Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 59: 9: Final Decision

Book 59: Chapter 9: Final Decision

Early morning the next day, the two boys left the Situ Mansion, setting out toward the Imperial Palace. The melting snow made muddy water ran through the streets of Chang’an, vehicle and horses splashed mud everywhere, the great capital city of Chang’an was like a noble lady shedding off her magnificent and beautiful clothes, and rolling about and merrily playing in the mud, the elegant and pure bearing she had always maintained was obliterated completely.

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Didn’t we want to be high officials before? Now we become officials all right, but we are so unlucky that even horses to get around are lacking. Ha! I nearly couldn’t sleep last night, I was afraid that when I got up this morning, our identity would have been exposed by Lao Shi. Fortunately, that does not seem to be the case.”

Xu Ziling said, “Shi Zhixuan should be aiming for the same goal as Wan Dajie. Since Wanwan supports us, no matter how unhappy Shi Zhixuan is, he can’t possibly flagrantly destroy it. This is called thinking on the bright side; other than that, what else can we do?”

Kou Zhong cheerfully said, “That’s right! This is the unique skill of submitting to the will of heaven. A bit more pleasant to hear is: using unchanging to deal with ten thousand changes. However, this method is a one-time deal; we can’t always ask God and worship Buddha every night, hoping that tomorrow Shi Zhixuan will not lodge an accusation against us. Before the uprising, we must solve Shi Zhixuan, this difficult problem.”

While chatting and laughing, they arrived at the An Shang Gate of the Imperial City. The two boys threw out the various loads on their mind as they entered the Palace to see Cheng Mo.

When Cheng Mo saw the two boys, his expression grave, he said, “I need to take you to see Wei Gonggong immediately; please don’t ask, I really don’t know why Wei Gonggong wants to see you, I can only say for sure that it is not Huangshang wanted to play polo, because the accumulated water on the field has not been cleared up yet.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

The two boys’ heart knew, their belly clear - that it must have something to do with Fu Qian; without saying anything further, they followed Cheng Mo to the Gong Jian Tang [palace supervisor hall] to see.

Wei Gonggong was busy giving directions to a group of palace eunuchs, so the three men had to wait painstakingly for nearly half a sichen before they were called in.

Wei Gonggong forced himself to squeeze out a bit of smiling expression, he said, “Congratulations, you guys! Huangshang really shows special favor to you, he appoints you as our Great Tang’s special envoy, to follow Tuyuhun’s Fu Qian Wangzi returning to his country, to represent Huangshang to participate in their upcoming polo festival. After the event, Fu Qian Wangzi will send his men to take you back. This matter involves the diplomatic relations between us and Tuyuhun, two countries, the implications are profound. If there is no fault, Huangshang will definitely reward you heavily.”

The two boys secretly praised Fu Qian, unexpectedly he could come up with polo festival, this limited time, limited day excuse, so that Li Yuan had no choice but to immediately release them.

Kou Zhong pretended to have his countenance changed, he said, “What place is Tuyuhun?”

Xu Ziling also said, “Didn’t Huangshang want us to accompany him in the match against the Tujue and the Gaoli?”

Wei Gonggong briefly explained to them. Obviously he was not interested to waste his time with them, he ordered Cheng Mo, saying, “They are going to set out tomorrow with Fu Qian Wangzi, you take them to see the Department of Foreign Affair’s Wen Yanbo, Wen Daren, let the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ people instruct them in proper etiquette, so that they won’t lose our country’s face by their attire.”

Hearing that, the two boys looked at each other, because they had never expected these incidental blessings.

It was not until the sun was setting over the western mountains that the two boys were able to get away from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, dragging their more-tired-than-fighting-in-a-fierce-battle bodies back to the Situ Mansion.

Hou Xibai went out to meet them, he spoke in delight, “Success! Li Yuan officially issued a letter inviting you guys to come to Chang’an to discuss important matters.”

