Da Tang Shuang Long Zhuan

Book 60 6 – Meeting the Person[1] Again

Book 60 Chapter 6 - Meeting the Person[1] Again

Kou Zhong returned to Ba Fenghan’s side and sat down, he asked in astonishment, “It looks like you have not stood up, I wonder if you have a special fondness toward these stone steps?”

Ba Fenghan’s eyes were fixed on the plaza, he smiled and said, “I really enjoy this kind of not feeling like doing anything, my brain feels empty due to unbearable burden. Anyway, what bad news that girl brings? Is it about Li Yuan going to make his move to kill us tonight?”

Shaking his head, Kou Zhong said, “Li Yuan killing us is a question of when, not if. However, it shouldn’t be tonight, but any day, any chance after the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall retreat.”

Ba Fenghan spoke coldly, “Although I saw Li Yuan for the first time today, I am sure that he, this person is not simple at all. After all, he is an outstanding figure among the great generals of the old dynasty. Underestimating him will make us defeated, the ground blanketed with bodies [idiom: suffering a crushing defeat].”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “LaoGe, don’t worry, Xiaodi can’t possibly underestimate the enemy.”

Ba Fenghan said, “Just now Hu Xiaoxian came to look for Ziling. According to Xuanshu, when she found out that Ziling was not here, she seemed to be very disappointed. I wonder why she is looking for Ziling?”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Ziling, this kid attracts women’s liking very much, I am afraid she is in love with Ziling! Ha!”

Astonished, Ba Fenghan said, “Your mood seems to have improved a lot?”

Shrugging his shoulders, Kou Zhong said, “It’s not that there is a change in mood, but that we must seek fun in the midst of hardship, so that our days will be a bit easier to pass.”

This moment a subordinate came to report, Qin Wang Li Shimin arrived.

The Jing She [exquisite abode] where Shi Qingxuan was staying was hidden deep inside the park south of Fang Sheng Chi [Setting-Free Lake/Pond, setting-free is referring to releasing captive animal, as an act of Buddhist mercy] in Yu He An’s rear courtyard. Xu Ziling’s footsteps were like a shortcut that leads him to happiness. The excitement was replaced by continuous, inexhaustible warm feelings, his pace was calm and unhurried. The love between him and Shi Qingxuan was so real, without any misgivings. Turning a corner, Shi Qingxuan’s touching figure suddenly came into view, Xu Ziling halted his steps.

Shi Qingxuan seemed to sense it, she stopped her work trimming the cluster of flowers in front of the Jing She, straightened her tender body up, but still did not turn around.

The intense emotion that Xu Ziling had just suppressed broke through all obstacles like a flood bursting through the dike, the fire of love turned into raging flames starting a prairie fire, he called out, “Qingxuan!”

Shi Qingxuan’s tender body trembled lightly, she slowly turned around, her pair of eyes emitted an incomparably complicated expression, she spoke softly, “Xu Ziling!”

Xu Ziling was completely overwhelmed by some kind of unprecedented emotion, rushing three steps forward, he came to about only two steps away from Shi Qingxuan, their eyes were firmly attracted to each other like magnets, they were unable to move the slightest bit.

The beautiful-sunshine light in Shi Qingxuan’s pair of eyes was gradually replaced by deep emotion like the ocean, she stared fixedly at him without blinking, returning his blazing gaze, putting the feelings at the bottom of her heart in full display, holding nothing back - before his very eyes, surpassing thousands of words and continuous words of love even more.

Xu Ziling’s heart trembled and was washed away, he was really afraid that before his eyes was only a momentary illusion, and that some sudden change would make all of this suddenly disappear even more.

He was completely unable to control himself, the next moment he felt that the happiness before his eyes entered his bosom, he searched for her fragrant lips, exerted all his strength to kiss her, to stroke her soft-as-if-without-bones fragrant shoulders, exhausting his passion and his strength.

Shi Qingxuan’s tender body was extremely excited, it trembled intensely. In less than half a day, her lips became burning hot and soft, she stretched out her jade hands to wrap her arms around his neck, becoming intoxicated in his fervent kiss.

