Date The

Chapter 103: Eve's Bodyguard

Chapter 103: Eve's Bodyguard

``Yan: Then, why did you take time to reply?``

``Lin: Impatient, are we? Didn't I say not to expect a response when it's working hours?``

``Yan: Well, you surely looked like you had a lot of free time.``

``Lin: It was a coincidence. Heard you were on TV so I watched.``

``Yan: You have a photoshoot tomorrow?``

``Lin: Yup! Although, it's more of a test shot. I won't hear if I got it or not until after the pictures had been taken.``

``Yan: Don't go anywhere without your bodyguard.``

``Lin: Yes, sir! ()>``


After a quick shower, Eve pulled out a duffel bag from under her bed. It had the wig and a few clothes for office wear. She packed a few more things like a bit of food. She didn't know if the place was stocked. If her memory served her right, she spotted a coffee maker in the kitchen.

All it needed were some beans and she could brew a fresh cup in the morning.

According to Avery, they would change cars along the way. She would need to change clothes and wear the wig around that time. To make it easier, she chose to wear a tan pleated skirt over a pair of blue denim shorts and a black shirt on top of a white camisole. This way she only needed to peel off one layer.

Then, she'd throw on the gray cardigan inside the duffel bag.

For shoes, she picked out slip ons and ankle bootscourtesy of Andie's closet.

Eve ditched her glasses. She looked around her room. She had done every precautionary measure she could think of. Her first outfit would have involved a hat if it wasn't near night time. 

Instead, she added lipstick to her luggage. 

Everything was set.

The doorbell rang and Eve headed down the stairs. She carried the duffel bag over her shoulder while her free hand searched for the skirt pocket. Her footsteps were heavier than usual and thumped down the stairs. It slowed her pace, leaving Andie to answer the door first. 

A woman stood at their porch.

Against the sunset, her coffee skin glowed in warm light. Green flecks slithered across her cyan eyes like garden vines. Wavy raven hair pooled at the base of her head, the ponytail flowing over her chest. The tip reached the level of her waist.

Her suit was two shades lighter than her hair.

It fit her like a glove, allowing free movement.

Her thick lips showed a smile. "Hello, you must be Ms. Andie."

"And you must be Eve's new bodyguard." Andie perked up immediately. She didn't know why but this woman had almost earned her complete trust. There was something about her that put Andie at ease. 

Maybe it was the sun halo behind her or maybe it was her

Either way, Andie was glad that her best friend had someone capable.

The bodyguard offered her hand for a shake. "I'm Nanzie. Nice to meet you."

Andie took it and giggled. "Pleasure is all mine if you'd gossip about Evangeline's activity with me. You can think of me as her legal guardian."

"I'm 25, not 15. I don't need a legal guardian." Eve interrupted as she landed on the first floor. Her facial expression matched the attitude she portrayed. The lack of glasses and makeup exposed her dark undereye circles. 

Instead of an intimidating demeanor, it resembled a zombie's.

Looking Eve up and down, Andie crossed her arms over her chest. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "And what are you supposed to be? A tomboy heiress who left home and wore a skirt because it's faster to wear and run in?"

"No, I'm supposed to be an illegitimate child of a wealthy family that rebels a lot," Eve responded, her voice dripping sarcasm. She dropped the act and smiled at their visitor. "This situation must sound crazy. I look forward to working with you though."

"The feeling is mutual, Ms. Hart." Nanzie nodded, offering another handshake.

Eve gripped the sturdy hand. "Call me, Eve. No need for formalities."

"As you wish," Nanzie replied as she pulled her hand back. Her eyes flickered between the two ladies. "I'd love to stay here and chat but we should be going or we'll be behind schedule."

"Oh, yeah. Right." Eve stepped onto the patio and waved without looking back. "Bye, Andie. Don't wreck the apartment."

"Hey! I'm well-behaved!" Her best friend huffed. She hadn't done anything major since she dug a hole on the floor instead of a wall. The drill had whirred to life and caught her off-guard. Who knew it had that much power? 