Hearing that, the two boys put down the big rock in their hearts. Kou Zhong said, “Let’s get inside and talk.”

Halted his steps, Xu Ziling said, “I want to go see Feixuan.”

Hou Xibai happily said, “I want to see her too, please graciously grant the permission for Xiaodi to accompany you to go …”

He had not finished speaking, Kou Zhong pulled him away and heckled him good-naturedly, saying, “They are going to meet after dusk, we need to be a bit more sensitive! Ling Shao! Remember to come back before the second watch [of the night, 9-11pm], we still need to wait upon Yun Shuai.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Xu Ziling came to the street. He has not walked for more than ten steps, suddenly he sensed someone behind him; surprisingly, it was Shi Zhixuan. ‘Not good!’ he cried inwardly.

When he was passing him, Shi Zhixuan spoke, tranquil and calm, and at ease, “Come with me!”

Xu Ziling was well aware that Shi Zhixuan occupied the completely superior position, and that he was leading them by the nose, how could he dare to say no? Chasing behind him, they walked through the streets and passed the alleys towards the southeast of the city.

Shi Zhixuan slowed down his pace to let him catch up to his side, he spoke casually, “From the beginning, I knew you were lying to me. The flaw is that you absolutely are not using this kind method to deal with the enemy. Plus Shi Feixuan arriving in Chang’an exactly at this time, it is obviously to cooperate with you. I dare say that you have formed an alliance with Li Shimin early on, you wanted to help him ascend to the throne, is Ol’ Shi guessing wrong?”

Xu Yuling sighed again inwardly, this time Shi Zhixuan came not to look for someone for an idle chat, but with a determination to put him to death. Therefore, he deliberately spoke these words, so that the only choice remaining for Xu Ziling was to kill people to shut their mouth; therefore, he would not possibly slip away.

Xu Ziling entered the Moon in the Well realm, his entire being was empty, spirited and penetrating, generating a fantastic feeling of omniscience and ignorance [orig. wusuobuzhi and yiwusuozhi, lit. ‘none is not known’, and ‘not one thing is known’ (or not knowing anything at all)]. He knew that under Shi Zhixuan’s tremendous pressure, his realm would make another breakthrough; he smiled and said, “Xie Wang should know that what Kou Zhong wants to see the most is not Li Shimin’s Dark-Armored Cavalry, but the Tujue Wolf Army who proclaimed hegemony in the world. It is the battle that he dreams of encountering, a battle that can determine the fate of the Central Earth. The allied armies from beyond the Great Wall invading to the south is a done deal, it is only waiting for the moment when the arrow is going to leave the bowstring. Even if everybody else is willing to let it go, Xieli will definitely not want to stop; this battle is unavoidable. Can Xie Wang empathize with our current situation?”

Shi Zhixuan spoke in astonishment, “Ziling unexpectedly opened your mouth to plead for leniency?”

Xu Ziling’s smile turned bitter, he said, “Because I sensed the murderous intent in Xie Wang‘s heart.”

Shi Zhixuan halted his steps in silence. There was a small bridge ahead, the canal water flowed underneath it, flowing southeast in the direction of the Qujiang Chi [Lake Qujiang (lit. bent/crooked river)]. It was only then did Xu Ziling realize that they were in Puyang Li. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Hidden under the bridge he saw a small boat, which made him feel Shi Zhixuan’s determination to kill him more and more, and that what he had before him right now was a premeditated situation.

Shi Zhixuan wanted to make his move in the hidden forest wild area of ??Qujiang Chi to avoid attracting the Tang Army to come and interfere.

A hint of smile escaped from Shi Zhixuan’s lips, he spoke softly, “Kou Zhong wants to make Xieli discard his wild schemes to invade the Central Earth, he must win a beautiful victory against the Tujue Wolf Army in a big battle in the open country, not an attack and defense battle at one corner of the City of Chang’an. Does Ziling understand?”

Dark clouds accumulated in the night sky, it appeared that a rainstorm was brewing.