The sky spun, the earth went round [idiom: giddy with his head spinning], Xu Ziling was completely lost in the deepest part of this sweet dream of love. Any Yu He An, the City of Chang’an, so much so the clouds of war looming over the Central Earth and beyond the Great Wall - were all thrown out beyond the ninth-layer of the clouds. He was experiencing the intimate relationship, the real and authentic, brimming with flesh and blood - feeling inside his bosom. The steadfast happiness, the secret love that had been suppressed for many years - toward the jade person [beautiful woman] in his bosom, was released with abandon. The scars, which arose due to Shi Feixuan bidding farewell - in his heart was gradually healed and mended. His nostrils were full of the fragrant scent that Shi Qingxuan’s hair and her tender body emitted.

The lips parted.

Pressing against his cheek, Shi Qingxuan panted lightly, she asked, “What kind of person is he?”

This sentence recalled Xu Ziling’s soul back from infinite distance. Fortunately, this dream-like and beautiful reality has not dissipated. It was still so real, it was difficult to believe, yet it was an iron-clad fact.

Hearing that Shi Qingxuan was still only willing to use ‘he’ to refer to Shi Zhixuan, he could see that until this moment, she still could not forgive Shi Zhixuan. However, she was willing to take the initiative to mention him; no matter what, for Shi Qingxuan, it was some kind of progress.

Xu Ziling hugged her tightly, vowing not to let anything hurt her again, he spoke softly, “He is a pitiful man who, due to committing a filling-the-entire-sky mistake, regret and remorse intertwine and concentrate in the second half of his life, but at the same time he is also a terrifying demonic lord capable of destroying everything that the Central Earth is hoping for. If I say it like that, would Qingxuan understand?”

On the wooden platform next to the lake outside Hua E Lou, Li Shimin and Kou Zhong leaned against the railing, looked towards the Long Chi, waiting for Xu Ziling to return.

Kou Zhong said, “It seems that Qin Wang came a little earlier. When will the banquet be held?”

Li Shimin cheerfully said, “Shimin is hoping that before the state banquet, I could invite you to pay a visit to my humble abode, so that Shaoshuai, Ziling and Fenghan could meet Jiannei [my humble wife] and lie’er [my inferior son].”

Kou Zhong was puzzled, he asked, “Currently the people in the entire City of Chang’an all suspect that you and I are in collusion privately, melon patch under the plum tree [see Chapter 3], such a contact, aren’t you afraid it would make people more suspicious?”

Li Shimin smiled and said, “This is a wonderful strategy that Ruhui came up with. Precisely because I still want to avoid suspicion by winning over Shaoshuai that it will show that between us is clear and open, right?”

Kou Zhong gained sudden understanding, he said, “I understand! This move is called double-negative will become positive.”

Li Shimin said, “When you guys went to Ling Yan Ge to see Fu Cailin, Huangshang summoned us to the Council Chamber for an emergency meeting. Participating in the meeting, other than Taizi and Qi Wang, there were also Huai’an Wang, Pei Ji, Feng Deyi, Xiao Yi and Yuwen Shang. The original idea was to ask me personally about the process of reaching an agreement with you and the stand that Song Que is taking, but in the end it turned into Taizi and Qi Wang censuring and interrogating me. Fortunately, Fuhuang really has the heart to rely on you, hence Pei Ji and Yuwen Shang did not dare to interrupt.”

Knitting his brows, Kou Zhong asked, “Was Yin Zuwen present?”

Li Shimin shook his head and said, “He does not have the qualification to participate yet.”

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “Did you expose Jiancheng’s scars to see how he was going to explain the big firearm explosion in the East Palace?”

Li Shimin sighed and said, “I really want to, but I know that the time and the place are not suitable. Fuhuang also knows that the relationship between me and Taizi and Qi Wang is like water and fire. He gave an order that if anyone deliberately provokes and stirs up trouble, he will be severely punished.”

Kou Zhong cheerfully said, “This is good news, at least we don’t have to kill our way out of Taiji Palace tonight.”

Laughing involuntarily, Li Shimin said, “Fuhuang really has the intention to join hands with you guys to repeal the enemy. After the meeting, he even asked me to take Shaoshuai to the imperial study room before the banquet to talk, and then go to the banquet together.”

Kou Zhong was shocked, “It’s not a trap, is it?” he asked.

