Dad, Please Try a Little Harder

Chapter 17 - 17 Went Off to Azure Bay to Make a Solid Effort

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 Went Off to Azure Bay to Make a Solid Effort

Qian Wenlin was satisfied with the responses he got from Qian Quan and Ding Linlang, seeing the expected effects.

"Did it seem ordinary to you?" Qian Wenlin asked with a smile.

"No, it's quite challenging. We're practicing it too, even competing to see who can master it first," Ding Linlang replied.

Qian Quan nodded. After mastering all the skills of Wing Chun, he realized that building a strong foundation wasn't easy.

A towering skyscraper begins from level ground.

"Feeling it's difficult isn't wrong. This 'Little Idea' has some interesting origins. In the past, it was called 'Three Bows to Buddha'. Later, through generations of martial artists' improvements and under the guidance of Grandmaster Yip Man, it transformed from 'One Spread, Two Subdue' to 'One Spread, Three Subdue.' Gradually, it ceased to be known as 'Three Bows to Buddha' and adopted the name 'Little Idea.' Do you know why it was renamed 'Little Idea'?"

Qian Quan answered, "When the little idea is not correct, the whole life won't be correct. The name chosen has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it assesses and screens the disciple's mental comprehension and physical ability to determine the degree of instruction they'll receive."

"On the other hand, it reminds martial practitioners that even the tiniest notion should follow the right path. Otherwise, if one lacks martial virtue, the higher their skill, the greater the harm they could cause."

"Ah, right, that's about it," Qian Wenlin felt like his lines were stolen by his son, so he decided to raise the topic's difficulty level. "I mentioned 'One Spread, Three Subdue' just now. In fact, it's the essence and focus of the entire Little Idea routine. Do you know what the key points of practicing this routine are?"

"Slow, as slow as possible. During practice, it's done with millimeter-level speed, then relaxed. The body must be relaxed while coordinating with breathing-slow breaths, punches, and returns. Finally, it's about training the awareness of keeping the elbows centered, guarding the centerline, using the centerline..."

"Right, that's about it."

Qian Wenlin glanced at his son and thought, "This kid seems to have more theoretical knowledge than me. I've never even heard of this millimeter-level concept." Without further inquiry, he went on to add:

"When you truly grasp the essence of this 'slow,' once you've mastered this set of forms, practicing it will make your body emit heat even in the middle of winter. It's like the steam rising from those martial arts masters in Martial arts dramas when they practice their skills."

Qian Quan and Ding Linlang nodded earnestly, absorbing the lesson.

"After I spend a couple of years mastering Little Idea, I'll continue with the intermediate routine called 'Seeking Bridge.' That one can be used for real combat but is more challenging."

Naturally, Qian Quan understood. "Seeking Bridge" mainly focuses on cultivating straightforward, direct, and effective skills for striking, a point that's evident in the "Yip Man" film series.

"I think I'll stick to practicing the wooden dummy. It feels more fun," Qian Quan playfully said.

"You're a classic case of wanting to run before learning to walk," Qian Wenlin jokingly scolded, not genuinely opposing. He didn't have any expectations for his son to become a martial arts expert in the future.

"I'll head back now, Mr. Qian," Ding Linlang said, needing to get back to her writing.


After demonstrating to the two kids, Qian Wenlin felt satisfied. He now needed to go to the school as the new term was approaching, and there were some preparations to be made.

Qian Quan stood before the wooden dummy alone. His expression was calm, without a hint of frivolity.

Feet apart, horse stance.

Slowly extending his arms, he assumed a "Wen Shou" position, then started striking the wooden dummy with deliberate yet rhythmically paced movements.

Thud, thud, thud...

Each move was precise, like clockwork.

Initially, it was just his hands, his feet firmly planted, stance unwavering.

Then, hands and feet worked in unison, the speed gradually increasing.

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud...

Qian Quan showed no intention of slowing down. He maintained the same forms and footwork but at an even faster pace.

Palm strikes, punches, elbow strikes, kicks, and finger jabs fell upon the wooden dummy like a fierce storm.

Thud, thud, thud, thud, thud...

The sound formed a continuous rhythm.

Even in comparison to scenes from movies, this was a level of speed not seen before. By the end, it was several times faster than combat scenes depicted in movies.

