Daomu Biji: The Southern Archives

Chapter 36.2 Bai Zhu

Chapter 36.2 Bai Zhu


Merebear note: So um, don't hate us, but apparently the raw version we used for yesterday's Chapter 36 was censored to shit. Like major pieces of the plot were missing. Tiffany caught it as she was getting chapter 37 ready for you. (I was also kind of confused reading yesterday's chapter since it seemed like stuff was skipping around but we know how the author loves digging holes lol). So, here is the full, uncensored version of Chapter 36. Tomorrow should be back on track with Chapter 37. We're sorry () . Thank you for sticking with us ( `)


He Jianxi hid in the lifeboat. The place was very cold as he huddled in the corner next to the seat.

He had been an accountant for a private winery. Every day, he had to withstand other peoples negative emotions whenever he collected the accounts. Then, his boss suddenly committed suicide. After getting on a barge, he was quickly robbed and then thrown off the ship. He floated on the sea for a long time with no island in sight. He then climbed onto an iron ship and became a stowaway. Ten minutes after that, he witnessed a mass murder and then turned into an abductor.

He had been cautious all his life. There were some flaws with working in the bootleg business, but he was frank and had a clear conscience. But in the span of three or four days, he had committed a lot of serious crimes.

No matter how honest he was, he didnt have the confidence to explain everything clearly.

He couldnt even imagine how this kind of situation would end anymore. He could still blame Zhang Haiyan in the beginning, but now that he was in a daze, he understood it all clearly. He had encountered this kind of change because he was unlucky.

What else would happen? Would he be shot dead? He thought of his boss. Death wasnt unusual in this kind of world, right? Or could he get away and act as if everything had been a dream?

At this moment, he suddenly heard a noise outside. He secretly opened a gap in the canvas covering the lifeboat and saw Steven walking outside. He was dragging a young girl behind him.

The girl had been shot and was tied up with a belt, but she wasnt dead yet.

He Jianxi recognized her. He had met her when Zhang Haiyan asked him to smell the people in the third-class cabins steerage area.

She was one of the two girls who had attacked Zhang Haiyan after the two of them had climbed onto the ship. At that time, he remembered one girl had shoulder-length hair and the other girl had hair that reached her ears. This girl had shorter hair, so her name should be Bai Zhu.

Bai Zhu gritted her teeth through the pain as Steven pointed a gun at her head and furtively looked around. When he saw that no one was around, he took a deep breath and said to Bai Zhu, Youre my first Asian woman. I hope well both feel impressed at the end of the day. With that said, he pushed Bai Zhus upper body against the lifeboat that He Jianxi was in and started to take off her pants.

Bai Zhus figure was very good, and people could tell at a glance that she was good at swimming since she had long legs.

Bai Zhu clenched her teeth as Steven began to take off his pants. The pain made her break out in cold sweat and He Jianxi wondered if she even had the strength to sense what was about to happen next. He then heard Bai Zhu say, Kill me first.

I heard that Native American women used to say things like this as well. Steven was so excited that he was panting. My uncle told me that I cant cut the scalp first. I have to grab the woman by the hair while I fuck her. Otherwise, the flies will soon show up. As he lifted Bai Zhus shirt up, her blood began to flow down the side of the ship. When Steven saw the blood, he decided to put Bai Zhus upper body into the lifeboat.

Bai Zhu saw He Jianxi inside the lifeboat. He Jianxi looked at her, but didnt know what to do.

Steven was still trying to take off his pants. When he finally succeeded, he spit in his hands, looked around again, and then put the gun on the edge of the lifeboat. From He Jianxis position, all he had to do was raise his hand and he could reach it.

Bai Zhu didnt know who He Jianxi was, but she didnt scream. Instead, she looked at him calmly and said, Kill me.

Ill shoot you in the back of the head the moment I feel comfortable, Steven said from outside the lifeboat. I heard youll squeeze tightly if I do that.

He Jianxi looked at Bai Zhus face. What a beautiful girl! Although she killed without batting an eye, now shes no different from all the other girls who are bullied in Malacca.

Kill me. Bai Zhu repeated with watery eyes.

He Jianxi suddenly made up his mind. He quickly grabbed the gun, flipped open the canvas, and aimed the gun at Steven.

Steven was just about to take the first step when he was startled by He Jianxis sudden appearance. He tripped over his pants and almost fell.

Everyone has the right to a trial, He Jianxi said.

