Date The

Chapter 146: The Melodies that Bind Us

Chapter 146: The Melodies that Bind Us

Like rocks skipping on water, fingers touched the piano keys. Their sound gathered in a string of light taps. They dripped like rain running down a pipe and onto cobblestone. The arrangement repeated three times: 

First, to capture the audience, 

Second, to commit it to their memory, and

Third, to continue on the story by speeding up its tempo

Strings joined as if enchanted by the melody. Each stroke matched the same note. It followed the same number of repeats. Then, it took its own course by the third one. Their harmonies tangled and blended together.

The curtains parted open. 

Two girls took the stage. One held up a violin and wore a white dress. Lace traced the hem and the neckline. She stood by the piano, carefully proclaiming her and the pianist as one unit. Her partner went for a vest and a dress shirt. A jabot peeked out of her chest. 

Both tied up their hair in a braid that encircled their head like a halo. A waterfall of cinnamon strands flowed down their backs.

Both of them had the same face too.

"They sound so good!" Andie gushed. Her back was straight for the first time since the recital started. Her stormy blue eyes were clear of drowsiness. She gripped Jarrett's hand while watching the twins perform.

Eve slapped her arm, pressing a finger to her lips. She filmed from the second floor instead of the front. Georgie and Gin had covered that area for them. Since she was at the corner, there shouldn't be anyone disturbed by her actions.

Andie stuck her tongue but changed the volume of her voice. "Okay, okay, I'll be quiet."

"Sssh..!" Eve pressed.

"SSH!" Someone echoed behind them.

Neither of them uttered another sound.

'Ah, the song of spring' Eve thought. The grass meadow from before had led the small ballerina up to a hill where a grand piano stood. The violinist danced around it, gesturing for the newcomer to join them. 

The three girls relished in the music. 






"Oh, my. How adorable." Avery gasped, clasping her hands over her chest. The twins looked at each other and shared a smilelike they weren't in a recital at all. The violinist moved around the piano and swayed to the melody.

She'd never seen a cuter pair of sisters. 

Beside her, Ambryan had frozen in his seat.

Who would have thought he'd see them again so soon? Once he got over the shock, he fixed his posture and listened more than usual, even more than the cello player's turn. His ears picked up the innocence of youth behind the music score. 

It fitted them quite well.

He took out his phone and typed a brief message.

The performance lasted three minutesa common theme for all beginners. The twins stood side by side, holding hands. They raised their intertwined hands and bowed in unison. The audience clapped and cheered in response. 

The loudest came from the second level.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please give a round of applause for our only duo todayMs. Erin and Eden Hart!" Mila announced a little late. But, the cheers only grew louder at the sound of her voice. She clapped along with the rest of them. 

It was definitely one of the recital's best acts.

"Hart?" Avery blinked. Her hands paused in mid-air. Realization dawned on her and hit her like a ton of bricks. She smiled from ear to ear. "Oh, they must be Eve's sisters!"

Ambryan also stopped clapping. He turned his head towards her. "What?"

"Right, I haven't told you!" His mother admitted. She leaned in and talked above the loud crowd. "I ran into Eve in the restroom. She said her sisters were performing. I didn't know they were going to be doing it at the same time."

He already knew their relations. He was more shocked at the fact that his mother knew about it. It didn't seem like she knew before he did. That fact assured him somehow. At least, he knew something about his secretary that others didn't at the time. 

'Eve's sisters, huh?' Ambryan repeated in his head. His gaze flickered back on stage. The girls waved at the audience as they exited the stage. 'What a small world.'






The recital continued with their regular students. They performed longer pieces by famous composers. The bar had been set higher for them and they did not disappoint. Each one came to showcase their growth. The recital promoted a friendly competition among them.

"Once again, please welcome our performers!" Mila spoke on the mic. This time, the curtain rolled upwards instead of sideways. A moon-shaped wooden platform composed of five levels. They waved together, using the same hand.

The audience rose to their feet and applauded their loudest. The school's official cameraman took the children's photo. He captured a second one that had the teachers and staff in it. 

