Date The

Chapter 29: An (Un)expected Visitor

Chapter 29: An (Un)expected Visitor

"If you take the initiative to voice out more ideas, you'd develop the leadership for a promotion."

Eve was stunned. This was the highest praise she received.

She had hoped for a promotion but not any time soon. It seemed like a faraway dream. All she developed was how to provide excellent service as a secretary. The five rules also helped her to achieve that.

Did she have enough experience to lead?

Ambryan exhaled sharply. He could read the uncertainty on her face. It irked him at how she lacked the drive for growth and belief in herself. "Tell me when you're up for it. I'll train you."

"Train?" Eve asked, widening her brown eyes. 'So he was serious?'

"Of course," he replied as he straightened his cuffs. "You'll be promoted by me. It would only be right for me to train you. I won't let others have any chance to rebut."

The secretary receded back into her thoughts. Were they short on human resources? Why else would this come up? Her opinion added nothing of value. Ambryan already thought ahead. She made zero real contribution.

"Thank you for the kind offer, Sir Hathaway, but I think I am far from ready to lead a department."

"That is what training is for." Ambryan scowled. He tucked his hands inside his pants pockets. "You won't step up right away. It would depend on your progress. Please think about it carefully."

Eve nodded meekly. She had nothing else to say. Even if she did, her boss would find a way to counter it. Where was Evangeline's bravery and wits when she needed it?

She winced at the thought of her alter ego. It had only been yesterday since they agreed to meet. That meant they had six days ahead. It had to be more than enough to mentally prepare herself. Speaking of the meetup

Eve bowed her head and peeked through her lashes.

Ambryan still wore his 'permanent' scowl. What was she to expect from this? What was his reason for choosing Evangeline? Nothing hinted her on his thoughts. He also didn't notice her stare. The temptation gripped her, nudging her to ask.

It managed to open her mouth and try.

Then, the five rules echoed in her head.

1 - Don't draw meaningless attention.

2 - Speak only when spoken to.

3 - Avoid unnecessary affiliation with the boss.

4 - Never interfere with his personal matters.

5 - Always follow his orders.

Eve closed her eyes. She found it easier to control herself when she didn't see him. Her mind counted to ten as she focused on her breathing. The soft jazz music filled her ears. Her calmness returned by the time the elevator doors parted open.

The calmness was also short-lived.

Avery turned around when she heard the elevator. Her high ponytail whipped long with her. She wore minimal makeup and paired her black jumpsuit with blood red stilettos. A crimson Athon satchel bag hung on the crook of her elbow.

She beamed at the sight of the two, spreading her arms like an eagle.

"Yan! Eve!"

Eve experienced a mini heart attackat least, something she considered to be like it. The bag Avery used wasn't just any bag. It was the same one from her shoot. Flashbacks played like a movie in her head. Should she take it as a sign?

Except, was it a good one or a bad one?

"Mother." Ambryan greeted, exiting the lift.

"Mrs. Hathaway." Eve bowed from behind him. She lightened her footsteps. This would be the first time Avery visited since Evangeline came to life.

Her boss went straight to his office door. He used a card key to unlock it. "What is this unexpected visit about now?"

"Can't I be happy for my son?" Avery complained and dropped her arms. She walked over to his side, grinning like a madwoman. "You're finally going to have a girlfriend!"

Ambryan choked.

Eve flinched.

Avery laughed, hitting her son's upper back. She practically bounced on her feet. No words would be enough to describe her absolute joy. Her violet eyes darted between the two. She saw pink haze and cherry blossoms.

'Such a blissful sight,' she gushed silently. Then, her gaze focused them on the secretary who moved to the work desk.

A mischievous smile stretched on the madam's lips.

"Have you heard the good news, Eve?"

Ambryan walked into his office, not listening to the conversation. It didn't matter though. His mother kept the door open. Two female voices floated inside the room. He sat on his chair and continued his work.

This conversation might take a while. It would be better if he finished more tasks before it happened.

"No, I haven't," Eve replied, confused by the entire setup. Her brown eyes settled on the open doorway. The madam was up to something and she knew it.

Avery giggled and clapped her hands. She glowed much more than before. "That means you won't need to do those breakups on behalf of my son anymore."

The secretary winced, wondering if that was the joke. Oh, how the tables have turned indeed. She now filled in the shoes of those women.

"Mother, if you won't come in, please close the door," Ambryan declared from the other side. His fingers tapped on the keyboard, increasing in speed as he composed several reports for the company's own Board of Directors.

Before her mother could add anything else, he beat her to it.

"Eve, send the minutes of the meeting as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir Hathaway." Eve responded from behind her desk. Relief washed over her head. The madam wouldn't be her concern anymore. She nodded at Avery once. "Apologies, Mrs. Hathaway. I will be returning to my work now. Do have a good day."

"You too, Eve." Avery smiled, stepping inside the CEO's office.

The secretary cursed as she sat down. She should probably serve some tea for the madamexcept every fiber in her body didn't want to enter the office. After last time, she rejected to hear more of their conversations. Who knew what trouble she'd land in the next one?

Eve quickly made up her mind.

She would only enter if her boss asked her to do so.


Avery frowned as her son continued to work. Possibility after possibility rained in her imagination. This scenario would someday change because of Evangeline. Maybe Ambryan would keep a photo of her on his desk.

The thought fluttered her heart and her hopeless romantic soul. Someday, this whole situation might even become a movie. It would definitely be a hit! Or, or, or... maybe it could even be a novel! The story would spread across different creative mediums.

The whole world would know about this love story

and how she contributed to it.

Avery walked over to a chair and sat down, placing the satchel bag on the work desk. Her hand cupped one cheek as she leaned forward. A goofy smile painted her face.

"Well?" She started, ready to hear all the details.

"Well, what, mother?" Ambryan retorted. His gaze stayed on the monitor. He checked the reports against the meetings he had during the month. It was to make sure he covered everything for the board meeting.

His mother rolled her eyes and slammed a hand on the table.

"How is Evangeline?" She exasperated. Her violet eyes widened at his indifference. "I'm really curious to know what attracted you to her. I thought Mila was another good potential girlfriend."

It was a last minute idea but Mila always listened to her stories. If anyone would understand the purpose of the website, it would be her. She could rely on the young woman to accomplish the goal of her agreement with her son.

"Except, Mila has formed her idea of me from your stories." Ambryan shot down. His typing sounded louder than usual. "It wouldn't do good if she acted like she knew me before even meeting me."

His reasoning was true. It also made him uncomfortable how the woman seemed to know more about him than the other way around. He didn't want someone who knew his private life from another source. The person would have some expectations.

He absolutely loathed it.

"Huh," Avery clicked her tongue. She pulled away and crossed her arms over her chest. Her back leaned on the chair. "I didn't know you knew so much about human interaction."

"Mother, please." Ambryan returned to a tranquil demeanor. Years of these events improved his skills on multitasking. "Haven't I learned those all from you?"

"Right." His mother cleared her throat. She did teach him about it before his debut to society. Not that he needed much since he was always aloof. He also had Richard, a sociable friend. They managed to balance out each other.

Shaking her head, Avery went back to the original topic. She glared at her son as she realized how he stirred the conversation. He had meant to distract her. Too bad it wouldn't last for long.

She really wanted to know about his decision.

"You still didn't answer my question though. Why did you choose Evangeline?"

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