Date The

Chapter 18: The Second Out of Five

Chapter 18: The Second Out of Five


Name: Rachelle Ann

Age: 23

Education: College graduate

Occupation: Novelist

Bio: If you've been into any bookstores lately, then you may have already seen my name on books. If not, I'm Rachelle Ann, author of the 'Love Me, Bite Me' series. I like rabbits, tarts and sweet fluffy things xD

Aiming to get my books produced in a certain production company *wink wink*


For her profile picture, Rachel sat behind a desk with a black ponytail. She turned to her right and smiled at the camera. One hand cupped her cheek while the other rested on the laptop keyboard. Her caramel eyes crinkled at the corners.

Unlike Zara, Ambryan could already see her intentions. He could discern her true motive from there. It seemed that his struggle would again bewaiting for the 30 minutes to finish. He had rejected most questions from the first conversation.

There was no point to answer personal questions when they'd never talk again.


``Yan: Hello, Ms. Rachelle. What deal did you have with my mother for you to join this site?``

``Rachelle: Well, it is an opportunity to meet one of the most eligible bachelors in the country, she didn't need to do much convincing honestly. *laughs* plus this might make for an interesting story, don't you think?``


Ambryan narrowed his eyes.

She surely sounded youthful. Her messages were also informal. He typed slowly, forming a response. She hadn't actually answered his question, trying to avoid it. He needed to get it out of her.


``Yan: I see... How did you meet my mother then? I don't imagine she handed out flyers in the street.``

``Rachelle: Ah, didn't you know, your mother loves my books? I didn't realized someone like her would ask for signed copies of my work, but she's a true romantic :D ``


Ambryan frowned.


``Yan: I do know she's a romantic. She starred in many romance movies. Are you to tell me she offered nothing in exchange for this opportunity?``


The other party paused. She probably hadn't expected to hear the question again. Whatever she'd reply would decide her character. After writing that kind of bio, he would have thought she'd answer it directly.


``Rachelle: I think I may have jumped on the opportunity too quickly, but she did say, she'd talk with the producers in making a film from my top selling book, regardless of outcomes. *happy smile* I think she needed a certain number of girls so there you have it.``


'Now, we're getting somewhere,' Ambryan pondered on his next move. This time, he'd make sure the conversation revolved on the other party. By letting her talk while he asked the questions, it would eliminate any chance to ask about his personal life.


``Yan: If you can pitch your book in 35 words, what would it be?``


The chat window became inactive once again. It seemed that Ms. Rachelle had been stumped. For someone who wanted a film opportunity, she should have been better prepared. This waning confidence wouldn't be seen as something good.

His fingers tapped on the keyboard.


``Yan: Ms. Rachelle?``

``Yan: By all means use the remaining 15 minutes we have.``


The 'typing' dots emerged from the bottom. Ambryan leaned back on his chair and waited patiently. He crossed his legs under the table, clasping his hands together. His eyes went to the computer's clock.

There were still three women left.

He considered multitasking when a new message popped up.

``Rachelle: A romance that goes beyond time and order, and apologies love is hard to defineespecially trying to let a self-sufficient person as yourself grasp it *rubs chin* But it's a story between two unimaginable people who shouldn't be together but they do``


``Yan: Sounds like Romeo and Juliet. Nothing more original than that?``

``Rachelle: Make it a bunny man, but the two of them do end up together at the end and not dying, it's not tragedy but romance.``


Now, that was something Ambryan hadn't heard before.


``Yan: ... how do they even meet?``

``Rachelle: ... them falling from the skies and into the protagonist's rooftop. If you're familiar with the Man from the Moon. Paranormal romance. It's actually all the rave for young romantics *shrugs*``


Ambryan rubbed his temple, his mind digesting the information. He'd never worked with anything like it before. He silently gave her props for the originality. Her casualty was also something to commend. She spoke her mind and didn't pretend.

Unfortunately, he'd rather not date someone in the same film industry. It could cause problems when the nine months were over.

This conversation needed to stop soon.


