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Chapter 26: The Farewells and Hellos

Chapter 26: The Farewells and Hellos

``From Avery: Eve, wonderful news! Yan already made his choice. Guess who it is? It's you! I knew you could do it! Next stop, prepare for the first meeting!``

Eve lied on the floor carpet.

She didn't know how. She didn't know why. She just found herself there. The text message popped up on her screen after she read Ambryan's last message.


``Yan: You really like to make things difficult, don't you? Very well. Like you said, if I really loved my mother, I would play along with her wishes. Will you not help me do as you suggested?``


She felt a blow to her gut.

Maybe that was how she ended up on the floor.

The two messages confirmed the ominous feeling. She knew the 'Tea vs Coffee' topic wouldn't last. She merely hoped her nonsensical talk would irritate him.


"What the hell is going on?" Eve exasperated. She stared up the ceiling, ignoring both messages. The terms of her agreement haunted her. She had no room for rejection.

The sensation merely felt worse because her own words were thrown back at her. Andie's prediction came true.

If she had known, she would have revealed something and accepted the double offer!

Eve covered her eyes with her arm.

"Why why, why, why am I so stupid?" She lamented. No sound came to provide her answers. If she tried to back out, would Avery take the money back?

Who was she kidding? Of course, that would happen. That clause wouldn't even exist if it was possible. Avery needed that assurance to get what she wanted.

'Maybe I should just give it up?' Eve considered, pulling her arm away from her face. Both now touched the carpet over her head. Her fingers played with her hair.

The silence seeped into her mind. Her head became empty, cleansing itself. The blank slate allowed her to be rational and pushed her feelings aside. She thought of logiconly looking at the current situation and not the past.

Right now, she already signed the contract.

Right now, she already promised her commitment.

Misty faces of Avery, Cale and Luna stared at her. Despite her lack of experience, they encouraged her. They believed in her. Their collective efforts made the photoshoot a success.

She wasn't alone.

"What am I even saying? This is for Eden and Erin. I shouldn't be selfish. Not unless I want to slave until I'm 40", Eve finally spoke, sitting upright. She shook her head at her behavior. "I would also let Mrs. Hathaway down. I gave her my word."

A sigh flowed out of her lips. "I'm just stalling again, aren't I?"

Eve reached for her phone. Her thumbs typed slowly as if something would change within the extra seconds. Now that she had a reality check, her mind focused on something else

how to make the best of it.


``Lin: As long as I get a say in this matter.``


She stared at her words and felt satisfied at how she overcame the situation. Fake dating or not, she wouldn't let her boss decide on everything. This involved two people who each had their own minds.

This 'relationship' contained both of them.

As someone part of it, her voice mattered and she would use it.


``Yan: Oh, Ms. Evangeline. I wouldn't have it in any other way.``

``Lin: See you in a week then. Bye.``


Ambryan scowled as Evangeline went offline.

It seemed like the conversation had ended. The other party left no room for compromise, practicing what she requested. He didn't mind. He wasn't in a hurry either. He'd rather savor his last few peaceful days.

With everything sorted out, he could finally concentrate on work.

Just then, another notification came from the other chats.

He took a deep breath and held it. This would be the last time he'd hear from these chats. A quick last conversation wouldn't hurt.

At least, not as much.


``Mila: Wow, you already picked someone? Where do I meet this girl? I must ask her some tips on how to attract good men.``


Ambryan's face became impassive. He neither found the message funny nor annoying. Instead, he typed out another neutral response. The less they knew, the better. If he didn't proceed carefully, it might brew trouble.


``Yan: You will meet her if you will meet her.``

``Mila: Aha, still! I can't help but be curious. She must be extraordinary.``


'Extraordinary?' Ambryan wondered. He rubbed his chin and stared at the ceiling. He wouldn't use the same word. Evangeline surely stood out among the women. He saw himself in her. Her aversion reflected his thoughts about the website.

She was simply the mostly likely woman to part ways easilycausing no problems.

He returned his attention to the chat and replied.


``Yan: Quite an observation you made, Ms. Clark.``

``Mila: Well, she snatched the most eligible bachelor of the country. Something about her had to be above us, mere mortals.``

``Yan: She is simply herself.``


Ambryan watched as more notifications popped up. It seemed like everyone decided to join. His hunch pointed towards his mother. She must have told them about his decision.

Now, they all came to say goodbye.


``Mila: Alright, alright. Hahaha. I won't try to pry anymore. Hope everything will work out for you two! Do invite me to the wedding when it happens. I'd even play for free if you need music!``

``Yan: I see your sense of perception is the same as your imagination. Do take care, Ms. Clark.``

``Mila: See you around, Ambryan!``


'Ambryan,' he read. It left a bad taste in his mouth.

He exited the window and moved to the next one.


``Jane: Ambryan, you chose someone? Already? Are you sure about this? It has only been a day. What if she turns to be someone with bad intentions?``


This time, he didn't hesitate to respond. His right temple ticked as his pulse increased. He had little care on how his message would sound. This would be the last anyway.

His typing came out as sharp as his tone.


``Yan: I highly doubt that my mother would let that happen. After all, she picked everyone.``

``Jane: But``

``Yan: Your participation ends here. Focus on other matters.``


Ambryan hopped to the 3rd chat, his blood pressure calming down.


``Rachelle: So who's the lucky girl? What made her different from all the others, including me? Was it a love at first sight? Listing the pros and cons? What makes our CEO tick? *grins* She's not as talkative as me, I bet.``

``Yan: It was a pleasure meeting you, Ms. Rachelle. I'm sure your novel will reach greater heights.``

``Rachelle: Wow, Mr. CEO! That was unexpected! Wish you happiness with your new girlfriend! Bye bye.``


The other party left before he could. It made him wonder for a bit.

Would he have picked Rachelle if Evangeline wasn't around? He played with the idea. She was another honest woman. Her weakness to pressure could be improved. Writing also demanded a lot of time and attention.

They wouldn't have a problem with not seeing each other.

Ambryan moved the mouse to the remaining chat window.


``Zara: Mr. Hathaway! I heard the good news! I wish you both well.``


Kiri growled in her throat. She leaped for the monitor and pushed the screen. The tab also showed the previous chat. Her pale purple eyes flared at a green emote.

She bared her teeth and yelled, "Meow!"

Bending her hind legs, she jumped with her claws out. "Meow! Meow!"

Alarmed, Ambryan picked her up. He searched for answers in her gaze. Her bushy tailed flicked under her. She twisted her neck to the computer and attempted another jump. His hands tightened their grip.

"Woah, Kiri," he said, caressing her head, "It's okay. It will be over soon. Just let me type out something."

The cat grumbled, her lips quivering in anger. She pointed her ears up and glared at her prey.

No frog would survive while she was around!

Ambryan held her in one arm and used his free hand to type.


``Yan: Ms. Smith, mother has spoken about your skills. We have an opening for the hair and makeup team. I'll let her know so she could prepare a recommendation letter.``

``Zara: OMG! Thank you so much! This is more than I ever hoped for!``

``Yan: It is not a problem. I will continue my work now. Take care.``

``Zara: You too!``


The chat window disappeared.

The cat relaxed, her body turning into 'liquid'. Kiri melted in her hooman's embrace. He set her down on his lap and pulled the chair closer to the desk. Reports now covered his screen. Silent tapping filled in the room's silence.

Furry paws played with a shirt button. One claw managed to tear the thread. The button fell on her nose as the dress shirt opened. Sculpted beige skin peeked out. Kiri's eyes twinkled as she targeted another button.

"Meow, meow!" She purred, wagging her tail.

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