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Chapter 134: A Lotus Can Have Thorns

Chapter 134: A Lotus Can Have Thorns

Lotus Agency was a building located at the west side of the city. Inspired by Greek and Roman architecture, it gave the impression of a museum. It housed many rooms dedicated to its trainees. It even held annual contests where all trainees, whether new or not, could compete for a one-year contract with a famous brand. 

The lobby bustled with newcomers, auditioning for the contest. The interior maintained a modern style compared to its outer infrastructure. The tiles were a shade of dark grey and the furniture was composed of white leather and wooden features.

"It's that time of year again, huh?" Jordan asked out loud. He stepped through the revolving doors and spotted the crowd easily. "I can't say I don't like it. Such displays of beauty are always welcome in my book."

The sun gleamed through the windows, glowing on his bronze skin. He wore cream slacks and a tan jacket over a blue dress shirt. The hem of his bottoms reached just above his ankle, exposing his black socks. His buff oxfords looked fresh off the shelves with their subtle sheen.

Mikael appeared right behind him. He leaned forward until his lips were right behind his friend's ear. "You act like you don't see models everyday."

Jordan gave him a glare.

He merely smiled.

Gasps and whispers reverberated against the walls. Most of the newcomers and their companions took out their phones to take photos of Mikael Davis. His sunglasses hung on the neckline of his Hawaiian shirt. He partnered the look with a pair of beige cargo pants and blue boat shoes.

Unlike his companion, he didn't give anyone a second of attention. 

"Models like who? You?" Jordan retorted as they walked further into the building. They headed for the front desk. "Sorry, but I don't swing that way."

"There are female models around too sometimes."

"Yeah, but those rarely ask for help. These, however, are newducklings that are waiting for their swan wings," he explained further. Pulling on his lapels, he nudged his model's side. "And who could give them some tips?"

"Other models?" Mikael replied. He greeted the receptionist and logged into the monitoring sheet. His clean penmanship put the other visitor ones to shame.

"And managers! We do know a thing or two. Especially when it comes to attracting sponsors and clients." Jordan fixed his tie. At that moment, his eyes met a few onlookers. He waved at them, earning a few squeals. "See? I told you. I have game."

"Whatever you say." Mikael dismissed. He went in the opposite direction of the newcomers. "Come on or I'll leave you behind. I'm sure the higher ups will appreciate you being late for the meeting."

Jordan bid his farewells and jogged until he reached Mikael. They made a right. Other models loitered in the area, both male and female. They hustled about to attend their own meetings and client appointments. Mikael nodded at a few of them, recognizing them from his first year as a rookie.

A number of people stood in front of the elevators.

The pair stayed a foot behind them and waited for their turn patiently.

"OMG!" A female model gasped, scrolling through her phone. She tapped her companion and showed her screen. "Look who is out of hiding. Evangeline Reed has finally woken up from her coffin and rose from the dead."

The post had several pictures. Each had the same view, the outside of a bakery. Evangeline had been captured entering it. The first ones had her wearing sunglasses. The others had her without it. It was still early. 

None of the class attendees had arrived yet.

"Where's that?" The second model asked.

"I'm not sure one comment says it's Shie Bakes Shop."

She eventually found the name on one of the windows. They had used gold paint to write in calligraphy with a few doodles of baked goods. Nodding her head, she said, "It looks like a cute place."

"Who cares about what the place looks? Her outfit practically screams attention. They must be so right about her," the first model remarked. She checked for more posts and stumbled upon a clip of Cale's live stream. "Everyone is like really casual while she's wearing a 50s inspired dress. This is no ordinary visit to a bakery. It's a publicity stunt."

Her companion bit her inner cheek, observing the lip. Evangeline did stand out easily but the camera wasn't focused on her but at the people. "Maybe she's doing it for the bakery to get more exposure."

"Oh, please. Just right when she had a scandal? It's too much of a coincidence."