Li Shimin replied, “To deal with Shaoshuai, Ziling, and Fenghan, it is not something that can be done with a group of martial art masters alone, it will involve mobilization of troops and horses, and deployment of heavy defenses. Even then, no one has a hundred-percent confidence. Last time encircling and annihilating Shi Zhixuan was the best precedent; how could Fuhuang dare to lightly take the risk again? Besides, once he miscalculated and let Shaoshuai break the siege and leave, Fuhuang would incur the world’s scorn and contempt. One failure after another, how is he going to unite the people to cope with Xieli’s invasion? Shaoshuai need not worry too much.”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “What Qin Wang said makes sense, but according to the intelligence I obtained from various parties, lingzun [your esteemed father] indeed has the determination to kill me, only he will wait patiently until after the allied armies retreat.”

A grave expression appeared on Li Shimin’s face, he said, “Due to the relationship between Shaoshuai and me, presently Fuhuang is indeed standing on Taizi’s side; therefore, we have to deal with not only Taizi and Qi Wang, but also Fuhuang. Otherwise, we will ruin the enterprise for the sake of one basketful.”

Kou Zhong sighed inwardly; to deal with enormous-powered, combined-with-supported-by-the-Tujue-or-the-Gaoli Jiancheng and Yuanji inside the City of Chang’an was really not an easy task. Even if they succeed, if Li Yuan launched a counterattack, their chance of leaving Chang’an alive was still distant and indistinct.

He asked in heavy voice, “How is the progress in contacting the important ministers and great generals?”

Smiling wryly, Li Shimin said, “Huai’an Wang does not dare to act blindly without thinking, so it can be said that he has not made a cun of progress yet.”

Kou Zhong said, “Without taking a bit of risk, how could it work?”

Li Shimin said, “I agree with Huai’an Wang’s caution. Under the current situation, we must create a situation where everyone understands that the future well-being of the Central Earth will entirely depend on us and Shaoshuai working with a common purpose, while Taizi and the Tujue are breathing through the same nostril, wholeheartedly wanting to put Shaoshuai and Shimin to death. Only until the situation develops to the stage where they can only choose one between the two - will our lobbying have miraculous effects.”

Kou Zhong said, “Your thought is indeed more thorough than mine, this idea is very proper. All right! Let us parade ourselves ostentatiously around town first, to raise Jiancheng, Yuanji’s suspicion toward us. If they are unable to hold themselves back and attack me first, we will succeed!”

Ba Fenghan and Xu Ziling appeared on the platform and came over to them.

Kou Zhong laughed and said, “How come I don’t see my Sao Furen [madam sister-in-law]?”

Xu Ziling cheerfully greeted Li Shimin, together with Ba Fenghan they came in front of the two men, he said, “She is remaining in Yu He An is more appropriate. Qin Wang came early!”

Li Shimin said, “We don’t have much time, let’s talk as we go.”

Li Yuan welcomed Kou Zhong into the outer hall of the Imperial Study Room. After sitting properly as the guest and the host, the inner attendant served fragrant tea.

Kou Zhong putting on an act of being in your honorable country for the first time, he casually sighed in praise of the decoration and the antiques and knickknacks on display around the hall, while actually he was revisiting an old haunt, he had even entered Li Yuan’s office and sat in his dragon chair, as well as played with his dragon seal.

The setting sun penetrating the western window, so that the hall was brimming with the passing-time-of-day-and-night-exchanging-harmonious-light atmosphere.

Li Yuan turned to Wei Gonggong standing respectfully on the side, “Everybody, withdraw for Zhen [I, imperial use].”

Wei Gonggong was greatly astonished, but naturally he dared not disobey, hence he had no choice but to lead the eunuchs to withdraw outside the imperial study room.

Putting on Jianghu air, Kou Zhong raised his thumb toward Li Yuan sitting facing the door, he praised, “Fazhu is still treasure knife does not age [idiom: old but still vigorous], your courage surpass others. It makes Xiaozi [this kid] more confident that we can work together to drive out the invading foreign enemies.”

Li Yuan laughed calmly and said, “Shaoshuai always gives me the feeling of returning to Jianghu. Not concealing anything from Shaoshuai, this feeling gives me a novel and extremely exciting feeling. Without being disturbed by others, we can fluently say all we want [idiom: to preach freely on one’s favorite topic], no need to have any misgivings.”

Kou Zhong nodded and said, “Then I won’t be polite; does Fazhu trust Kou Zhong?”