Steven immediately turned around and pulled up his pants, using the opportunity to grab the dagger on his belt with one hand. But at that moment, he saw a flash of white light as Bai Zhus two slender legs came up and clamped around his neck. With a twist and a snap, Stevens neck immediately broke. Bai Zhu twisted forcefully and threw his body directly off the ship and into the sea.

Bai Zhu fell to the ground and curled up in pain. She clenched her teeth and looked up at He Jianxi, who was still pointing the gun at where Steven had been just a moment ago. After he realized Steven was dead, he immediately pointed the gun at Bai Zhu.

Bai Zhu gritted her teeth and moved to get up, but closed her legs when she remembered that she wasnt wearing any pants. After several more attempts, she finally passed out.

He Jianxi was so stunned that it took him a moment before he cautiously crawled out of the lifeboat. He found that Bai Zhus shirt was stained with blood, but the blood had stopped flowing.

Were going to the cargo hold. Were going to kill that woman. We can win this. Bai Zhu was delirious as she looked at He Jianxi, seemingly mistaking him for someone else. Dont let others know about us. Everyone on the ship needs to die. She said intermittently.

He Jianxi looked at the gun in his hand. It was absolutely impossible for him to kill people. But if he left her lying here, she would be found by the gunmen sooner or later. At that time, she would be either raped or killed. There was no chance that she would be interrogated.

For some reason, He Jianxi didnt want this girl to die. He didnt know many girls, after all. Maybe it was because he didnt have much experience in this world, but he had an inexplicable affection for beautiful girls.

Wheres the plague god? He seems like someone people can negotiate with. He Jianxi put the pistol in his back pocket, helped Bai Zhu put on her pants, and then placed her in the lifeboat. He took out the bottle of spirits Zhang Haiyan had given him earlier and poured it on the wound. Bai Zhu didnt react at all.

He had to find the plague god. And since the plague god had followed the sound of gunshots, He Jianxi would follow them as well.

When he reached the corridor, it happened to be the moment Zhang Haiyan killed the assassin.

The gunmen walked by, not realizing that there were people on the pipes. As Zhang Haiyan breathed a sigh of relief, he noticed that the assassins eyes were wide open, seemingly glaring at him. Zhang Haiyan shook his head and thought to himself, you were even fooled at such a critical moment. You deserve to be short-lived.

At this time, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. It wasnt the gunmen who were walking by. It was He Jianxi.

The bastard was leaning against the wall and moving forward with trembling limbs. He was just a few steps away from the entrance of the cargo hold. If he reached it, the gunmen would riddle his body full of holes.

Zhang Haiyan immediately hung down from the pipe, grabbed He Jianxi by the neck, and quickly pulled him up.

He Jianxi was startled and wanted to scream, but quickly realized that it was Zhang Haiyan.

Cant you listen to me for once? Zhang Haiyan scolded him.

Something happened while I was hiding in the lifeboat, He Jianxi said. That Bai Zhu girl was captured. Steven wanted to rape her, but I stopped him. But before I could do anything, Bai Zhu killed him. Then she passed out, so I pulled her into the lifeboat. If I stayed with her, I was afraid that she would kill me. If I left her on the deck, I was afraid that someone would rape her. I I didnt know what to do, so I came to find you.

Just throw her into the sea, Zhang Haiyan said. A little girl like Bai Zhu, who had killed too many people, didnt need mercy. She needed a quick death.

I cant kill people, He Jianxi said.

Zhang Hayian sighed. He never expected He Jianxi to kill people, either.

He Jianxi finally noticed the gunmen up ahead, What are they doing? Stop looking at them. You should go back quickly and figure out what to do.

This is the cargo hold. The killers fled and went in there, so Miss Dong followed after them. Im trying to find a way to put a few corpses on the lifeboat, so good job. If that Bai Zhu woman dies in there, then thats one less person for me to kill, Zhang Haiyan said while pointing to the corpse nearby.

He Jianxi was no longer surprised, but at this moment, he suddenly thought of something. Wait a minute, cargo hold?

He wanted to say, The cargo hold is a trap, but just as he was about to speak, he suddenly smelled something strange. He became tongue tied and ended up blurting out, Theres a burnt smell.


He Jianxi looked above Zhang Haiyans head and asked, Whats burning in there?

Zhang Haiyan looked back and found that there was an iron cover above the area where he was lying. He also smelled something at this time and immediately opened the cover. There was a fuse box inside, on top of which was a string of earthenware pots with sparks coming out of them.

It was a string of six or seven old-fashioned grenades. They were used by warlords to attack watchtowers during melees.

Zhang Haiyan was shocked when he realized that the killer hadnt been hiding here. He was planning on blowing up the fuse box instead.