``Yan: ... so you're saying I'm old?``


Ambryan repeated the question in his head. He wondered how an author would answer this type of question. If she left on her own, he could look over reports while he waited for the next chat schedule.

Anything would do if that meant he won't have a late work night.


``Rachelle: you're quite mature and level headed for someone our age. Running the business and being the success that you are, I don't think you've been giving time for romance and that's why your mother decided to intervene? Or she probably wants grandchildren too.``

``Yan: And so she thinks an author who writes paranormal romance is a good candidate for that?``


Ambryan flinched, thinking that he overstepped a bit.


``Rachelle: Possibly, I do know a thing or two about romance, *laughs* but whoever will be chosen by you will have quite a large role to fill. Hopefully someone who'd make you and her together a power couple. Someone who you can connect with, truly appreciate and respect as an equal.``

``Rachelle: Not sure if that's me, but it is a pleasure meeting you.``


"I think I scared this one, Kiri." Ambryan said as he caressed the cat's head. "Then again, it wouldn't be good if she can't handle pressure. There would be many eyes on us. She has to be able to stand on her own."

Kiri scratched her pink nose and yawned.

He chuckled, envying her relaxed state. "There's still 10 minutes before the next one. Let's check my full inbox."

Ambryan opened his desktop mail app.

All the folders on the left lit up with notifications. Their numbers varied between 50 and hundreds. Using folder categories, he had arranged possible keywords and certain senders by order of priority. It allowed him to tackle the urgent ones first.

Before that, he created a new email tab. He set the main recipient to be 'Richard Kingston' and added a few names for the carbon copies, including his secretary and the director. He composed the needed status update for the investment.



Subject: Venus Investment - 'What is Love?'

Body: Good afternoon, Mr. Kingston.

I trust you'd already gone through the files I personally delivered to you yesterday. Has Venus Investment Associates come to a decision yet about the project proposal? The agreed time for the deadline was this morning. As mentioned yesterday, this project is top priority. It would be our utmost appreciation if it's also treated that way by Venus. If you encounter any questions, please do contact me at the earliest.


A. Hathaway, CEO of Eros Productions.



Ambryan hit the 'send' button and moved on.

He clicked the first inbox folder, beginning his first set of reports for the day. A finance report blew up behind his screen. He skimmed through the estimated figures and assessed the upcoming movie releases. A total of ten films would premiere in the next two years.

Global statistics and other research papers accompanied the report. One of them contained the current trends in the romance genre. They were divided into different creative mediums.

He raised his eyebrows.

Part of the examples seemed familiar. Among the list of best-selling romance novels was the 'Love Me, Bite Me' series. Now, where did he hear that before?

The charts told him what the possible trends were for the next 12 months. His attention focused on the 7th month, the highlight of their peak season. It was the month of love, the month of spring, the month of blossoming romance...

It was Februarythe time of the year when the market was high.

If they wanted to dominate the box office, they had to plan carefully.

Ambryan exhaled sharply. "What kind of romance movie would you watch, Kiri?"

The cat tilted her head to the side. Eyelids wide open, her pupils had dilated and almost became fully round. She stared up at him, unblinking. "Meow."

"Me neither," he replied quickly, "That's why I have these charts and reports. It will tell me what the public wants. We'll let them decide what they'd want to see. Hopefully, one of our films has enough twists to exceed their expectations."

While Ambryan gathered the information and evaluated their potential results, Kiri stood up and moved closer to the computer. She watched his fingers work over the keyboard. Her legs continued to advance. One of her paws stepped on the number pad. Then, her second paw followed.

Soon, she reached halfway across.

Ambryan raised his hands as she lied down, covering the whole keyboard. Her face remained nonchalant. A small smile stretched his lips. He pushed his glasses up his nose bridge and picked up the cat.

"Are you hungry? Come on, let's get you something to eat." Rising to his feet, Ambryan left his office and headed for the kitchen. Kiri snuggled against his chest while a purr hummed in her throat. Her hooman truly knew her best.

In the empty office, the web browser icon lit up on the screen.

A notification had come from a new chat window.

``Unknown: Hello? Anyone there?``

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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