Date The

Chapter 286: Right Next to You

Chapter 286: Right Next to You

Eve twiddled her thumbs, sitting on the edge of the bed. 

Anxiety puffed out of her chest. Ambryan hadn't said another word since she told him about Paris. It was a huge decision that would last for 3 months. She had carefully thought it through as well as constituted a plan for what she'd be leaving behind if she got in.

Although it would be her benefiting from the camp, she would be given a weekly allowance for her staywhich, according to Mikael and Cale, would be more than she needed for living expenses. It was another reason why the competition for it was fierce.

And the results of the audition came back earlier along with the invitation. 

Her heart dropped the moment she saw it.

Ambryan came out of the shower. Eve looked up when she heard the door. Using the towel, he dried his hair and headed for the closet. He wore nothing but another towel around his waist. His path headed for the closet. He opened the doors and stepped forward, the towel dropping to the floor.

Eve reddened and averted her gaze despite how she couldn't even see anything. 

Her phone lit up from the night stand.

``Did you tell him yet?`` Cale messaged her.

She bit her bottom lip and wrote a reply. ``I did.``

Cale: ``And?``

Eve: ``And I don't know! He went quiet on me.``

Cale: ``Give him a bit of time, honey.``

Eve: ``I had no idea what to expect but the silent treatment is torture.``

Cale: ``Patience, dear. Are you wearing the new lingerie we bought you tho?``

Eve felt her body lit up like inferno. She did wear them. There was a week left before her scheduled flight to France. It would be her first out of the country experience. Unless Ambryan joined her by some miracle, this would be their last weekend to spend alone.


Eve: ``... am I really doing this?``

Cale: ``Reminding you that this was your idea. Good luck!```


Sneaking a peek, Eve shifted her attention back to the closet. Ambryan dressed up painstakingly slowly for some reason. She frowned. It wasn't like they brought many clothes. What could be keeping him there? 

Then, an idea popped in her head.

She put her phone down and tiptoed in his direction. Her brown eyes stayed up, avoiding anything lower than her chin. A broad back appeared in her vision decorated with sculpted muscles. Water droplets dripped over them. 

She gulped.

Ambryan felt two arms wrap around his torso. He glanced over his shoulder and spotted a head of red hair. The corner of his lips tugged upwards. "What's this about?"

Eve tilted her head up, propping her chin against his back. "Are you mad?"

A soft smile emerged on his lips. He turned around and returned the gesture. "I'm not mad. I could never be mad at you. I was just surprised."

She pursed her lips together. "Then, why does it feel like you're avoiding me?"

"You never hinted about the modelling camp. Now, you're telling me that you're leaving in a week? I'm conflicted," Ambryan explained. He caressed her hair and cupped both of her cheeks. "While we're at it, you have become quite bold, Ms. Hart. Sneaking up to a man like that."

She slid up her knee against his inner thigh and crotch. 

He froze right under her touch. 

A teasing smirk spread across her face. "You were saying, Mr. Hathaway?"

His violet eyes narrowed at her. "That's playing dirty."

She blinked back, feigning innocence. "I heard it's quite healthy actually."

Ambryan grumbled under his breath. Eve had zero chance to react before he swept her off her feet and tossed her onto the bed. He laid on top of her, capturing her lips at once. His hand slithered to her back. Her back arched in response and molded against his body. 

A moan rumbled in her throat. In return, she traced him. Her hands travelled from his shoulders down to his sides and went back up on either side of spine. They stopped at his shoulders blades, pulling him even closer until their chests merged together.

Her bent legs also trapped his hips.

Ambryan smiled into the kiss. "You're very responsive tonight."

"I have three months of you to make up for," Eve panted, her eyes still closed.

"How far do you want to go then?" He asked. It was meant as a tease but

"All the way."

And that was how Ambryan's brain short-circuited and disconnected with the rest of his body. He pushed himself up and stared at Eve's disheveled state. Lips slightly swollen, her crimson hair spread over the pillows in different directions. She stared back at him in a daze.

Never had he seen her more defenseless.

"Are you sure about this?"

Eve responded by pulling up her nightgown. White embroidered flowers on sheer fabric covered her chest. The same material embellished around her hips and between her thighs. It was less provocative than last time but she still felt the same sense of exposure.