Mikael gritted his teeth. It took all of his willpower not to say anything. It didn't matter who it was, he didn't want anyone to experience this treatment. He took a deep breath and urged his temper to calm down. The truth would eventually come to light.

The two elevators parted open.

After a split-second deciding, Mikael followed the two women. He heard them gasp under their breaths when he entered the lift. He pushed the button meant for the floor they needed. Then, he glanced over his shoulder.

"Which floors are you going to?"

"Oh, uh" the first model stuttered, her angelic face still wearing a startled expression. "10th and 11th please."


Jordan gave his model the side-eye. People who knew Mikael knew that he didn't talk to strangers. Others may see this as him being polite but anyone taking the lift should push the floor as soon as they got in.

'It wasn't any of their business' as Mikael once put it. 

The two female models leaned against the back wall as if desiring to become one. They had heard of him but never seen him in the agency. He became sort of a legend, a mytha figure they could never see unless they had the luck or the skills.

Their voices came in hushed tones. 

"Talk to him," the second model encouraged her friend. "You just spoke. This is your chance."

The first model bit her bottom lip. She admired Mikael Davis since she was in school. He had captured her heart with just one billboard poster that she passed by everyday. She could never forget his radiant blue eyes.

They seemed to stare right into her soul. 

'What would they even talk about?' She wondered. 

Mikael scowled as he stared straight ahead. "What do you think Evangeline is doing?"

Jordan narrowed his gaze in suspicion. "How should I know?" 

"Aren't you checking on the news? I figured you would since you know how I despise being linked with someone for no reason," Mikael reminded him. "I'm looking forward to it dying down soon. I might do something I regret if it doesn't."

'... what kind of topsy-turvy world did I fall into?' Jordan questioned, giving his companion a weird look. 

The first model's breath hitched. A light bulb appeared on top of her head. She just had the best idea for this once in a lifetime opportunity. Nudging her friend, she handed over her phone with its camera ready to record a live stream. 

They only had a few floors left to go. 

It was now or never.

She took a deep breath and tapped Mikael's shoulder. "Ah, hey." 

Jordan raised his hand, ready to intervene. The lady must have thought she could casually talk to Mikael just because he asked what floor they headed for. Such wishful thinking was dangerous.

But then, Mikael turned around to face her. "Yes?"

"Um...," the model gulped. "Are you talking about Evangeline Reed?"

"Yes, why?"

Jordan's jaw dropped. He wasn't just in an upside down world he was in another dimension! Mikael was actually entertaining the model's attempts. 

"I just can't believe what she's done," the first model commented, shaking her head. "I heard she never went through training here. She's already really lucky compared to most of us. But why can't she be satisfied?"

Mikael kept his response discreet. "I see."

"Really?" She blinked, taken aback at how accommodating he was. "You should have seen her today. She's playing innocent in front of the press. But it's so obvious that it's to gain attention. You deserve so much better."

"Ah, yes. I disliked her."

"Did she threaten you or something?" The female model spoke softly but loud enough for her phone mic to pick up. "Maybe even bribe you to give those flowers and gifts? Is it a ruse to make Ambryan jealous? How dare she use you like that!"

Mikael pulled the corners of his lips and glanced at the floor. 

When he looked back up, there was a new flare in his eyes. "No, she didn't threaten me. Neither did she bribe me. Those flowers and gifts came from an admirer of hers. For something as extravagant as those, I wouldn't let anyone else take the credit if it really had been from me."

Jordan took a step back.

The situation started to make sense. His chocolate eyes flickered towards the corner. The other model still held the phone up. He assumed it was recording. This was all too perfect. How did Mikael know this would happen?

"Oh, my mistake" the first model laughed under her breath. "Is there another reason why you dislike her then?"

Mikael slammed his foot against the floor.

The first model backed away on instinct. Cold sweat dripped at the sides of her face.

"Have you forgotten your grammar lessons? I said that I disliked her. As in the past. Not that I dislike her now."

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