Fuck. By the time he realized what was going on, the sparks had almost burned out. Zhang Haiyan grabbed He Jianxi and the corpse and then flipped over. He used his back to cover He Jianxi while he raised the corpse up to cover his front.

The first pot exploded, riddling the corpse full of holes. The nearby gunmen were immediately alarmed. Zhang Haiyan got up and saw the gunmen coming, but he couldnt care about them right now. He grabbed He Jianxi and rushed towards the gunmen, but the second pot exploded just as they raised their guns.

A huge explosion rushed out from behind. Zhang Haiyan hugged He Jianxi and grabbed his head before doing a barrel roll. The gunmen fired, but at that moment, the cabin lights went out.

The rain-like bullets shone in the dark, sending sparks everywhere. As the pots exploded one right after another, the gunmen immediately dropped to the floor. After six more explosions, all the circuits on the floor had been blown up. The gunmen got up and turned on their lanterns, finding that the place where they had been shooting was now full of body parts.

Werent there two people just now? Shouldnt there be more traces of them? A gunman asked surprised.

Meanwhile, Zhang Haiyan had rushed into the cargo hold.

It was so dark inside that it could almost be considered pitch black. The only sources of light were the light coming in through the door and the moonlight streaming in through the big, ball-sized windows.

With He Jianxi on his back, he flipped and landed in the gap between the two boxes of goods. He covered He Jianxis mouth tightly and hid, feeling a burning sensation on his back. He must have been injured by the pots just now.

Unlike his previous speculations, Miss Dongs counterattack didnt seem to disturb the killers. Instead, they were still resisting.

He was using so much strength to cover He Jianixs mouth that He Jianxi almost suffocated to death. When He Jianxi patted his hand lightly, Zhang Haiyan let go of him. He realized that He Jianxi was breathing heavily and looked terrified, but he wasnt as frightened as before.

This guy is probably used to it.

He grabbed He Jianxis hand and wrote in English: Dont make any noise. There are killers.

When He Jianxi nodded, Zhang Haiyan turned to listen to their surroundings. There was nothing but silence in the warehouse. He couldnt hear any sounds from Miss Dong or the killers. It was so dark that he wouldnt even know whether someone was standing right in front of him. If he couldnt hear anything, then that meant that both parties were hiding.

Zhang Haiyan understood that bombing the fuse boxes had been planned, which meant that plunging the cargo hold into darkness had also been planned. In other words, these killers had originally planned to resolve the battle in the cargo hold. If Miss Dong hadnt come in alone and brought all the gunmen in with her, then the killers would have won by now. The darkness was way too suitable for ambushes.

But now the situation was very awkward because only the clever Miss Dong came in. Since she wasnt moving, the killers didnt know where she was. And since the killers wouldnt move, Miss Dong didnt know where they were, either. They were all sly foxes.

Im in an even more awkward situation. I was only going to find a few corpses, but not only am I injured now, Im also trapped in the final round.

The blood on his back began to drip to his waist, and then flowed along his waistline to his butt. Zhang Haiyan exhausted all his strength as he strained his ears to the limit.

Even though the ship was shaking, the goods were strapped down. As the ship swayed, the wooden boxes were pulled in various directions, making a faint sound of wood rubbing together.

These people must have eased their breathing and slowed their heartbeats, hiding the noises they made among the sounds of wood rubbing together.

Only four or five minutes had passed, but the absolute quiet made Zhang Haiyan feel as if fifteen minutes had passed.

He tried to move and inch upward very slowly. He wanted to reach the top of the stack of goods. He had just climbed past two boxes when his hand suddenly touched something hanging above the goods close to where he was hiding.

He almost instinctively stopped moving, but forced himself to touch it again very lightly.

It was hair.

He held his breath, but didnt hear any sounds of a heartbeat. He felt something drip onto his hands as he was wondering why there was hair in this kind of place.

He knew as soon as he touched it that it was blood.

When he reached his hand out, he touched a corpse that was still warm. It was a man who had died here quietly. His jaw had been torn off.

Miss Dong had come in alone, so that meant that this man was a killer.

Impressive. Shes already killed one person.

Zhang Haiyan wiped the blood off and was just about to move on, when He Jianxi suddenly stopped him and wrote some words in English on his palm, Left. Smell. Men.

Zhang Haiyan looked to the left, but it was completely dark.

He Jianxi continued to write, There are at least a dozen people in the cargo hold.

Zhang Haiyan replied with a question mark.

He Jianxi wrote, There are a lot of smells.


Merebear note: Ripping jaws off? It's official, Miss Dong is a Wang! lol

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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