Date The

Chapter 21: The Last Out of Five

Chapter 21: The Last Out of Five

Eve sat on her old study table, her legs up on the chair.

It had a simple design. What she loved about its simplicity was the space. The legs had shelves for her to store her school books back then. Also, the shelves on the left one extended to above the table. It became handy when she had her exams.

Her laptop covered the middle of the table. It was a few years old but it still worked well. She had invested in good specs. During college, she worked part time online as a tutor. The good hardware allowed her to perform efficiently.

Using her fingers, she combed through the crimson wig.

She blinked her eyes. The hazel contact lenses covered them. They took time to wear. It would also take another time to get used to. She finished her look with a fitted white shirt and a pair of black shorts.

If Andie's joke came true, Eve didn't want her boss to see her sleep wear.

Somehow, Eve felt glad that she took her best friend's advice. Not only did the disguise make her look different but it also made her feel different. Maybe she could actually chat with her boss, forgetting about their work relationship. Yeah that could totally happen.

Or it could totally not.




She quickly put those worries aside. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. She recalled yesterday's events. In front of that camera, she wasn't Eve the Secretary. She was Evangeline the Rookie Model.

She channeled Evangeline's 'spirit', the one that talked to Mikael Davis and the rest.

That would be the woman Ambryan Hathaway would face.

A ping notified her of the time. Her eyes opened as the icon lit up. A photo revealed itself to her. Arms crossed over a broad chest. Aviator glasses hid away a deep scowl. White bunny ears stood on top of onyx black hair.

The name, Ambryan, appeared on the bottom.

Eve had to cover her mouth.

'Is that Sir Hathaway?' She thought. A series of choked laughter escaped her lips. She clicked the photo. It led her to another window. She snorted, pressing her lips together, as her shoulders shook.

It seemed like she wasn't the only one with a premade profile.



Name: Ambryan Hathaway

Age: 28.5

Education: College graduate

Occupation: CEO of Eros Productions

Bio: A man who values work. Don't be fooled by his 'permanent' scowl. Yan excels in time management! In fame! And in fortune! His rare smile can compare to the stars! He also works out regularly since he finds health as priority!

P.S. I love you, son!



Eve shook her head.

When she finished reading, it became harder to hold in her laughter. She doubled over the table, hiding her face. Her boss had to be in a bad mood. She already expected the worst for the upcoming chat.

Then again, he survived through four women. He must have calmed down

unless they didn't go well.

A shiver trickled down her spine. It was hopeless. The situation stayed grim. She recovered and leaned on the backrest, heaving a sigh.

'Here goes nothing.'

Her chat window showed a new message.


``Yan: Hello, Ms. Reed. What deal did you have with my mother for you to join this site?``


The blood drained off Eve's face.

Her lips became cold. They quivered as she mouthed out the words. She blinked her wide eyes as she shook her head. No matter how many times she tried, the sentence neither disappeared nor did it change. They seemed to even zoom in instead.

'Did he find out?' She panicked, her hand shaking on the mouse. 'How could he have known? That time in the office? Or did he see us yesterday?'

Biting her lip, Eve thought of a quick reply.


``Lin: Hello to you as well, Mr. Hathaway.``


Leaning on his chair, Ambryan watched the screen. His fingers drummed over the table. He couldn't wait for this last chat to end. The surprises must be over. This woman must be like the first two. His mother did know a few models. Her friends also interacted with them. Nothing in his memories recalled an 'Evangeline.'

Then, her presence must be out of his mother's impulse.

Ambryan frowned when nothing followed the message.

He went back to his keyboard, nudging the conversation forward.


``Yan: Well?``

``Lin: Well, what?``

``Yan: What was the agreement you made with my mother?``


The seconds ticked by. Ambryan watched the 'typing' dots reappear. The other party seemed to be indecisive. Every now and then, those dots vanishedonly to materialize again. The wait made him wonder what kind of response he'd receive.


``Lin: I'm sorry, Mr. Hathaway. I refuse to answer it.``


Ambryan raised his eyebrows.