Li Yuan said, “Watching one’s actions, listening to one’s words - is knowing the person. I have been paying attention to you, Shaoshuai. If I don’t trust you, how could Shaoshuai sit in here today? However, a person comes back to be a person, a matter comes back to be a matter. Under the prerequisite of the unification of the world, the factors that affect the development of the situation are tangled and complicated [idiom], involving a wide range of things, frequently making people without the freedom to act independently. Li Yuan wants to ask a question first: based on Song Que’s usual style of doing things his way [orig. my action my nature], how could he let Shaoshuai come to the west like this?”

Kou Zhong smiled and said, “Fazhu’s comment on Song Que’s arrogance refers to his, the Senior’s conviction of southern people’s orthodoxy. Since Fazhu is willing to speak forthrightly, I don’t need to lie to Fazhu. Ay! Before I made this decision, it went through a struggle in my heart, before I finally decided to accept Feixuan’s proposal. Half of it was because of Ziling, the other half is for myself.”

Greatly interested, Li Yuan said, “I’d like to hear the details.”

Kou Zhong knew that this dialogue was related to the alliance between him and Li Yuan. Even if Li Yuan was determined to kill him, if he answered properly, he could stabilize Li Yuan and make him wait until they either repel or scare off the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall before making his move. The most important key would be whether he could convince Li Yuan of his sincerity.

Muttering to himself irresolutely sightly, he said, “Ziling’s half of the reason, Fazhu should understand it. Ziling has always been bemoaning the state of the universe and pitying the fate of mankind, he never considers personal gains and losses to be worthy in his eyes. When he understands that the Central Earth is facing imminent disaster, and the only option is to join hands to resist foreign enemies together, he would not to be shirked without dishonor [idiom: dutybound]. As for my other half of the reason, I am sure that Fazhu will not believe it: it is just to win the favor of a beauty. Just like that Hou kid, Hou Xibai said, doing one thing, a magnificent feat worthy of pride that can make her forget all my past errors, to let her know that I, Kou Zhong am not a man whose desire for power dominates his thought and has lost his conscience.”

Li Yuan was greatly astonished; he frowned and said, “Unexpectedly there is such a reason. This is indeed greatly beyond my expectation. I hope Shaoshuai will tell me the details even more.”

Kou Zhong sighed inwardly; he was using someone’s spear to attack his shield [idiom; derived from Han Feizi: turning a weapon against its owner, fig. to attack an opponent using his own devices], because he understood Li Yuan’s conduct. If the listener were either Jiancheng or Yuanji, it would certainly not have any effect, they could not possibly believe it without careful consideration even more. Only toward Li Yuan, this kind of passionate person - would it resonate with him more than anyone else. In fact, he was not lying at all, he just concealed the most important aspect, which was to support Li Shimin’s ascension to the throne.

Smiling wryly, Kou Zhong said, “This matter, start explaining and it’s a long story, really hard to explain in a few words. What Fazhu said this morning really hit my vital part. For the sake of the man’s task of establishing and maintaining hegemony, although I have a marriage contract with the Song Family’s Er Xiaojie, I never cared about the thoughts and expectations of me in her heart, which have caused misunderstandings to grow without letup, and love and hatred hard to solve. Only the magnificent feat of fighting foreign enemies together with Fazhu, eliminating the Central Earth’s catastrophe can make her change her mind and understand what kind of person I, Kou Zhong am.”

Hearing that, Li Yuan was confused. Puzzled, he asked, “I still don’t understand, how could this matter make her change her mind?”

Lowering his voice, Kou Zhong said, “Because all along she has opposed to my future father-in-law’s sending troops out of Lingnan, she is even more eager to look forward to the Central Earth returning to unity and peace, and putting an end to all disputes.”

Li Yuan stared at him blankly for half a day, he spoke heavily, “So did she change her mind because of Shaoshuai‘s visit to Chang’an?”

Kou Zhong cheerfully told the ‘gathering the thorn-ferns, gathering the thorn-ferns’ incident with smiles of exultation and put it all on the tray. Since this was the matter that Kou Zhong was proud of himself and has been lingering in his mind, he told it with many passionate and luxuriant words. Listening to him, Li Yuan did not stop nodding his head. Gradually he revealed trust and without-doubt expression.

In the end, Kou Zhong spoke sincerely, “Ever since I decided to establish the men’s immortal undertaking, I have never been more relaxed and happy than I am now. This is my secret, I hope Fazhu will keep this secret for me.”

Li Yuan slowly said, “But how could Song Que nod his head and agree? If it were me, I would take advantage while the foreign tribes invading Guanzhong to launch large-scale attack on Luoyang. In term of strategy, this is the most sensible way of handling this situation.”

