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Chapter 320: What Love Feels Like

Chapter 320: What Love Feels Like

Ambryan conversed with Knoc about their prospective partnership. He became engrossed in the topic, completely in his element, and missed the time Eve left the room. Jarrett and Andie stepped out in the garden for fresh air.

"Um, Ambryan" Mikael said, interrupting the conversation. He stood behind Knoc and pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "One of the servers said there's a disturbance at the gates."

Knitting his eyebrows, Ambryan excused himself and joined Mikael. They walked to the nearest exit together. "Did they say anything else?"

"The person is claiming to know you and your mother," Mikael provided. "I was around the area when it happened. I saw the server running to the house so I asked."

A grim line stretched Ambryan's lips. The estate always had security around. Paparazzis couldn't even glimpse the manor without trespassing. That meant the person was recognizable to the guards. 

But there had to be something wrong for them not to let the person in. Ambryan quickened his pace. Mikael stayed on his tail. The former didn't even question his presencedismissed it for curiosity.

When they reached the front yard, a loud wailing sound came from the gates. The yells were incoherent because of the slurs. Ambryan could see Wen and the others trying to keep the person from entering.

"Wen!" Ambryan called out.

His head of security snapped her head towards him. She spoke to the others and jogged in his direction. "Yes, Mr. Hathaway?"

"What's going on?"

"A drunk man won't leave the premises."

"Who is it?" Ambryan inquired. Was it from the Wilson Family? The Rivers Family? 

Who did it have to be for the guards to go easy on him?

Wen cleared her throat. Since it was dark outside, she wasn't wearing her sunglasses. The pale moon painted a gentle glow in her blue eyes. 

"It's Elias Walker."

Both Ambryan and Mikael raised their eyebrows.

Another wailing scream came from the gates. "Did my heart love till now?! Forswear it, sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till that night!"

They left Wen on the spot and dashed for the gates. Their eyes could hardly believe what they were seeing. What they heard turned out to be true. Elias Walker had clung to the gates, his feet propped on the lowest bar ledge.

"Dear lady, by yonder blessd moon I vow! That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops"

"Walker!" Ambryan yelled. The guards turned to his voice, clearing a path so he and Mikael could pass by. 

Elias wore a tailcoat suit. Three buttons on his white dress shirt had been pried open along with his matching white vest. His chocolate brown hair had a sheen to it like it had been waxed or gelled but the hairstyle had been messed up.

His head was bowed when Ambryan and Mikael stood in front of him. As if stuck in a slow motion picture, Elias looked up. A wide grin plastered on his face at the sight of the two.

"Isn't it a beautiful night, gentlemen?" He began to say. "Reminds me of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet."

"You don't say?" Mikael remarked. 

"A romantic play for a romantic night. A romantic night for my wounded heart," Elias continued, ignoring the side comment. He stepped down from the ledge but gripped the gates tight. "Do you know what love feels like, gentleman?"

"I do."

"I don't."

"It's like a thick blanket that keeps you warm, a hot chocolate on a rainy day or even a nectar of honey that sweetens your tea."

"I don't use any sweetener in my tea," Ambryan said, crossing his arms over his chest. They needed to make a decision about Elias and fast.

"You don't need any when your honey is a living being." Mikael couldn't help but snort.

Elias stuck his head between the metal bars. A lonely expression painted his face. Heavy bags were evident under his eyes. "But it's also a knife that slices you open, a thousand needles that wound you deep and a clothing iron that burns through your flesh."

"Open the gate," Ambryan commanded.

"Are you going to let him in?" Mikael questioned. He eyed the tall black gates as they parted in the middle, creating a passageway enough for two persons.

"It's either we let him in or something happens to him if left alone," Ambryan replied. He stepped through the gates and pried Elias off it. 

The latter spun around and grabbed him by the collar. "Why is love like this, good sir? When I saw tears flow down from her eyes, my own heart broke. At that moment, it was no longer mine. It belonged to her. She possessed it the minute I saw her try to smile through her sadnessas if my heart had known her long before we met."

Mikael came up behind Elias, pulling him away from Ambryan. "Come on, man. Let's get you inside. You can talk about this girl all you want. Do you want another drink? Just have enough of it and maybe she'd even manifest in front of you."