Shi Zhixuan’s knowledge and experience was certainly a cut above others; furthermore, he understood Kou Zhong’s heroic, exceptional character, he knew that the final situation could only be a fair confrontation between Kou Zhong and Xieli, fighting an all-cavalry life and death battle.

Xu Ziling spoke indifferently, “Precisely because we understand this point that we must use the strongest troop arrangement, including the Great Tang Army, the Shao Shuai Army, and the Song Family Army’s elite, powerful army division, to meet the enormously strong contingent from beyond the Great Wall, unprecedented in history.”

Shi Zhixuan laughed aloud and said, “After Ziling boarded the boat, we will have all the time to chat.”

Xu Ziling knew Shi Zhixuan’s intention to kill him was still unswerving, this battle would be hard to avoid, but there was not the slightest bit of fear in his heart, because he knew that that kind of feeling would only ruin things, and the only way to save his life was that he must remain in the Moon in the Well’s peak state.

The small boat slowly set out from under the bridge and glided down with the current along the dark and spacious waterway.

Shi Zhixuan’s manner leisurely, he said, “What was the business deal you made with Fu Qian? Why is he willing to help you get away? From his standpoint, the best situation would be due to the invasion to the Central Earth, Xieli’s strength is greatly damaged, thereupon Tongyehu would seize the opportunity to attack and occupy Xieli’s territory, and then Fu Qian will take advantage of the golden opportunity where Tongyehu is too busy to mind him, to take over his party.”

Xu Ziling almost lost his spirit. Due to Shi Zhixuan and Wanwan joined hands and became one gang, his eyes and ears returned to being fast and abundant, so that he became an even bigger threat to them. Like Kou Zhong was saying, they could not always ask God and worship Buddha every day, hoping that Shi Zhixuan would be magnanimous and not destroy their grand plan. Thinking to this point, for the first time, he started to have the heart to kill Shi Zhixuan, that is, if he still could not persuade Shi Zhixuan. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Shi Zhixuan steered the boat forward. His deep and unmeasurable eyes were complete focused on him, to watch his reaction.

Xu Ziling spoke frankly, “It cannot be considered a business deal at all, it was just helping each other. We will force Yun Shuai to leave Chang’an for him, as for the rest, he will have to take care of it by himself.”

Shi Zhixuan spoke cheerfully, “This time Ziling Ling is honest and frank, I wonder if you begin to have the murderous intent to kill Ol’ Shi?”

Thinking deeply, Xu Ziling said, “What I am thinking is not important, it’s just a normal response of fighting hard to seek self-preservation under pressure. I really don’t understand Xie Wang. Didn’t you, the Senior say that there is nothing more important than Qingxuan? But your behavior is not in keeping with that point.”

Shi Zhixuan looked up at the pitch-black night sky, which made people’s mood heavy; instead of answering, he asked, “How much chance of success does Ziling think Kou Zhong has that he will be able to, in a frontal confrontation on the plains, defeat the Tujue Wolf Army, which is invincible in this kind of battle? This is not like the Battle of the Rushing Wolf Plains that day, Xieli is coming with all his strength, and Tuli is going to stand on Xieli’s side.”

Xu Ziling said, “I can only say that I have full confidence in Kou Zhong. This battle will be the heaviest and most difficult battle for Kou Zhong, yet this is the only way to push down the damage inflicted by the Wolf Army to the common people of the Central Earth to the minimum.”

Shi Zhixuan’s gaze returned to his face; the divine light flaring greatly, he spoke in heavy voice, “Even with your full support, with Li Yuan’s Imperial Guards, Li Jiancheng’s Changlin Army and the Tujue martial art masters standing by, in Chang’an, Li Shimin practically has no ability to fight back, why do you give up the easy and pick the difficult? Instead of supporting Li Shimin to hold on to Luoyang and proclaim independence, you want to come to Chang’an, risking yourselves to face danger? You know that Li Yuan, Jiancheng and the others invited you to Chang’an, precisely because they have the heart to put you to death. What you are doing is really unwise.”

