Date The

Chapter 148: Eight is a Crowd

Chapter 148: Eight is a Crowd

"They used to spell it as A-N-D-Y when she was a kid. One day, she decided that it was too boyish and forced everyone to change it," Jarrett replied on behalf of his girlfriend, knowing full well that she wouldn't reveal this part of the story. "She couldn't get away with a new nickname so they changed the spelling instead."

"It's also short for 'Andrea'." Eve added.

Andie rolled her eyes, sarcasm dripping in every syllable. "Gee, thanks, guys."

They nodded in her direction. "You're welcome."

Ambryan watched and listened throughout the exchange. The air had a comforting atmosphere that could only be found among close family and friends. He found it refreshing for a group he never met before. 

They acted casually around him.

"So how is it spelled now?" He asked again, deciding to take a sip of water.

"A-N-D-I-E," Jarrett answered for the second time. His shoulders shrugged as he continued, "It doesn't sound any different though. I don't know why she loved it as soon as they suggested it."

"Because it seemed unique," Andie defended. She threw her hands in the air. "I found it really cool. Don't you think it's cool, Mr. Hathaway?"

"Very cool."

She slapped the back of her boyfriend's hand repeatedly. "See? See?"

Jarrett smirked, still not convinced. He had to hand it to Ambryan. The CEO knew how to engage in trivial conversations. Or maybe it was him who judged the latter too quickly. Ambryan Hathaway was as human as the rest of them.

Ambryan scanned the room, looking out for his mother and the twins. He circled it once before looking back at his companions. "Are you and Evangeline close, by any chance, Andie?" 

Andie and Eve exchanged a glance. Unease weighed on their shoulders.

"W-Why do you think that?" Andie shot back. 

Ambryan placed both his elbows on the table. He interlocked his fingers and pressed his upper lip against them. His violet eyes scrutinized the woman across from him. "Weren't you the one teaching the bakery class she attended?"

"OH!"Andie practically yelled. The puzzle pieces started to make sense. Of course, she had been spotted that day. It was stupid of her to think otherwise."That! Yes. Yes, I was. I'm honored to have been recognized by such a famous individual."

Ambryan pulled his elbows apart until his hands touched the table. He showed her a lazy smile. "I'd rather know who my girlfriend hangs out with just in case something were to happen to her."

"How thoughtful."

If Andie didn't know any better, she would have taken that as a treat. 

Considering who it came from, it could be true.

A shiver went down her spine.

"Well, I'd love to meet her when given the chance," Jarrett said. Three heads shifted in his direction. He smiled as soon as he met their eyes. "She sounds quite lovely. I have a feeling we'd have a grand time as a group."

Eve moved her foot but pulled it back immediately. With Andie in between her and Jarrett, the latter was too far for her to kick. She would have hit Andie insteadwho would kick her right back because of the mistake.

Ambryan flickered his gaze on the table, flexing his fingers.

"I'll keep that in mind," he responded as he lifted his head. His focus directed towards Andie once again. "May I ask how did you meet Evangeline?"

"Oh. Um. Hm," Andie stuttered. "I knew herbeforebefore she entered the modelling industry. She was a regular customer at the bakery so I was grateful that she decided to join the class even when she was so busy."

"So you two aren't that close?"

"We talk whenever we have the chance and I do love her a lot."

"I see."

Ambryan became quiet, having receded into his thoughts. It didn't seem like he'd get anywhere far with Andie about Evangeline's private life. Wasn't there a person Evangeline had mentioned? Beatrice was it? Maybe that person would be able to answer?

There was a limit to how much a human mind could recall. Even the fondest of memories could turn into dusts when the time came. But, none of them were ever truly gone. It only took the right triggers to access them again.

"Was there something you wanted to ask? Her favorite fruit maybe? It's strawberry," Andie joked. Lines had creased on his forehead, revealing his troubled thoughts. 

Eve had noticed them too. Despite being grateful for Andie's initiative, she wasn't sure where the conversation headed. It did confirm one thing thoughAmbryan's mind had Evangeline in it and none of them sounded negative.

He wasn't ignoring her for something she had done wrong but then, what was it?