That marked the end of the recital.

Everyone had gathered at the lobby.

"Aunt Georgie!" Eri yelled as soon as she stepped out of the auditorium entrance. Her legs leaped for the old woman, forcing Ede to follow before they could be separated.

Georgie wrapped them both in her embrace. "You both were so wonderful!" 

She hugged the girls tight. Their practices had clearly paid off. She already looked forward to next summer. She had no doubt that the twins would surpass their current selves. The future held so many possibilities!

Next to them, a teenage boy rolled his eyes. He couldn't see what all the fuss was about. "I mean, anything better than a saw and a hammer will be considered as wonderful."

"Gin!" His mother glared at him. She rose back to her feet and put her hands on her hips. Georgie knew it was a joke but there was a time and place for everything.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" Gin defended, raising his hands up in surrender. Then, he patted both heads of the twins. "You did good, squirts."

Eri was the first to step back. Her hands balled into fists on either side of her. Feet apart, she squared her shoulders and stared at him straight in the eye. "Hmph! Just you wait! Someday, I'll be taller than you!"

"Oh, I am so scared."


"Ma, I am starting to think you want something to drink."


"See? There you go again."

Before Georgie could come up with a full lecture, another voice had cut through the conversation. "There are my girls!"

Eri and Ede followed its source. Their expressions shone like the morning sun. Then, they bolted right over. "EVE!"

Eve grinned and bent her knees. She met their tackle with a bear hug. Although she had seen them during the bakery class, it felt like ages had passed before this moment. Their marshmallow cologne hit her nose. 

"I am so proud of you both!" She said, her head stuck in between theirs. Not enough words couldn't describe how she truly felt. Their blinding smiles had been engraved in her mind. No matter what happened, she'd cherish this memory forever. 

Eri pulled back. "Really?"

"Of course!" Eve chuckled.

"Does that mean you'd dance for us someday?" Ede asked, wearing a serious face. 

Eve's eyes fluttered. "Dance?"

The twins stepped closer together. They covered their sister's entire vision, trapping Eve from looking somewhere else. Their brown eyes loomed over her. 

"Yeah, doesn't ballet involve an orchestra? I think a piano and a violin could work," Ede explained. Her facial muscles quivered as she tried to stay calm. 

Eri nodded in agreement. "Mhm, we really want to see you dance again."

Eve was speechless. It had been years since she saw a pair of ballet shoes. She would have thought the memory of them had been erased from her sister's memories. They were barely five years old when she quit. 

Her chest squeezed at their pleading faces. 

A deep sigh escaped her lips. "Listen, girls"

Eri averted her gaze, spotting a tall figure headed their way. Her index finger pointed in his direction. "It's the runaway boyfriend!"

"Who?" Eve scowled. She glanced over her shoulder, hoping for some answers. Her back went rigid instantly. She shot up from the floor and greeted her boss. "Sir Hathaway!"

"Eve," Ambryan nodded at her. Then, his eyes flickered towards the twins. The smile on his lips never wavered. He found himself more comfortable around here than in the auditorium. "Erin. Eden."

"Just call me, Eri."

"And call me, Ede."

Ambryan looked at his secretary, arching one eyebrow. "All E's, huh?" 

Eve shrugged. Her face morphed into a weird expression. It wasn't like it was her who chose their names. "It's a running gag, I guess."

She felt relieved that her voice was steady. There she was waiting for a reply and it turned out that he was in the same venue all this time. Was that why the madam suddenly asked her about Ambryan?

Because they might run into each other?

Did she know that Evan and Ambee barely spoke?

"You're one to talk. Your name and mine both start with 'A'." Avery snorted, taking the spot beside her son. Her fingers itched to pinch four chubby cheeks. She placed them behind her back just in case.

"A running gag, I believe."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, hush!"

"Ew, get your own joke," Eri remarked. 

A boisterous laugh reverberated around the lobby. People shifted their attention towards the small group. They whispered to each other, wondering what the fuss was about.

Avery wiped the tears in her eyes. "Oh, I like you already."

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