"Fine. I'll change it" Eve sighed, staring at the floor. Then, she snapped her fingers and looked at Andie. "... don't put it on fire."


"No need to worry, Ms. Eve. Someone will be watching from the outside. Ms. Andie will be fine." Nanzie interrupted before either could say more. Eve had doubled over in laughter. It wasn't much of a payback but it was better than nothing.

"What?" Andie gasped. Her eyes fluttered at the new piece of information. She stood on her toes and checked out the street. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. "Do I need to close my curtains now?"

"It's only standard protocol. There's no need to go far."

The soles of her feet settled on the floor. After some thought, she realized that it was for the best. As long as the surveillance stayed outside, she didn't mind the added security. 

Her gaze shifted back towards the porch. "Take care you two. See you on Monday."

"See you." Eve chuckled. "Don't talk to strangers."

The door slammed on her face. 

Laughing until her stomach hurts, Eve walked down the stairs. She didn't miss a step nor did she stumble over. How did she manage it? Eve surely didn't know. She categorized it as a miracle. 

The street was mostly emptyexcept for a few cars owned by the residents. Each house had the same floor size and the same two-storey height. They filled out the whole street from both sides, distinguished by the small garden out front and the house numbers. 

Eve checked out the cars. None of them seemed unfamiliar to her. They all belonged to her neighbors. Before she could ask, Nanzie answered her thoughts. 

"It's down the block, Ms. Eve. Please turn to your right." 

Not thinking twice, Eve did as she was told. No one else was out in the streets. She wondered for a second if the new security team had anything to do withthen, she dropped the idea. It seemed a bit too extreme. 

She couldn't imagine how they'd persuade people to stay inside without raising alarm or suspicion. side without raising alarm or suspicion. 

A prickling sensation crawled at the back of Eve's neck. It was a feeling she had whenever she was watched. Her head snapped to the side, spotting her bodyguard through the corner of her eye. 

A frown appeared on her lips.

She glanced over her shoulder, still walking towards the nearest alleway. "Nanzie, do you mind walking beside me? It's Evangeline that has a bodyguard, not Eve."

Nanzie shook her head. "They may have different names and different appearances, Ms. Eve, but I am protecting one body, one mind and one soul and that is you."

"Still I'll be more comfortable if you act more casually around me," Eve persisted despite recognizing her point. She was used to bodyguards whenever Ambryan was around. But even then, she also stood in his shadow like they did. She felt more part of the security team than his equal.

Eve pressed her lips together and pleaded with her eyes. "Please? I'd really appreciate it."

Nanzie sighed through her nose. She picked up her pace until she matched Eve's strides. "If that is what you prefer then, I will oblige."

"Oh, but you don't have to if you're bothered by it."

Nanzie gave her the side-eye. Her expression read, 'Are you serious right now?', while her lips said, "It really is no trouble Eve."

At the sound of her name, Eve lit up. "Okay, good!"

Side by side, they continued their walk and spent the rest of the way in silence. It was pleasant compared to the one they had a few minutes earlier. There was an understanding between them that they couldn't explain. 

The alleway was a tight space. It could fit about one and a half people. The exposed wall had vine plants and potted flowers. No one would think there was an alley unless they peeked as they passed by.

Eve entered it, thinking the car was at the other side. It made the most sense since the street behind them was narrower. Many people didn't pay attention to it except for its residents. Wild grass grew on its vacant lots.

Three identical sedans parked in front of them.

Nanzie walked ahead of Eve and escorted the latter to the middle one. "I won't be driving you to the rendezvous point, only after it. I'll be watching close by. There is also a tracker on the car. If anything goes wrong, I will know."

Eve nodded in understanding. She waved at the driver, memorizing his face. Her head whirled between the other two cars. She learned their plate numbers so she'd recognize them among other cars. 

The door to the back opened before her. 

She smiled at the gesture, finding it both odd and heart-warming. "Thank you, Nanzie."

Her bodyguard chuckled. "See you later, Eve." 

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