Ambryan gave Mikael a look. If he had been trying to make Elias faint, there were faster ways to do that than getting him to drink. Ambryan, then, glanced at Elias who had his eyes half-closed. 

Elias's grip on Ambryan's collar slowly loosened until he let go of Ambryan and fell backwards. Mikael slipped his arms under Elias's armpits, supporting the latter's weight. The alcohol smell was stronger when they were this close.

"That was easier than I thought," Mikael said. He began walking backwards and dragging Elias through the gates.

Ambryan followed and gestured to the guards, signaling that they closed the gates. The iron bars had just rejoined together when Elias scrambled out of Mikael's hold.

He swayed as he walked. Mikael kept a close eye on him, his arms ready to catch Elias if he suddenly fell again.

But Elias seemed to be determined to stay on his feet. He stalked towards Ambryan who had stayed near the gates. Since Elias looked unstable, he remained rooted on the spotready to catch him like Mikael.

Elias shot his arm out and held the metal bar besides Ambryan's head. Upon closer look, Ambryan noticed Elias had his eyes closed. He shook his head. The guy must be sleepwalking or dreaming. 

The droopy eyes slowly peeled open. They stared at Ambryan with a dazed look. Thin lips parted open, saying, "You're taller than I remember, Mila. Are you wearing heels?"

Then, he leaned in for a kiss.

Ambryan blocked it with the palm of his hand. Elias passed out for a second time but landed on Ambryan this time around. He muttered words too low for anyone to hear.

"Why can't you like me? You look at me but you see him. Why can't you see me?" 

Mikael held in his laughter.

"Don't say anything," Ambryan warned. He made eye contact with everyone in the vicinity. "That goes for all of you."






Back in the room, Eve pushed Mila out of the doorway. "Come on, you need to go back out there. I know you have a ton of questions but this is not the time."

Mila halted in her tracks. She stood in the middle of the hallway while Eve closed the door. Her head had become busy with observing the new piece of information. She had met both Evangeline and Everlee. How could she not make the connection?

"If you're wondering why you didn't figure it out, there's plenty of people on the same boat as you," Eve reassured as if she could read Mila's mind.

"You were at the recital, right?"

"Yes. I was also there when we asked about the school fees. I have picked up the twins plenty of times as well. We have crossed paths on many occasions."

Mila opened her mouth. Then, she closed it again. Her legs started walking without her knowledge. "It's still unbelievable. That's such a small world if we ran into each other that much with both identities."

"Tell me about it" Evangeline mumbled, keeping up with her pace. "The word should spread soon. I don't want to keep having two lives exclusive from each other. But, until then, would you mind keeping it a secret?"

"Of course!" Mila answered without hesitation. "Would this happen to have something to do with Avery?"


"Got it."

The hallway ended and they found themselves another one, only wider. It had doors that led to a parking lot which was used by the guests. The women had just turned their backs on the double doors when they bursted open and two men came inside, carrying an arm on each of their shoulders. 

All four pairs of eyes made contact.

Mila sprinted at once. "Oh, my god. What happened?"

She lifted the unconscious man by the chin. Her jade green eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. "Elias?"

The strong alcohol stench finally hit her nose. She looked at Ambryan and Mikael. "Is he drunk?"

"He mostly definitely is," Mikael grunted. "He was at the gates, yelling lines from Shakespeare."

Mila gasped. "I love Shakespeare."

"Well, the both of you are just meant to be, huh? Maybe if you kiss him, he will wake up and you can live happily ever after."

"Mikael!" Eve scolded.

"He's heavy, okay? If they wanted to practice lines for a play, they should do it somewhere else like their own houses."

"You don't even live here."

"And here I am helping to get him inside."

"Geez, what's stuck up your butt?" Eve snorted. She shooed him away so she would help Ambryan instead of him but he refused to let go.

"Leave it," Mikael hissed. "I offered to help. I will see it through. Go back to the party while we take care of this."

Eve shifted her attention towards Ambryan. He nodded his head in agreement with Elias. "We'll be back soon. The countdown should start soon. You wouldn't want to miss the fireworks in the courtyard."

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