Date The

Chapter 310: Shinier Than the Stars Above

Chapter 310: Shinier Than the Stars Above

"How beautiful is this place."

Eve stepped out the elevator. Before her, two glass-panelled white doors laid open. Her heels clacked on cement as she strolled through them and entered the rooftop garden. 

Red and orange dried leaves covered the soil. Twinkling lights hung on the barren branches of bushes and trees. A small waterfall flowed on the right, surrounded by large rocks for a pond. She followed the stone path and dipped her fingers into the water.

It felt warm to the touchsomething she found surprising at this time of year.

Ambryan emerged from the same entrance she took. A waiter excused himself and passed him by, heading for the marble table and chairs. He set down their afternoon snacks and hot beverages.

"I bet this would look so much better in the spring," Eve remarked, her head whirling around to look in every direction. She could almost imagine the abundance of green leaves on the tall trees. They could cover the city landscape and enclose them in a small patch of nature.

Thanking the waiter, Ambryan brought Eve her cup of hot chocolate. "I think some of the trees are a little old. They may need replacing. Any idea on what type of trees should be good? Nothing that bears fruit."

"Hmm," Eve hummed, taking a sip. She had stolen Ambryan's jacket and wore it around her shoulders while he used his dark overcoat for warmth. Her brown eyes scanned the place. "White and/or pink dogwood. Maybe cherry blossoms if possible."

"White and pink themed?"

Eve shrugged. "I don't know what trees are in this VIP cafe. I'm not well-versed on trees either."

She approached the garden table and sat on the marble bench. She felt its cold temperature through the fabric of her skirt. Ambryan joined her, resting his arm on the backrest. Eve snuggled into his side even without knowing. 

The traffic noise sounded far away despite how they never left the city.

They had walked around for over an hour before taking their lunch in a 5-Star restaurant that Ambryan recommended. Like their previous dates, Eve didn't know how to read the menu and ate what Ambryan ordered for them. She enjoyed every bite and complimented the cookwith Ambryan translating for her.

Eve laid her head on Ambryan's shoulder and enjoyed the view as well as their privacy. She pulled up her feet, propping her legs on the bench. "We've been sight-seeing a lot but I don't think we've seen everything yet."

"Do you want to?" Ambryan asked, arching an eyebrow.

She tilted her chin up to meet his eyes. "Why does that sound like there's a warning to it?"

He chuckled. "It requires spending."


"I don't mind spending my money for our dates," Ambryan reasoned. She didn't have to say it but he knew it was a constant thought in her head. She always hesitated whenever it involved a large sum of moneybut, eventually, gave in.

"I know. It's just" Eve trailed off, her eyes dropping. She had racked her brain for something that would show her gratitude and her feelings. What she had done so far couldn't even compare to how thoughtful Ambryan became all of a sudden. 

He had just bought her a new wardrobe for crying out loud!

What could a man like him want that he didn't have and she could give?

Ambryan put his drink down. "I'm not patient enough for your investments to grow."

Eve snapped her head in his direction. "You know about that?"

"That my smart girlfriend invested the majority of her money in stocks and bonds?" He elaborated with raised eyebrows. "Yes, of course, I know. Your financial adviser is the same as my mother's. You can guess who told me."

She groaned and scratched the side of her. She never meant to hide it but she'd rather not bring it up until the investments earned returns. It had become her newfound goal since saving enough for her siblings. Avery had insisted she took the money from the contractwhich felt weird after catching feelings for Ambryan.

They eventually reached a compromise and invested the money.

Avery had told her to view it as a gift but Eve couldn't think of an occasion where that idea would fit the most.

"I'm not going to lie. Having the luxury to spend large amounts of money is very nice..." she began to say after a moment of silence. Her hands gripped the mug tighter. "But I still standby that the best feeling in the world is me being able to spend my own money. It's something I didn't have until"

She nearly choked at the end of the sentence. It seemed like years had passed since she last struggled for financial stability. Since dating Ambryan, she had taken steps that catered to her own happiness. There was still a long way to go for her to fulfill forgotten dreams. 

