Date The

Chapter 291: Heart That Beats for You

Chapter 291: Heart That Beats for You

```Yan: What do you think about a story about a woman dating her boss?```

```Lin: How is that supposed to be original and better than Peitho?```

```Yan: It will be if it's based on a true story.```


"A true story?" Eve muttered to herself.

"What's a true story?" Cale asked, coming up behind her.

"About a woman dating her boss."

"You mean your story with Ambryan?"

"What" Eve stopped short. It couldn't be what Ambryan, could it? She hastily typed in her response, her heart thundering in her chest. She bit on her thumb when she was done. Ambryan couldn't possibly mean to use their story for a movie script. 

It had a lot of flaws which might backfire on themparticularly about her and Avery.

The media would have a field day if they found out. 

"That's how you and Ambryan started dating?" Tiffany interrupted. She had been given the spot beside them in their dressing area. Hoisting herself up, she took out her phone and played a game. "I wouldn't have guessed that, not gonna lie."

Cale became wary. He and Eve exchanged looks. They hadn't known Tiffany that well yet. Although they had no reason to suspect her, they also had no reason to trust her. Cale glanced over his shoulders and checked if no one else had heard what they talked about.

"Well something like that," Eve finally said, laughing breathily. She cleared her throat and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Not many people know about it though."

Tiffany merely snorted. "I'm not about to spill the beans either. Your business, not mine."


Eve sneaked a glance at Cale who messaged Avery about the incident. All three of them became silent for a moment while they waited for instructions. Tiffany eventually closed her game and closed her eyes for a short nap. Cale chatted with the staff, trying to get any update.

Afraid of what Ambryan had said, Eve didn't dare to check on her screen.






"A movie about you and Eve?" Avery spoke on the phone. Her violet eyes sparkled with life. "I think that's a fantastic idea! Anything either of you are uncomfortable with, we can modify."

She sat in the middle of their estate's garden mazea spot her mother-in-law frequently used. Anytime the madam felt the need for some peace and quiet, her mind always drifted to this area. Nana Hathaway's favorite tea set laid on the table. 

Others might have stored such items for safekeeping.

But Avery believed her mother-in-law would be happier if they still used it.

"I still need Eve to agree to it," she heard Ambryan say.

The madam moved the mobile phone from her right hand to her left one. "Have you told her?"

"I have but she hasn't seen my message."

Avery thought for a moment, stirring a cube of sugar into her tea. "I'm surprised that you're willing to let people know about this. You're one of the most private persons I met. Are you sure you want to blast your romantic life just for the sake of the company?"

She lifted the cup to her lips and tested the temperature.

"I don't mind if it means clearing Eve's name."

"Are you talking about the duel identity?"


"And you think Eve would like it if the truth was told through a movie?"

"She might consider it."

"I'll leave it for the two of you to decide." "But, just in case, get a backup plan."

"Yes, mother."

"Helen, would you watch a movie about how your young master met the love of his life?"

"I would be interested, madam." "I think many people would be."

"Hm." The gears in Avery's head started turning.






"May I have everyone's attention please?" The host announced from the center of the studio. She waved her hand in the air in order to be more visible. Her light brown hair was styled in big curls. Wrinkles creased at the corner of her eyes whenever she smiled. 

"We'll be stopping here for today. Tomorrow, we will be working with the male models who have joined the camp. You'll be paired by drawing lots. I won't give away the theme but it will be done outside so dress warmly. Enjoy the rest of your day."

"Hope your boyfriend is not the jealous type," Tiffany said before leaving Eve and Cale behind. She waved her hand without looking back and blended with the crowd.

Eve puffed out a sigh. They had changed back to their casual clothes. She let everyone exit the studio first. Her phone felt heavy in her pocket. She hadn't thought of a response yet to Ambryan's idea. Was she ready to let the people know?

To accept every opinion they'd have to say?

Her chest tightened from anxiety.

She badly needed a distraction.