Hearing that, Xu Ziling was both alarmed and happy at the same time. Alarmed because Shi Zhixuan had once again gained control of the situation, so much so that he knew the classified information that Li Yuan was inviting them to Chang’an. Even more crucial was that he anticipated that they would accept the invitation. Happy because Wanwan did not betray them at all by leaking the secret of the Duke Yang’s Treasure-house to this demonic lord at the top of this generation, and thus preserving their most important dangerous chess piece.

He smiled and said, “On the surface, that seems to be the case, however, Xie Wang should know that within the Tang imperial court, there is no lack of people who are in favor of Li Shimin. Coupled with the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall pressing down on the border, they should know what the clear-cut choice is.”

The small boat slowly entered Lake Qujiang and glided on the lightly rippling, undulating water surface. The gardens on the far shore could be faintly seen, along with the pavilion, palace hall, balconies on the buildings, and the winding waterfront, which reminded people of the origin of the Qujiang’s name. foxswuxia.wordpress.com

It was not the first time that Xu Ziling came here, it was the place where he had a secret meeting with Hu Xiaoxian. At that time, the scenery was bright and beautiful, with luxuriant flowers and trees on both sides, the oars crisscrossing on the surface of the water, the lake was full of the gleaming reflection of the waves in the sunlight, and the water reflecting the buildings on the waterside, what is true and what is false engendered one another, like a fantasy that appeared to be a reality, enchanting beautiful scenery that looked like a mirage, a stark contrast with the moment before his eyes, which was heavy with murderous aura. He could not help having a different kind of emotional stirring.

Shi Zhixuan rowed the boat towards the dense forest on the south bank, he sighed and said, “The reason why Ol’ Shi proposed to assassinate Zhao Deyan, on one hand, it was to test your reaction, but even more, it was also because I still could not harden my heart to carryout ruthless hands toward you guys. Before I made my debut in the past, I made a heavy oath in front of the founder of the past generation, vowing to revitalize the demonic school, to let us rule the world. And currently, also perhaps in the foreseeable future, the biggest obstacle to our demonic school is not the Buddhist and Taoist, two schools, not Li Shimin and the likes, but you and Kou Zhong, the two kids who suddenly emerged from Yangzhou. Although I don’t believe that you have the ability to turn Chang’an upside down, furthermore, I am positive that Kou Zhong will not be able to create the miracle of defeating the Tujue Wolf Army in a flat plain battle, but I do not have the patience to wait until that moment. This is Ol’ Shi’s last chance to choose, whether I should attach most importance to my master and school, or attach most importance to personal gratitude and grudges, and I have to make a choice between the two.”

Xu Ziling calmly said, “Therefore, after careful consideration, Xie Wang finally decided to take my little life, right?”

Shi Zhixuan laughed involuntarily and said, “Certainly so!”

Suddenly Shi Zhixuan soared straight up above the boat, the tip of his right foot was shooting toward Xu Ziling’s forehead, brimming with definitely-will-not-show-any-mercy flavor.

Inside the Situ Mansion’s inner hall, Kou Zhong, Hou Xibai, Lei Jiuzhi, Song Shidao, Ren Jun, Zha Jie, and Tongtong sat around the table. After everyone was clear about the current situation, Kou Zhong said, “Ziling, Xibai and I must leave the city with Fu Qian’s diplomatic group tomorrow, I will leave the matters here to Song ErGe and Lei Dage to continue the bank work. Since we are not there, Shi Zhixuan can’t possibly disturb you.”

Hou Xibai said, “If Shi Shi wants to expose us, he would make his move before we leave. If by tomorrow he has not made any unusual move, the chance of him exposing us is comparatively low, the risk shouldn’t be high.”