Ambryan leaned back. His posture relaxed along the way. "No, I was merely curious."

"Anything else you're curious about? I'd answer if I know it," Andie tried again. She knew Evangeline more than anyone. What could possibly rattle a CEO? Was he finally falling for her? Is this a conflict with his own feelings?

Oh, she couldn't wait to hear it!

"When she was at the bakery" Ambryan began to say.

Andie leaned over the table. Giddiness trembled beneath her skin. "Yes?"

Were they going to hear a confession? He thought they were close, right? Maybe he wanted to know if Evangeline felt something for him? Possibilities after possibilities flooded her mind. She couldn't wait to see which one came true.

"She sang a song"

"Mhm, part of the story she was telling the kids," Andie narrated. She still remembered most of it. It was a wicked plot though Eve only made it on the spot. Others present at the time probably remembered it as well.

"Where didnever mind. I must be overthinking it," Ambryan concluded with a shake of his head. He needed to get over this and ask Evangelien directly. What was there to be a coward about?

Andie's jaw dropped. "But"

"Ambryan!" A voice called out from the crowd. The group spotted a familiar head of ginger hair. It bounded for their table, avoiding any blockage in the way. Andie and Eve raised their eyebrows. 

They had been the CEO for hours but not once did they address him by his first name.

Mila stopped near Ambryan's seat, holding out a hand towards him. "Nice to finally meet the man behind the screen and in several magazines."

Up close, she noticed how thick his eyelashes were. They framed his violet eyes with allure. His beige skin looked silky smooth. This theory was proven once he accepted her handshake. His voice also sounded deeper than she imagined.

Overall, he had exceeded her expectations. 

"Ms. Clark," Ambryan acknowledged politely, twisting his torso. He let go of her hand within a second. "Thank you for the invitation. My mother was ecstatic when she received it."

"I'm glad to hear that. Did you enjoy the show?"

"Yes, quite." He adjusted his posture until his chest faced the others. "I apologize if mother hasn't greeted you yet. We sort of ran into old friends."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. How rude of me." Mila faced the rest, waving her hand to greet them. "Good to see you, Eve. Andie. And who this might be?"

"Jarrett," the said person supplied. He offered her his own handshake. "I'm Andie's boyfriend."

"Glad you could make it." Mila thanked him, pulling her hand back.

The temperature dropped a few degrees as silence fell on the table. She sensed the underlying awkwardness and attempted to fix it. "What about Eve's boyfriend? Will I be blessed to meet the lucky guy today?"

Eve averted her eyes. Here she thought only relatives and old schoolmates liked to ask that question. She thought of how to replywithout ruining the mood furtherbut failed. 

"I don't have one, Ms. Mila."

Ambryan narrowed his gaze, remembering what the twins had said about her absence. His corner lip curled into a smirk. "Are you sure about that, Eve?" 

Eve widened her eyes at him. "Positive."

No way were they talking about this again! The last thing she needed was for Andie to catch the innuendo behind it. Sure enough, her best friend had her eyes squinted in her direction. She could almost see Andie's thoughts floating above her head.

"I'm sure you'd find a good man," Mila coaxed. A lump formed in her throat. It seemed that she had chosen a bad time. Before she could bid them goodbye, she caught Amy's stare at her. Their conversation replayed in her mind.

The table did have empty chairs.

But, it wasn't like she could just barge in.

She shifted her attention back on Ambryan. He busied himself as they spent the time in another cloud of silence. She needed to think something fast. 

It was as if a light bulb popped over her head. Mila pulled back a chair and sat on it. "Oh, um, Ambryan, I heard you can play quite a number of instruments."

"Yes?" He questioned.

"Have you ever heard about the kalimba?" 






"Oh, it's Ms. Mila," Eri observed. 

"Where?" Avery asked, searching for the ginger head. She mentally slapped herself for forgetting to greet the hostess. Cute girls were really quite distracting!

Ede pointed towards their teacher with her lips. "Over there. By our table."

"Huh" Avery breathed out. Mila and her son were in the middle of a conversation. She wasn't sure if it was intentional but the two seem to lean dangerously close. Tugging both of the hands she held, she said, "Listen, girls. There's something I need you to do."

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