But she looked forward to the journey more.

"I understand." Ambryan kissed the top of her head and rubbed her upper arms. "And you can spend your money as you wish. But, right now, let me spend mine on what I love."

Eve slowly blinked her eyes up at him. "Suits?"


"Tea!" She gasped. How could she have forgotten about that?



Ambryan flicked her nose. "Now, you're just being silly."

She rubbed the sore spot, pouting through her lashes. "Is it not an object?"

"Are you an object?" He pointed out with wide violet eyes. 

"See, Ambee" Eve rubbed her lips together and angled her hand one palm up. "The one of the basic rules in English grammar is that a person is a 'who' and not a 'what.'"

"People are not objects," she concluded, batting her lashes with innocent eyes.

Ambryan gradually leaned down until their foreheads touched. Eve gulped. A small ounce of fear tingled at the back of her head. As if detecting her anxiety, Ambryan trapped her in place. He enveloped her attention and all five senses. 

"Maybe this would make it clearer for you, " he said and paused. Eve hadn't blinked since he closed the gap between them. Her brain went on overdrive and full alert. She almost missed his next words.


"... love"

"... you."

Eve hitched her breath. She had frozen still while the world moved on. The three words echoed in her head, over and over again like a broken record. She fell in a loop, euphoria overwhelming her insideif only she could take the time to call Andie and Rose to squeal all about it.

Ambryan started to worry a little. "Eve? Are you okay?"

"I-IThey make this so easy in movies. I should have memorized what the script said," Eve blabbered. The urge to facepalm tempted her. 

"You don't have to answer it back as long as you don't go running away from me like when I first kissed you." Ambryan gave her a pointed look. "I even warned you about it this time."

Eve opened her mouth, thinking of something romantic to say. "I appreciate that."

It failed the second she tried. 

"Come on. They should light the Eiffel Tower soon."

Ambryan led her to a staircase at the end of the garden. Made of cement and pebbles, it could fit three people simultaneously and opened to a small balcony that overlooked the city. The infamous Eiffel Tower stood tall and proud as the sunset shined behind it.

Eve rested her wrists on the baluster. A wind caressed her cheek. Ambryan hugged her from behind. The sun continued its descent and the couple, along with the people of Paris, watched the day shift into nightwhen Eiffel Tower melted with the shadows.

At first, yellow light bloomed from inside the tower. Eve stared in admiration. It was as if the light of the sun had been snuffed by the tower and had taken possession of it. The timing couldn't have been more right for it to light up.

She thought that was it until the lights began to dance. 

The Eiffel Tower sparkled from the flares of white light that frisked over it. Stars faded in from the dark sky but they paled in comparison to the famous landmark. Faint classical music began to play from one of the nearby buildings.

Then, the lamp lights turned on around the garden, illuminating the couple.

"Eve," she heard Ambryan whisper in her ear.

Smiling, Eve met his gaze. "Yes?"

Maybe she was bad at words but she hoped he could see how much love was in her eyes. 

He leaned down to kiss her lips. "I love you."

"So I heard." Eve waited for him to give her another kiss. The moment was perfectas if straight out of a movie or a romantic nonsensical novel published online. She wouldn't mind another sappy memory to relish. 

But Ambryan broke her fantasy with another phrase that contained three words. 

"There's something else."

He rummaged through his pant pocket and took out a black velvet box. 

Then, he let her go, lowering himself on one knee. Eve stepped back in shock. Her brown eyes almost popped out of their sockets! She covered her mouth with both hands, trying to regain her breathing. 

Wasn't he supposed to give her time? What changed his mind? Or wait he must have had that box all along. He never intended to wait. It had all been hinted throughout their conversation. They all led to this moment. 

"Eve, I know this is surprising but" Ambryan opened the lid. Its content shined almost as bright as the Eiffel Tower they just saw. His tender violet eyes looked up at her, full of hope. 

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