Song Shidao analyzed, “Li Yuan’s target is Xiao Zhong and Xiao Ling. As long as you are willing to accept the invitation to come to Chang’an, he could watch with folded arms, sit back and see Bi Xuan or Fu Cailin making things difficult for you. Other things should be secondary.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Staring blankly, Lei Jiuzhi said, “Shidao is saying that Li Yuan is unexpectedly having bad intentions toward forming the alliance, and not because he wants to borrow Shaoshuai’s prestige to suppress the Wolf Army from beyond the Great Wall’s wild schemes.”

Song Shidao sighed and said, “The fact should be so. The problem is not with Li Yuan, but with the people who can influence Li Yuan. Most people hate Xiao Zhong and Xiao Ling to the bones. It does not matter whether we are willing to accept the invitation to come to Chang’an, to Jiancheng and the others, it is still advantageous. Coming here will put Xiao Zhong, Xiao Ling in critical circumstances, perilous situation where danger lurks on every side, but if you don’t come, they will put the blame on Li Shimin. This is the main reason Jiancheng agreed to this move.”

Kou Zhong happily raised his fingers and counted one by one, “Jiancheng, Yuanji, Yang Xuyan, Yin Zuwen, Yuwen Clan, Dugu Clan, ha ha! There are still four fingers. His granny’s bear, I was not afraid of them before, much less today. I want to show them that history is created by us.”

Lei Jiuzhi nodded his head and said, “Counter soldiers with arms, water with an earth weir. As long as Li Yuan does not dare to openly act arbitrarily regardless of the rules, we are not afraid of his Niang.”

Muttering to himself irresolutely, Kou Zhong said, “Chang’an will be the site of a series of dramatic battles, but the most difficult battle is definitely against allied armies from beyond the Great Wall’s large-scale invasion to the south. I must hurry back to Liangdu immediately to gather all the strength in my hands, other than the Shao Shuai Army, there is still the Song Family Army and Ol’ Die’s Jianghuai Army; we need to assemble the most elite of fighters. In time of emergency, they will take the ships via the canal to go up north the Great River, sailing against the stream to enter the Pass. Combined with the Li Tang’s power, we will fight openly with Xieli on a hard battle that will determine the fate of the Central Earth. Since Xieli is best at using all cavalry in decisive battles on the plains, Xiaodi will use the same way back at him on the Guanzhong Plains, to use the fact to prove who is the unequalled commander-in-chief.”

Stunned, Song Shidao said, “Do you have the confidence? If you lose this battle, it is very likely that the north will repeat the inferior situation of the Upheaval of the Five Barbarians[1] [wu hu luan hua, lit. five foreign tribes (hu) disrupting China (hua)] in the past.”

Speechless, Lei Jiuzhi said, “Back then, Xieli loaned out the Wolf Army to help Song JinGang attacking Taiyuan. The Great Tang Army’s awe-inspiring way was blown about by the wind [idiom: to be routed in battle]. Even with Li Shimin’s military talent, in head-on confrontation, they still suffered big loss, and was compelled to carry out the closing the city wall and defending painstakingly, while cutting off their route for providing foodstuff - strategy, waiting for Song JinGang to exhaust their army provisions before he succeeded in the counterattack. This time not only Xieli’s whole nest coming out, but he is also joined by Tuli and the various tribes, Shiwei, Huihe, and Khitan. Their military strength reaches several hundreds of thousands. You’d better think three times before going.” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Ren Jun, Tongtong, and Hou Xibai, none did not nod in agreement with the two men. Ever since Xieli emerged suddenly outside the Great Wall, the Tujue Wolf Army’s might was like the sun at noon, no one who heard it did not have his countenance change.

