Date The

Chapter 318: A Literal Angel that Fell

Chapter 318: A Literal Angel that Fell

About three decades ago, in a small high school called "Cornelia High", Madison waited by the lockers. He had dyed his albino hair into a brown shade and had styled it into a messy look.

He wore an outfit composed of denim jeans, a white shirt and a printed red plaid shirt. He wrapped the long sleeves of the last one wrapped around his torso, just above his hips.

The longer he waited, the more he paced from wall to wall. His teacher had dismissed class five minutes early. He ran out of the classroom just to not miss this opportunity.

Today was the day.

He was finally going to ask her out. 

The school bell rang and students flocked the hallway. Madison pressed his back against the lockers, careful not to get swept away in the crowd. It was a common occurrence when there was only one public high school in town.

And then, among the sea of people, she was there. Scarlet red hair curled to perfection, matching acid wash jeans and jacket, hot pink sneakers and neon-printed shirtplus an infectious laugh.

It was none other than Evangeline Hart.

"Evangeline!" He said, his luminous green eyes lighting up. He pushed himself off the locker and gripped his backstrap tighter.

This wasn't going the way he planned.

Was standing always this awkward?

Evangeline stopped in her tracks. Her plump pink lips parted open in surprise. "Madison." 

She tucked her books closer and walked up to her locker. He moved aside to let her arrange her things. "School's finally done for the week. Can you believe that Chemistry test? That's the last time I'd pull up an all-nighter. It was useless. I am sure I failed."

"I think you did just fine," Madison assured her. While she busied herself with her books, he had an internal monologue about how he should ask her out. They had been on good termsmaybe even friendsover the past years. 

"So" Madison started to say. His hands began to shake from the nerves. "Any plans this weekend?"

"Movies, I believe. I heard the new sci-fi movie is good," Evangeline said. She adjusted her bag on her shoulder and shut her locker.

"Really?! I did too! Maybe we can"

"So I told my boyfriend we should see it but something could come up and I'd find myself in a lame dinner party," she finished, rolling her eyes. 

"You have a date," Madison stated.

"Wait" Evangeline trailed off and knitted her eyebrows. "You haven't heard that I'm dating Russell?"

"You didn't tell me"

"Oh!" She blinked, her hazel eyes widening. "Right. Sorry. It's been all over the school. I didn't stop to think there's still someone who didn't know."

When Madison didn't say anything, she continued talking. "It's a crazy story. I heard awful singing one night and I looked at the window. Russell was there serenading me while drunk. Of course, I didn't approve of it but he came back the next day and brought a guitar did it properly. It was sort of sweet."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it." Madison nodded multiple times. His gaze dropped to the floor. He fell at a loss for words. This was what he got for chickening out too many times. They had the same Chemistry class together and he blew all those chances.

"Ready to go, babe?" 

Madison looked up to find Russell Spinster had joined them. It took everything he had not to roll his just at the sight of him. Russell and his group had set the standard for male beauty on campuswhich Madison figured to be their weird hairstyles.

It was disgustingly cringe-y.

"Almost." Evangeline smiled at Russell. 

That was when Madison felt his heart drop. The complete adoration in her eyes was something he could only dream of.

"Hey, squirt," Russell greeted Madison, towering over the latter and smirking. "Did your dad drop you off at the wrong campus? Pre-schoolers are on the other side of the road."

"Your brain is the one that belongs there."

"What did you say"

"Enough!" Evangeline interrupted. She placed herself between the two boys and looked at each of them. "Madison, I'm sorry. You're not a pre-schooler."

"Are you kidding me? With that face and that height?" Russell scoffed.

She glared into his brown eyes. "Be nice, Russell. It's one of the things you promised when I agreed to date you."

He snorted but Evangeline refused to let him off the hook. So, he exasperated as sigh and said, "Fine. Sorry, King. It won't happen again. If it does, you have permission to punch me in the face."


"What? It's a fair agreement.*

Evangeline shook her head and checked on Madison. The latter avoided eye contact. One look and he'd cave. He usually wouldn't have minded but this was Russell they were talking about. He didn't trust a single hair on his body.

