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Chapter 284: Earth to the Present, Please

Chapter 284: Earth to the Present, Please

"Where I live is irrelevant. She doesn't want to play. Or are you too stupid to understand?"

One of the boy's friends whispered in his ear. This wasn't the time and place for a fight. Not when their parents were nearby. The boy grumbled, spitting in Ambryan's direction. The latter stepped back and the spit landed on the floor.

"Just so you know, this isn't over yet," he said before the three of them left.

Ambryan watched them closely until they disappeared among the crowd. He took a deep breath and resumed his journey to the library. This incident reminded him why he disliked noisewhy even when he had an imaginary, he didn't invite anyone to play.

Everyone was troublesome wherever he went.

"Wait!" Jane called out to him, seizing his arm.

He frowned over his shoulder. "Now, what?"


"Spit it out. I don't have all day. Frankly, I don't even have a minute," Ambryan complained. He tugged his arm back but Jane held on tighter. He attempted multiple times, his temper rising higher and higher. 

"Aw, isn't this sweet?" Someone cooed. 

Avery took a quick trip to the kitchen about changing the drink menu when she caught sight of Ambryan and Jane from her peripheral vision. Her heart swelled. She approached them and placed her hands on her knees.

A wide smile spread across her face. "Getting along well, are we?"

Yanking his arm again, Ambryan managed to break free. 

"Whatever," he muttered and walked down the hallway. Whatever they had to say he didn't care for it. He made his appearance at the party, talked to more than one person and helped someone out. It should be more than enough to satisfy the adults about his need to mingle.

It wasn't like he was lonely.

His taste in company was just selective. 


His eyebrows shot up at the angry voice. 

Ambryan whirled around just in time to see Avery stalked towards him with her hands on her hips. Her heels clacked on the floorboards like a ticking bomb. She glared, her violet eyes blazing. Gone was her gentle nature.

The hint of fear tickled his brain.

She stood in front of him with her feet apart and hip leaning to one side. "I know you're not happy to be here. That's fine. You're welcome to mope or be mad. But, never never be rude to a guest, you hear me? Not only were you rude to that girl but you have disrespected me as well."

"Be angry at me all you want but do remember your manners," Avery concluded. Her shoulders began to relax as the steam left her system. She cleared her throat and took one step back towards the party. "I'll have Ivory bring you a tray of food while you stay at the library."

Then, she left him alone.

Ambryan stayed still throughout the short lecture. Even when the madam left, he barely moved a muscle. Had he gone too far like she said? He pondered on her words. They contained a valid point but he didn't regret his actions.

Shaking his head, he pushed the thoughts away and turned back around.

His gaze flickered in the direction Avery took. The hallway was now empty. The kids at the other end didn't notice his presence. The madam was nowhere in sight. Something fluttered in his chest. A fuzzy feeling that kept it warm.

It was weird so he ignored it.

Then, he snapped his head back and headed for the library.






Back in the present, Madame Isabelle finished her short story. Her tea had been refilled in the middle of narrating it. She hadn't thought about them in years. Sometimes she needed a while to recall the next events. The court ruling was a blur but she managed.

There was so much more to tell but she reserved them for another time. 

Eve had an elbow on the table, the side of her head resting on the palm of her hand. 

"Are you sure that Ambryan is Noah? I'm sorry but they act and sound like two different people to me," she joked. Then, sneaked a glance at her boyfriend. "Guess that explains why you suddenly left and why Madame Isabelle never told us where you went."

Ambryan merely shrugged. He already knew the story so he barely listened to it and checked on work through his phone. Emails came in from Madison and Riffle about certain topics. He looked them over and responded back when done.

Seeing him do his job, Eve couldn't imagine the company without him. What if he never reunited with his family? What kind of life would he have? Would he have stayed in this town all his life? It seemed unfair for what intelligence and potential he possessed.

Heck, what would her life be like? She would have had a different bossnot to mention, her current career. There would never have been an Avery trying to matchmake her son. There would be no catalyst to where her life had taken her now.

Then, again maybe all the horrible things wouldn't have happened either. Life would have been much more peaceful for them both. She felt guilty even just thinking about it

Since it could mean that Avery would never find her son.

"Little Swan asked about you everyday back then."

"Madame Isabelle!" Eve exclaimed in horror.

Her ballet teacher returned it with a chuckle. "It's true. You and Andrea were the ones I had the hardest time shaking off my back. Neither of you would stop talking. You even snuck to the upper floor for clues if I'm not mistaken."

Ambryan looked up from his phone. The hint of a smirk curled on his lips. He leaned sideways and whispered in Eve's ear. "I didn't know you liked me that much."

Her expression morphed into a deadpan one. She mimicked his movements, meeting his gaze through her lashes. "If you go by that logic, that also counts Andie."

He scowled. "I'd rather not have that thought in my head."

Madame Isabelle observed their exchange. She couldn't ask for anything more. The news about Ambryan's flings worried her for some time. It sounded nothing like him. She feared that his heart completely changed. That it was her fault for distancing herself and neglecting their relationshipfor not fighting for it after months passed.

He also always seemed cold whenever the news talked about him.

But now

Her attention refocused on the conversation.

"Well, it was your idea."

"She never even occurred to me."

"But Madame Isabelle mentioned both Andie and me."

"Her name is censored in my mind."

"Didn't you just help her get the bakery back?"

"That's a different Andie." 

Sweet relief flooded her on the inside. Her little boy was right in front of her again. She felt so happy that she might just thank a certain bastard for abandoning his family. If he hadn't left then, maybe Ambryan and Eve wouldn't have crossed paths.

Her grip tightened on the walking cane. 

Maybe she should ask for a quick favor to see how he was doing. That way they could stay alert of his movementsespecially with Eve growing in fame. 

"Everything okay here?" Rose asked meekly. She avoided looking in their direction and scratched the back of her ear. "We noticed that you've finished most of your food and drinks. The cafe owner also wants to treat you to another round if you please."

"What for?" Madame Isabelle responded on behalf of everyone.

"Just as a thank you for visiting. And maybe for a photo to hang on the corkboard."

"Well, I don't see why not."

"I'll get them then."

"Rose, wait!" Eve said, getting up from her seat. Now that the story finished, she could pay some attention to her friend. "I really am sorry about today. Is there any way that I can make it up to you? I don't care how ridiculous it is. Just tell me."

Spinning on her heel, Rose led her to a corner and crossed her arms over her chest. She received a call from Andie earlier who explained the situation. It was a long one but she understood. It didn't change how she felt though.

She always held the fear that they'd completely forget about her.

Then, Eve showed up in town and didn't even think of her? It hurt.

"Hm" Rose thought out loud, noticing the pleading brown eyes. The sincerity in them almost made her feel bad. 

"Yes?" Eve pressed on. She crossed her fingers that she'd take the bait.

Rose beckoned her closer, saying, "Then, do you have a hot male model's phone number?"

Eve gaped at her and rolled her eyes. "I should have known it was about boys."

Gigging, Rose shrugged and raised her hands in surrender. "Hey, there aren't many people in this town. None of them really appeal to me. Now, if I have two friends in the big city and one of them is now in the modelling business, that is an opportunity that I'd be dumb to pass on."

"I can't just give you their number though."

"I thought you'd do anything even if it's ridiculous?"

Eve paused for a moment, curling her lips inwards. She did say that but there was only one number that she knew. The price to pay in giving it away would be her souland that would just be the base prince. No doubt there would be extra charges that she needed to pay.

Rose clapped her hands together and placed them near her chest. "I promise I won't say anything to embarrass you. "

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