessed that way for various reasons, firstly because Xia Tian knew about the tune of the song, secondly because he seemed to know Fan Jing and Fan Ying well, thirdly because he looked so depressed after learning about Fan Jing's condition.

,m Xia Tian took a deep breath and looked at her seriously, before he finally nodded, and answered her. "I am indeed Long Tian's reincarnation, but I did not expect that I have been dead for a hundred years, because for me, my death was only about a week ago."

Their eyes widened, they were really shocked to hear Xia Tian's confession, then Fan Quexian stuttered to ask him. "You… You really are the reincarnated Immortal Long Tian, ​​Young Master Xia?"

"That's right." Xia Tia nodded at her. "The first time I met your mother, she was only five years old, and that's why I could tell that you are Little Ying's daughter, because your face really resembles her when she was young. As for your aunt, I don't know what to say, I know that she was infatuated with me, but at that time I only focused on my wife, Liu Lifen."

Xia Tian inwardly sighed and felt guilty, because back then he was too obsessed with resurrecting Liu Lifen, so he couldn't care less about Fan Jing's feelings. And whenever Fan Jing visited him on earth, he immediately chased her away, because at that time he thought that she was a nuisance.

"No wonder you can tell the tune of the song, because only Aunt Jing who often whistles the tune." Fan Quexian finally understood how Xia Tian knew the tune of the song, because he was Immortal Long Tian's reincarnation.

"Indeed I knew it from Little Jing, since she was little, she often whistled the tune of the song." Xia Tian chuckled remembering little Fan Jing who liked to run around while whistling the song.

After knowing all that, Fan Youling then said to him. "Would you like to meet the Queen, Young Master Xia? She will definitely be happy to meet you again, and maybe if she finds out that you have been reincarnated, then she can return to her former self."

"Do you have a portal to go there? Because it's impossible for me to go there with my current state, and right now I'm even weaker than you guys." Xia Tian couldn't help but go to the Elven Nature Realm, because he had to make Fan Jing go back to how she used to be.

"We don't have a portal to our realm, but my mother will come to this planet in a month. Only then can she take us to the Elven Nature Realm, because the artifact that my mother used to go to this realm only works once a month." Fan Quexian explained to Xia Tian and then added. "But I can make contact with my mother from this realm."

"Oh? You have inter-spatial voice transmission?" Xia Tian asked in surprise, and Fan Quexian nodded at him. "Good then, I have to take responsibility for Little Jing's condition. So contact little Ying, and tell her, I'll be waiting for her for another month."

Fan Quexian immediately took out an artifact from his storage ring, and she immediately sent a voice message to her mother. She knew that Immortal Long Tian was highly respected in their realm, because when a great calamity occurred in the Elven Nature Realm, he was the one who helped them single-handedly.


Elven Nature Realm

A young woman with long golden hair is seen sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, she is wearing a long loose white dress. Even so, her loose dress couldn't hide the sexiness of her body, especially her big and plump breasts around 36B, plus her perfect hourglass curves.

She had a mature serious face, with two clear blue eyes decorated with thin golden eyebrows on top, she also had a beautiful slender nose, paired with charming pink lips.

The woman was none other than Fan Jing, the queen of the Elves. Suddenly she heard someone walking into her room, Fang Jing gently opened her eyes, then asked. "What happened, Ying? Why did you suddenly come here?"

Like Fan Jing, Fan Ying is also very beautiful and sexy, her body is more voluptuous than Fan Jing's, but her breasts are smaller than hers, about 32D.

If Fan Jing's face looked more serious and mature, Fan Ying's face looked less serious and a little playful. Fan Ying had beautiful blue eyes with thick golden eyebrows above them, she also had a sharper nose than her big sister, combined with thick sensual lips.

Fan Ying felt really sad seeing her big sister, because she was like someone who had no purpose in life anymore, and she had lived in solitude for a hundred years.

Fan Ying then sat cross-legged beside Fan Jing, she then said with a mysterious smile. "I have great news for you, Big Sis. You will be very happy to hear the news, and I hope that after this you can be your former self again."

"Hmm? Tell me the news." Fan Jing flatly asked her little sister while frowning.

Fan Ying then played a voice message from her daughter, Fan Quexian.

Even though it was only a few seconds, it already brought Fan Jing to tears, then she asked while sobbing. "Is that true, Ying?"

"En." Fan Ying nodded to her with a smile, then she explained. "Uncle Tian has been reincarnated, and he also remembers all the memories of his past life. Currently, my daughter Quexian is resting at his residence, and I will be going to that realm in a month. Would you like to come with me to meet Uncle Tian, Big Sis?"

"Sob... I'll come with you, Ying. Sob..." Fan Ying immediately hugged her while rubbing her back, and Fan Jing muttered while crying loudly. "He's alive... Sob... He's still alive... Sob..."

--- To Be Continued ---

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