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Chapter 316: Cheers to the New Year!

Chapter 316: Cheers to the New Year!

A week passed and Eve came down the stairs in what she'd call 'the black version of her strawberry dress' that she wore on her first date. Her crimson hair was swept to one side and over her chest, framing half of her face in big waves. A silver butterfly pin clipped it in place.

All eyes turned in her direction as she made her descent.

Whispering among themselves, Eve flashed a polite smile. Her silver pumps clacked on the marble steps. She glided over them in one smooth motionas if walking on butter. Ambryan met her on the last step and offered his arm. 

He wore a black suit with a dress shirt and a red tie. Their matching attire hadn't gone unnoticed nor had the pink diamond ring on Eve's finger. They headed towards the crowd, smiling and greeting familiar faces.

The ballroom in the Hathaway Manor had been converted into an elegant party. Servers strolled around, carrying trays of sparkling wine and juice. Business partners, close friends and family loitered the area. 

Eve took a deep breath. It was only a matter of time before the introductions started. 

"Oh, you must be Evangeline! I heard so much about you from Avery.

"Aren't you staying in France? Do you know famous designers like Jean Paul Gaultier?"

"What a lovely ring you're wearing. Did Ambryan give it to you?"

"This might sound strange... but I think you'll have the cutest babies ever!"

"Back in my day, people would be married in their early 20s. What are you waiting for?"

The room began to spin before Eve's eyes. Faces became a blur and words became jumbled inside her head. She bowed her head, pressing her forehead onto the palm of her hand. Ambryan quickly excused themselves from the conversation and moved to the side of the room.

Eve expressed her apologies before they left. Then, she subtly yanked Ambryan down so she could whisper in his ear. "You did this on purpose."

"Did what on purpose?" 

"You usually offer your left arm," Eve started to explain, not buying into his innocent act. "Now, you gave me your right so my left hand is on the crook of your elbow."

Ambryan shrugged. "Why would that matter?"

"Because it shows off the engagement ring."

"Fastest way to get the news out don't you think?"

Eve shook her head, motioning to a nearby server. The party had barely begun and she already felt worn out. A drink was a must in this sort of situation. It was the fuel to keep herself uprightcontrary to the fact that alcohol was a sedative.

Ambryan frowned as she reached for a glass of champagne. "Aren't you dizzy?"

"That was just an excuse so we can get away." Eve snorted, taking her first sip. The drink fizzled in her throat. "I can't even remember anyone we just met."

"Not even Uncle Otto?"

"Except him," she corrected with a scrunch of her nose. "He smells heavily of tobacco."

"Eeeeve!" A familiar voice spoke loudly.

The couple shifted their attention towards it. A beaming bride-to-be stared back at them, wearing a navy blue floor-length dress. She waved her as she practically jogged over. Her dirty blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, it swung side to side behind her head.

Stars twinkled in Eve's brown eyes. Her arm shot up to wave back. "Andie!"

Andie squealed in her ear when they squeezed each other in a tight hug. Moments like this reminded Eve how they had been inseparable over the years until now. Even the sight of Jarrett which she often 'despised' filled her with joy on this occasion. 

She gestured for him to join the hug.

His eyebrows shot up briefly before he caved in.

"I missed you so much!" Eve gushed, pulling back. "How have you two been? Are you moving out of the apartment yet? What about wedding preparations? Tell me everything because I want to hear someone else's story for once."

The server noticed the new arrivals and offered the drinks. "Champagne?"

Jarrett grabbed one but when the tray moved towards Andie, he blocked it with his hand. He shook his head and said, "No, she can't have any."

"I'll have sparkling juice please," Andie requested.

A switch flicked inside Eve's mind. "You're pregnant?"

Her best friend turned towards her. The former pressed her lips together. It did little to suppress the smile that spread across her face. "2 months."

"Oh my go" Eve choked. She lunged for another hug but she remembered about the baby and relaxed her approach. Andie giggled in her ear while her heart nearly leaped out of her chest. "Congratulations! Have you thought of names?"