Back in their room, Cale had his shower while Eve sat on her bed. She booted her laptop with a towel wrapped around her shoulders. Water droplets dripped from the tips of her hair. She dried them by using the towel and clicked on a blue desktop icon.

A wide smile spread across her lips.

"Eve!" Two high-pitched voices greeted her as soon as the camera loaded.

"Girls!" Eve squealed, her arms ready for a hug until she realized it was only a video call. She put them down gently and stared at the monitor. "What have you been up to? You've been on your best behavior, right?"

"We're always in our best behavior," Ede defended. The laptop they used was propped on a pillow set. She left her cinnamon hair down and wore blue pajamas, lying on her stomach. "We don't get into trouble like Gin."

"Aunt Avery took us shopping the other day!" Eri cut in, raising her hand.

Eve felt the blood on her face drain. "Oh, no"

Eri disappeared from camera view and came back with a pink dress. It had a tutu in the same color as a skirt. Faux gemstones decorated the top. "Look at this! I look like a fairy princess!"

"Wow!" Eve gasped in mock surprise. "Can you grant wishes like a fairy godmother?"

"That takes advanced skills, Eve. I'm only a kid."

She rolled her eyes and shifted her attention to the other twin. "What about you, Ede?"

"I got this baby that poops." Ede pulled out a baby from outside the camera fram. She sat up and cradled the doll in her arms. It had its eyes closed as if sleeping. Eri crawled off the bed to put her dress away.

"I'm an aunt? What's her name?"

"Right now, her name is Daphne."

"What about other times?"


Eve nodded her head several times. "Gender fluid, I see."

"That is correct," Ede declared proudly. She placed her baby back on the bed to let it rest. From what the box said, the doll should mimic a real baby like crying in the middle of the night. She looked forward to having that experience.

"Where's Aunt Avery?"

"Over here!" The madam shouted. Eve heard footsteps and assumed Avery had just entered the room. Soon, she saw the madam beam at the camera and waved. The twins moved aside to give her some space. "Hi, Eve! Don't worry about a thing. We got everything covered." 

Eve waved back. "Thank you again for looking after them."

"I told you. It's not a problem," Avery reminded her. Then, the madam leaned in closer and whispered, "So I heard Ambryan plans to make a movie out of our shenanigans?"

At that, Eve stiffened. "He told you, huh." 

"He needed consent from everyone involved," Avery defended. Her gaze morphed into a gentle lookone that provided warmth like a cup of hot chocolate. "How do you feel about it, dear?"

"I-I don't know, to be honest."

Eve found herself in the same spot she had been hours ago. 

How did one decide whether to make their life into a movie or not?

The madam merely patted the top of the laptop screen as if it was Eve's head. "Take your time. Ambryan is bound to have a second idea in case. But do remember to talk to him about it so he knows where you stand. Maybe you both can come up with something else too."

"I'll think about it, Aunt Avery."

"Well, I'll let you and sisters talk."

"Thank you."

Eve bit her bottom lip. She couldn't keep Ambryan hanging forever. The story didn't need to be 100% accurate, right? They needed to make some changes if they wanted to outmatch the drama and flare the other script had.

After another careful thought, Eve finally opened the DTC app and sent her reply.

What came next was beyond her imagination.

"But we need a climax!" An Eros scriptwriter spoke in front of Ambryan's desk. Eve was on video call, watching the whole thing. "She comes out in the rain after you walked away, Mr. Hathaway. Chasing after you, the two of you have a dramatic scene about how she had kept this secret from you all this time!"

He stepped aside and got into a character. Throwing his hands in the air, he continued the scene. "She cries to you, 'Oh, my love. I know I was wrong but this heart only beats for you. That part of me has always been true. Even if you never believe in me again! Just know that my feelings are pure.'"

Eve opened the private chat for the video call. ```You can't seriously be considering this.```

Ambryan sneaked a response and hid it from the scriptwriter. 


```Yan: I just might so I can experience you saying these lines to me.```

```Lin: But we're not the ones acting.````

```Yan: I am capable of putting myself in the shoes of a character.```

```Lin: May the heavens have mercy on whoever gets picked to act as you.```

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