"Whatever," Madison muttered. He took a step towards the exit and nodded in Evangeline's direction. "I'll see you in Chemistry next week. Partners, right?"

"Right," Evangeline confirmed.

He gave Russell one last look before leaving. 






"Your mother was the nicest person in school," Madison reminisced. "I don't think any guy deserved herme included. She was a literal angel that fell from the sky."

"Aw," Andie gushed, sticking out her bottom lip. "That's so beautiful. And you never thought of her any less."

"Of course not. She deserves nothing but the best."

Eve smiled. Although she wasn't fond of the particular memory, she loved hearing stories about her mother especially before motherhood.

"I think mom and I are alike in some ways," Eve spoke softly. She leaned into Ambryan's side and said, "She would protest against that, defending that she's also human. For one, she fell in love with a man who didn't love her as much as she loved him."

"But in that, she got you and your sisters. You're the reasons why she found everything worth it in the end," Madison shared. "She would have been very proud of the woman you've become."

"Thank you," Eve whispered, almost in tears.

The President of Eros Productions sighed and clapped his hands. "That's enough flashbacks for now. Don't forget to invite me to the weddings. I look forward to seeing you both walk down the aisle."

Andie and Eve said their goodbyes. Riffle bowed several times at the CEO and his fiance. It still hadn't fully sunk in yet that Eve who he knew as someone who focuses on workwas now engaged to another person who focuses on work.

He had heard Madison joke about the pairing for as long as he started working as a secretary. And now the couple was right before his eyes. 

And he couldn't think of a more suitable pair.

Eve sighed. Her eyes stared off into space while she drank from her glass of champagne. Ambryan frowned in her direction, keeping track of how many drinks she had.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Hm? Nothing's wrong," she replied, the absent look never leaving her face. "Sometimes I just wonder what life would have been if Madison was my father. But then I wouldn't even be here if that was the case. So I just realized how complicated life is."

"Madison as a father would be more childish than his child," Ambryan said. The words flowed out of his mouth like running water. "He'd cry when the baby cries and tries to get his wife's attention but she'd always prioritize the baby."

"That's oddly specific."

"I've known him long enough to make an educted guess."

Eve pressed her lips together, her fingertips tapping on the glass. "What about me, then? What kind of parent do you think I'll be?"

It wasn't something she thought about up to now. What if the kids didn't like her? What if she lost temper and got mad at them? She'd never be able to forgive herself if she hurt them in any way or form.

Ambryan raised his eyebrows at her question. "If the children would turn out to be anything like Ede and Eri, I think you'd make a great mother."

She elbowed him in the ribs. "Be serious."

"I am serious," Ambryan defended. "Either you'd master motherhood in no time or you'd see that you have a natural motherly instinct. I never once doubted that you wouldn't do a wonderful job."

Eve spent a few more minutes contemplating motherhood. She touched her stomach involuntarily and glanced at Andie's. They had been using protection all this time but

what if one lucky sperm managed to

Would she be ready?

"Hathaway!" Someone called Ambryan. Eve slowly turned her head towards the source and found Knoc walking over while waving his hand.

"Knoc," Ambryan greeted, offering a handshake. "On behalf of my family and I, we're glad you can come. Are preparations going well for 'Define Love'?"

Eve drowned out the conversation. She excused herself and headed for the small buffet table. The table had an array of appetizers such as salads and soups. She ate by the table until she had her fill. The rest could wait a little bit longer.

At least, she would be able to test the taste first and only get portions of the best ones.

Eve ate toothpicks of mini hotdog sandwiches. Spinning on her heel, she bumped into a cocktail drink and spilled the alcohol everywhere, just as needed. She was about to drop to the floor when the victim pulled her back up. 

"Sorry!" Eve apologized. She fished out a handkerchief and dabbed on stained spots. "Oh, dear. Do you have a spare dress? I'm sure we can find some upstairs if you don't."

"Evangeline?" Mila blinked. "Is that you?"

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