"Yes, have you?" Ambryan cut in. He raised his glass in Jarrett's direction, a silent way to express his congratulations. Then, he focused on Andie once more. "I would suggest Noah."

Eve let Andie go and gasped at her fiance. Had the time finally come? She had waited for so long. Her excitement threatened to burst out of her chest. Jarrett noticed the look on her face. It deepened his curiosity about the situation.

Andie scowled at Ambryan, confused by his words. Her best friend's reaction hinted that there was a meaning to it. The couple even looked at each other as if she couldn't see them do it.

But what could it be about? 

"I see what's happening here." Andie nodded, confident that she guessed what it was about.

Eve practically dropped her jaw. Her eyelashes fluttered in disbelief.  "You do?"

"You went to our hometown and now you're trying to annoy me with that name," Andie revealed. She waved her hand to brush off Ambryan's poor attempt to rile her up. "But jokes on you! Another Noah has cleansed my memories of that brat. This one is not only clever but also much much nicer."

Turning around, Eve bit on her tongue as she covered her mouth. She didn't trust herself to be able to hold it. Oh, to be the one in on the secret instead of actually being the secret. No wonder Jackson had thought of the bowling game with the twins.

This had to be one of the best feelings in the world.

"I see," Ambryan replied, considering her response. He rubbed his chin as he thought of what to say. "Then, there shouldn't be a reason why the baby can't be named Noah."

"I" Andie stopped short. "It's not an option. If I ever see that brat again, he'd brag about it."

"Oh, he definitely would." Eve snorted. A light cackle escaped her lips. 

Andie had enough of it and marched to her side. She placed her hands on her hips, squinting her stormy blue eyes at Eve. "Spill it. What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing." Eve coughed. She spun on her heel to face Andie properly, a wide grin stretched on her lips. "Don't worry about it. Stress is not good for anyone, especially for pregnant women."

Jarrett came to Andie's aid. "Don't test a pregnant woman now."

"Come on, you can tell them," Ambryan encouraged from behind the pair. His violet eyes met brown ones. "She'd be madder if you keep it a secret from her. Probably worse than her finding out that Noah Roche from childhood and Noah sourcandy from Twittah are the same person." 






"The brat knows how to use Twittah?" Andie exclaimed and stepped towards Ambryan, her left eye twitched. The information slowly sank in. She hadn't heard about Noah Roche in so long. Now, he was supposed to be one of Eve's biggest supporters?

"How do you even know about this?" Her voice came out in a whisper.

Ambryan merely flashed a smile. "Because I'm Noah."






Andie stretched her hand behind her. "Jarrett."

He quickly grabbed it, squeezing it reassuringly. He set his glass on a tray that a passing server carried. Worry lines creased on his forehead. "What is it?"

"Can pregnancy affect someone's hearing?" Andie thought out loud. She leaned onto his front and regained her composure bit by bit. "I thought I heard Ambryan say that the Noah I befriended is the same frenemy I had back in the day."

Andie blinked at the floor and stared off into space. "THEN, not only did I hear him say that but he also said that he, Ambryan Hathaway, is this same brat I had been bad mouthing all these years."

It was Jarrett's turn to press his lips together. "That's exactly what just happened."

Stormy gray eyes flickered in Ambryan's direction. A smug expression had painted over his face. Then, a hint of arrogance gleamed in his violet eyes. The longer Andie stared, the more she recognized the similarities between him and Noah. 

"Oh," she said. "Oh-ho-ho-ho"

"Merry Christmas to you too, Santa." Eve couldn't help but say, recovering from her fit of laughter. She had lost it when Andie froze like a clock that ran out of battery or like a computer that crashed from overload.

She had the memory forever printed in her head.

Andie glared over her shoulder. "You're not off the hook, missy."

"I love you too." Eve giggled. She skipped over to Ambryan's side and grasped the crook of his elbow, her ring clearly exposed for everyone to see. "Isn't life funny?"

"Hilarious," her best friend responded, a deadpan expression on her face.

"I'm glad you agree!"


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