"Now, that is interesting," he muttered under his breath. He straightened his posture and moved closer to the monitor. Simple words sparked a challenge in him. His fingers typed faster as his mind raced with buzzing energy.


``Yan: And why is that?``


His hands stayed on the keyboard, ready to fire out his next response.

Kiri stirred on the table. She blinked her pale purple eyes at him and yawned. Her neck twisted towards the monitor. Her face blossomed at Evangeline's profile picture. She instantly became awake.

When the new message came, Ambryan was taken aback.


``Lin: I fail to see how that is any of your business.``


'That's it. I'm done. I just disrespected my boss.' Eve wailed internally. She bowed her head and cradled it in her hands. But, she wasn't wrong, was she? They had a contract and a contract had confidentiality.

She had no rights to share its contentsespecially to her boss. If he had asked 'Eve', however well, she didn't want to think about that.


``Yan: I am affected by it even if indirectly. Don't I have a right to know about it?``

``Lin: Is that so?``

``Yan: Is this website not created for me?``

``Lin: Well then``


Ambryan scrutinized the messages. Something nagged at the back of his mind. He just couldn't put his finger on it. He continued to study them as the other party typed.


``Lin: Why not ask your mother about it? Since she made it for you, I am sure she'd be more than willing to provide the answers. If she doesn't then, I am sure she'd be able to explain why``


Eve bit her inner cheek. She almost typed about his own agreement with his mother. They were in the same boat. They both had agreements with Avery Hathaway. She doubted that he'd reveal their bargain to herat least, the ones his mother hadn't explained yet.

If he wouldn't tell then, she wouldn't either!


``Yan: You are making things difficult.``

``Lin: Mr. Hathaway, I don't deny that there was an agreement but I do uphold its confidentiality.``


Ambryan tilted his head to the side. His scowl relaxed into a surprised expression. His violet eyes blinked once as he finally realized what irked him about her messages.

They sounded like what he would say.

A small smile tugged on the corner of his lips.


``Lin: I'm sure you can understand that since you are a businessman.``

``Yan: Well played, Ms. Reed.``

``Lin: Your compliment is much appreciated.``


Eve let out the breath she held. Her grip on the mouse loosened. The heavens parted open. Angels flew down and sang a chorus. Today, she had just witnessed a miracle.

Who knew that talking badly at Ambryan Hathaway would work?


``Yan: If you do tell me the deal, I can afford to double it.``


Eve's good mood left as soon as it came. She gritted her teeth. It seemed like the topic wasn't over. Was this how her boss talked to the other women? He hoped to eliminate them and free himself from the contract?

She understood the logic. If they were the ones who left then, it wouldn't be his fault. He could still hold his mother accountable to uphold her promise.

Blood simmering, Eve slammed at the keyboard.


``Lin: A deal with you? And for what? To have me quit the site? That doesn't seem necessary, does it? You are free to choose. Unless you want to get rid of everyone.``

``Yan: Is that everything you have to say to me?``

``Lin: I'm just thinking if you really loved your mother, you'd see how important this is to her.``

``Lin: I understand if you are displeased with the situation but... would it be that hard to play along? Make her happy for 9 months?``


Ambryan's small smile stretched into a full one. Evangeline's last messages spoke what was on his mind. He did plan to play along. He just needed to find the right woman for it. Who would have thought he'd meet one with the same mindset?

The chat window froze, forcing the parties to exit.

Kiri walked closer to the monitor. She gazed at the screen, looking for the photo. Her paw touched it lightly as her hind legs lifted her up.


"You like her, Kiri?" Ambryan picked her up. He kept her close to his chest as he scratched under her chin. His free hand grabbed the mouse and clicked on a new tab. It led him to the chat list. He clicked Evangeline's, navigating himself to her profile.

His violet eyes reread her information.



Name: Evangeline Reed

Age: 25

Education: College graduate

Occupation: Rookie Model

Bio: Hello, I am Evangeline. I recently entered the modelling world and received my first project under Athon Corporation. One trait I treasure is my perseverance. I thoroughly believe in the saying, 'If there is a will, there is a way.'



"Evangeline," Ambryan tested on his lips. "Let's see how persevering you are."

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