Ambryan moved his hands to her waist. His thumbs massaged circles on either side of her stomach. "I see you have been planning this."

She pressed her lips together. "Maybe."

"I might not be able to hold back."

"I don't want you to."

The rest of the night, (A/N: Yes, I am cutting it here :P), was spent awake. They lost track of time and crashed just before the sun came up. Eve clutched onto the blanket with her back pressed up against Ambryan's chest. Even when her consciousness surfaced, she stayed in place and savoured the blissful moment.

Outside in the hallway, two sets of feet climbed up the stairs. 

"What number are they in again?"


"This one?" Ede walked up to a mahogany door, shifting her weight onto her toes. The peep hole was about a feet away from her eye level. Her cinnamon hair was tied into two pigtails.

Eri followed behind her and read the number sign. She opted for a high ponytail today and a simple purple dress with black polka dots. "Aren't you going to knock?"

"But what if we got the wrong number?"

"Then, we smile cutely and apologize to whoever opens it."

Ede nodded and banged her fist on the door non-stop. "Hello? Anybody home? We're lost. Someone please help us. Our dear sister would be very worried. I'm sure her rich boyfriend would reward you if you lend us a hand."

"There's two of us so that's double the prize," Eri added.

The door opened suddenly. Eve scowled at the twins. The second she heard their voices, her eyes flew open. She immediately got up and grabbed a robe to wear. Despite seeing them she hardly believed they were actually there.

"What are you doing here?" Her gaze snapped back to the bed. Ambryan lied peacefully, oblivious to their visitors, but Eve suspected that this was his doing.

"Oh, hey, Eve," Eri said. "My lovely sister, you look beautiful this morning."

"There's this glow around you," Ede remarked and rubbed her chin. "Did you change your soap?"

"I think that's the sun from the window, Ede."

"Oh. Sad."

Eve rolled her eyes. "Don't ignore my question."

"We came to see you, of course!" Eri pointed out. She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. "How could you visit town without us?! You know we wanted to go back to see mom's grave for the longest time but nooooo, you're always busy."

At that, Eve relaxed her stance. She scratched the back of her head, saying, "I'm sorry, Eri. I should have remembered that before coming here."

Her younger sister beamed in triumph. "If we can get ice cream for breakfast, I'll forgive you."

"There will be no ice cream for anyone without eating their vegetables first," Ambryan cut in and put on his slippers. He stood up from the bed, wearing an untied robe on. He stopped behind Eve and embraced her. "That's what happens when troublemakers wake up adults too early in the day."

"It's 9am though," Ede pointed out. 

"And we're starving," Eri whined. "Aunt Avery said we can't eat until you join us."

Eve looked up at her boyfriend, waiting for him to decide. This was how Ambryan found three pairs of eyes on himalso known as the pressure of two adorable girls and his lovely girlfriend. Avery knew exactly what she was doing. 

He didn't know whether to resent it or not.

"Tell her we'll be there in ten minutes." Ambryan sighed, giving in. "Not a second sooner."

"Yay!" Eri cheered. She instantly dashed for the stairs, yelling, "He said we can have ice cream!"

Ede heard it and backed up the statement. The both of them ran for the lower floor and disappeared from sight before the couple could deny the claims. Excited voices echoed behind them like breadcrumbs dropped by Hansel. 

"Eri-!" Eve began to protest. She took a step forward and the hold on her waist tightened. 

"Leave them be." Ambryan yawned. He rested his chin on her shoulder and closed his eyes, a satisfied smile on his lips. He could spend that whole ten minutes in this position without any regrets that they'd be late.

Her eyebrows rising up, Eve shifted her head in his direction. "But it was you who told them they can't get ice cream."

He shrugged. "I changed my mind."

She shook her head and nudged his chin with her shoulder. "Come on, we need to get ready. I don't want to see them when I smell like sweat."

"I wonder how that happened."

"Don't be shameless now," Eve opposed. She tried getting him off her back but the difference in strength was apparent. She couldn't even peel off his arms around her waist. Well, if she was being honest, she wasn't really trying. 

There was something about this ridiculous behavior that she found endearing.

Or maybe she just wanted this alone time to last longer.

Ambryan grinned. "Trust me. If I was, we wouldn't be leaving this room until lunch time."

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