Qian Quan's body and skills cast a trail of afterimages.

If Qian Wenlin and Ding Linlang had witnessed this, they would undoubtedly have been left speechless in astonishment.

In the realm of martial arts, each style and training method has its own intricacies, but the unchanging principle remains encapsulated in these words - "Only Speed Unbreakable."

In actual combat, Tai Chi isn't just about calmly tracing Tai Chi patterns.

Qian Quan continued to strike at full speed for nearly five minutes, gradually slowing down his movements until he returned to his initial state.

Thud, thud, thud...

As he continued, there were even moments of pause, as if he were contemplating and pondering something.

"It's a pity the wooden dummy can't move."

Suddenly, Qian Quan wished to spar with a real person, seeking a worthy opponent for an exhilarating exchange of skills.

He regretted not agreeing with Zhao Baiyu that day. If he had, she could have introduced him to some true Wing Chun experts, and they could have corroborated each other's skills.

However, he wondered how many individuals in today's martial arts world could truly match his level.

Initiating a challenge with someone else?

Would it be too ostentatious and traditional?

Or should he wait until he arrives in Azure Bay, find an opportunity to meet with Zhao Baiyu, exchange skills with her first, and then ask for her assistance in introducing some skilled practitioners for mutual sparring?


Evening fell.

After finishing today's writing, Ding Linlang invited Qian Quan to play basketball.

Perhaps it was because the two of them had experienced some subtle moments during their trip to Hangzhou, so today's one-on-one game involved less physical contact.

For example, when Ding Linlang was backing down, Qian Quan no longer played tight defense.

As a result, Ding Linlang, who had a slight technical advantage, won two rounds in a row.

"Do you plan to join a basketball club in college?" During their break, Ding Linlang asked Qian Quan.

"I haven't really thought about it. But I was thinking of starting 'The Stand-Up Club."

"What's 'The Stand-Up Club'?"

"It's about forming a club with a group of students who like to stand others up. We'd share stories about 'standing someone up' and see who has the most outrageous tales."

"What's the point of that?"

"The point is, throughout the four years of college, we'd never successfully organized an event for this club. Every time we tried to have an activity, the members of the club would stand us up, hahaha..."

Ding Linlang was speechless.

"Qian Quan, could you be any less humorous?"

"Alright, enough joking. I really haven't figured out what club to join. If there's a Chinese chess club, I might consider joining."

"Oh, that's right. With your Chinese chess skills now, you'll definitely attract female members to this club."

"You got that right."

"You don't really need to worry. Last year, the male-to-female ratio for new students at Seacoast Normal University was 2 to 5. This year, it's probably about the same. With your qualities, you won't have trouble finding a girlfriend."

Sunny, handsome, humorous (like that little joke just now), skilled in basketball and Chinese chess... Add to that the recently discovered attribute of terrifying martial prowess, and in a normal college setting, his competitiveness would probably only be second to those wealthy kids with substantial allowances.

"No, no, I've said it before. Anyone who wants to be my girlfriend has to pass your test first."

"Remember that."

"Of course!" Qian Quan said firmly. "As for those who can't pass your test, I'll accept them as younger sisters."

"Get lost!" Ding Linlang scolded, "I can't believe I was worried you wouldn't be able to get over your heartbreak anytime soon."

"Linlang, you've got it wrong. According to a study from Harvard University, after being deeply hurt by a woman, a man needs to date at least six different women to heal his wounded heart."

"Which study from Harvard University is that?"

"Don't worry about the details. Come on, let's have a free throw competition."


On September 1st, Qian Quan and Ding Linlang packed their bags and were about to head to Azure Bay for enrollment.

Their parents were facing their children's departure for such a long time and distance for the first time, and their hearts were truly mixed with emotions.

Just like many years ago when they sent them to kindergarten.

Separation anxiety was never exclusive to children.

However, parents understood deep inside that children would eventually grow up, become independent, and venture into the world.

Qian Quan and Ding Linlang also felt a bit strange. It was the first time they were leaving their parents for such a long time and distance as if they were suddenly stepping into a new phase of life.

The southbound train departed.

They went off to Azure Bay to make a solid effort.

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