Kou Zhong showed a brilliant smile full of confidence, he said, “No one knows more clearly than I do about the combat method of the various tribes beyond the Great Wall, or understand their strength even more. If there is someone in the Central Earth who can defeat the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall, that person must be Xiaodi. The talk about the tribes from beyond the Great Wall being valiant has become a rumor. The people I encountered during my travels outside the Great Wall, from Du Xing to Ma Ji, Bao Ziting to Xieli, or like Pusa, Gunatai brothers and the likes, or maybe Tuli, who, with me, call Xiong [older brother] and address as Di [younger brother], none is not a tough and tyrannical man. If we want to make these people give up their heart to invade our border, the only way is to resort to military force, to make them submit wholeheartedly by defeating them in a fair battle. This battle will be like a duel between martial art masters, the saber technique is the military technique. Starting from the moment when I agreed with Xiao Ling to help Li Shimin, this battle has been lingering in my mind. It is the last battle I am fervently looking forward to. Nothing else is in my, Kou Zhong’s heart.”

Hou Xibai said, “Would Xieli dispel his intention of going down south because of your alliance with Li Yuan?”

Kou Zhong leaned back into his chair, he shook his head and said, “You have this thought because you don’t understand Xieli’s temperament, you don’t understand the people beyond the Great Wall’s unafraid-of-anyone, brave-and-ruthless-in-battle character. The most crucial point is that the various tribes outside the Great Wall have deep hatred toward us, Han people. Our cooperation with Li Yuan will only arouse their vicious nature. On top of that, there is Zhao Deyan, this fellow pushing the wave and adding to the billows from the side, plus he is clear about the internal divisions and civil strife within the Li Tang. Xieli will not miss this once-in-a-thousand-years golden opportunity, otherwise his Great Khan throne will be unstable.”

Anxious, Song Shidao said, “It’s not that I don’t have confidence in you, even more, I am convinced that in strategy, ability and wisdom, you are above Xieli. However, war is not a showdown between two people. The various tribes beyond the Great Wall, everybody grew up on horseback, their skill in equestrian archery is really not something that we, Han people could achieve. With us short and the enemy long, even if your resourcefulness is unrivalled, it is still difficult to have the power to reverse the rotation of the sky. Why not adopt Li Shimin’s strategy of closing the city walls, defend firmly, and fortify defenses and raze the fields [idiom: to leave nothing for the invader].” foxswuxia.wordpress.com

Kou Zhong laughed aloud and said, “This strategy may not be effective this time, because the other side has Zhao Deyan who is good at besieging a city. When I was in Longquan, I personally observed the Golden Wolf Army’s preparation effort in besieging the city. The Tujue are the best at using battle to raise a battle. Even more frightening is that they are fighting a war of attrition. If we let him heavily besiege Chang’an, then he will divide his troops to nibble away the city and countryside everywhere in Guanzhong, even if Chang’an can be defended, the consequences would still be extremely unimaginable. Since I am willing to help Li Shimin ascending to the throne, naturally I am hoping that afterwards the whole world will be at peace. And this can only be determined by the most explosive and intense battle, never happened in history. There is no other way.”

Listening to him, Song Shidao and the others not only felt that his words made sense, but it also came through mature reflection; even though their hearts were terribly worried, they had nothing to say.

Kou Zhong turned to Lei Jiuzhi and spoke cheerfully, “The matter of the future, let us think about it in the future. After fixing Yun Shuai properly tonight, we are going to Feng Ya Ge to have fun until daybreak; how about just consider it a farewell banquet for us, Taihang Shuangjie being banished from the court into the uncivilized territory? Naturally we will have our Furong Ye to personally preside over it. Ha! I wonder how’s the progress of Ling Shao‘s night rendezvous with the beautiful woman?”

[1] Upheaval of the Five Barbarians - Chinese expression referring to a series of rebellions and invasions between 304 and 316 by non-Han peoples, commonly called the Five Barbarians, living in North China against the Jin Empire, which had recently been weakened by a series of civil wars. The uprisings helped topple Emperor Huai of Jin in Luoyang and ended the Western Jin dynasty in northern China. (Source: Wikipedia) Note: the Five Hu refers to the nomadic tribal alliance of Xiongnu, Xianbei, Jie, Qiang, and Di.

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