Kou Zhong calmly said, “If the north side’s vitality is severely injured, the frontier fortress cities will become the-roof-wasted-the-walls-in-ruins completely. Even if Luoyang falls into my Shao Shuai Army’s hands, how could we clean up the mess in the future? And then in the foreseeable future, we will live in the terrible situation of the Tujue people’s continuous destruction. This time Xieli is coming prepared, they are most adept in fighting the using-battle-to-raise-battle war of attrition. He becomes stronger, while we become weaker. Admittedly Fazhu’s will be completely destroyed. My Shao Shuai and the Song Family’s allied armies, southern people fighting northern war, leaving the home town and departing the wells for a long period of time will also become detrimental. This side vanishing the other side flourishing, plus people like Liang Shidu, helping tyrant Zhou in his oppression [idiom: taking the side of the evildoer], once men like Xiao Xian and Lin Shihong the ashes burn once more [idiom: something malevolent returns to haunt people], the world will fall back into the nasty situation of the Upheaval of the Five Barbarians [see Book 59 Chapter 9] of the past. Under the prerequisite of the well-being of all the people under the heavens, you and I united will be beneficial, divided will surely bring harm without any benefit. Both Song Fazhu and I have no other choice.”

Emotionally moved, Li Yuan asked, “Did Shaoshuai thoroughly lay out the pros and cons to Song Que like this?”

Kou Zhong spoke heavily, “Song Que has a clearer grasp of the current situation than anyone else. Were it not for the situation is indeed so, even if my tongue is as splendid as a lotus flower, I would still not be able to move him a hairsbreadth.”

Li Yuan knitted his brows in bitter thought for half a day, he said, “Regarding the allied armies from beyond the Great Wall headed by the Xieli’s Golden Wolf Army, how is Shaoshuai going to deal with it?”

Kou Zhong smiled bitterly in his heart, musing inwardly that one day you, the Senior, still sit on the Lord of Tang’s throne, Shao Shuai and the Tang Army definitely had no chance of sincere cooperation, simply because of the misgivings toward each other. The only way was for Li Yuan to be replaced by Li Shimin, and the two parties joined forces and handed over the total authority to him to command; only then would they have confidence in this battle.

Naturally this way of thinking must not be declared publicly; he said, “In this regard, it depends on Fazhu’s intention. The most ideal is if you and I form a coalition army. If Xieli really moves forward as expected, penetrating deeply into our territory to invade Chang’an, we could use the Great River as natural stronghold, taking advantage of the navy fleet’s superiority to force him to stop north of the Yellow River.”

Li Yuan spoke heavily, “This matter still needs to be considered at length. If we form an alliance, I might not have any worry about him, perhaps Xieli will sound out the difficulties and retreat to avoid defeat.”

Kou Zhong sighed inwardly. Li Yuan, under the influence of the demonic school and Jiancheng, Yuanji, always had deep misgivings toward him, unable to make the most effective deployment in dealing with foreign enemies. This was the reason why it was necessary to support Li Shimin to ascend to the emperor’s throne.

He said, “Of course that would be the most ideal; however, not afraid of ten thousand, only afraid of one in ten thousand. In order to deal with Xieli’s large-scale invasion, I will assemble an army in Liangdu. As long as Fazhu give me a nod, I can immediately come with Fazhu’s consent. Fazhu should not grow misunderstandings due to our side mobilizing our troops.”

Li Yuan exhaled slowly, he said, “What kind of person Shaoshuai is, Li Yuan understands clearly. So let us guard against foreign aggression first, and then resolve the problem between you and me.”

Kou Zhong knew that his goal had been achieved. At least he made Li Yuan postpone his intention to kill him. Lowering his voice, he said, “Not concealing anything from Fazhu, influenced by Ziling, I am deeply weary of war; furthermore, I don’t want because of selfish reason, the peaceful reunification of the Central Earth to be without hope. The only question is how to deal with my future father-in-law’s expectations of me? However, this is not an insurmountable problem, everything can be discussed.”

Emotionally moved, Li Yuan said, “Shaoshuai‘s remark is serious?”

Kou Zhong said, “If there is one empty word, may the Heaven punish me, the Earth extinguish me.”

[1] Chapter title: that person, orig. yi ren, usually refers to female.

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