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Chapter 33: The First Glance

Chapter 33: The First Glance

Stitz Bristo offered a cool getaway from the afternoon weather.

The scorching sun loomed high in the sky. It smoldered the concrete surface. Heat waves radiated and almost floated up like a haze. Beads of sweat buckets trickled down people's backs. Outdoor workers drenched themselves in cold water, hoping for any break from the high temperature.

Unlike them, Eve had one foot out of the parking lot.

A large straw hat shielded her face as she gazed up at the establishment. She admired its exterior design of apricot bricks and cream timbers. If she ignored everything else, it would seem she fell back in time. Her heart thundered in her chest.

Her hands started to become cold.

'This might not be such a good idea,' she considered mentally. Sweat formed on top of her rouge colored lips. Did it come from nerves or the heat? She didn't know. A vibrate came from her pocket. A sigh from her lips followed it.

Eve knew what it contained before she even checked the screen.

She took out her phone and spared the notification a glance.


``Yan: Do inform me of your whereabouts.``


She muttered out a curse as anxiety flowed into her veins. A sinking feeling weighed in her chest. She sensed that someone was watching heras if two holes bore into her hat. They burned through the straws hotter than the blazing sun.

Her hazel eyes slowly raised up.

One of the second story windows had its curtains open.

A pair of violet eyes met her gaze.

Time slowed down. The world around blurred into nothingness. Sounds muffled down until muted. There was no blistering heat. There was no other living creature. There was no earth and space.

It was only the two of them,

In this bubble that they created.

Eve waved, attempting a shy smile.

Ambryan turned away, leaving the window behind.

"Well, that's a good start," Eve chuckled to herself. A breeze flew by and ruffled her skirt. Her hands grabbed the wig, hoping it won't tangle. She waited for the wind to pass before she resumed her agenda.

With the first glance done, she took a deep breath and walked through the main entrance.

Her ankle strap heels tapped against the pavement. A sling bag swayed beside her hips. The tips of her crimson wig fluttered on her lower back. She removed the hat once she reached inside. Her hands held it over her chest, hiding most of the neckline.

It made her feel much better.

An usher greeted her right away and led her upstairs. Her hazel eyes swept across the dining area. Most customers kept to themselves as she observed. One little girl waved her way and she smiled, returning the gesture. That small moment warmed her up.

"Right this way, Ms. Reed." The usher opened an oak door.

The room reminded Eve of a cabin. Mint green curtains hung over the window. Pine wood, in weathered oak stain, covered its walls and its floor. The wooden furniture matched the cream ceiling. The only one that deviated from the woodland theme was a linen loveseat sofa, standing next to a bookcase.

If it wasn't for the air-conditioning, Eve guessed that this room would be warmer than it looks.

Ambryan had his shoulder against the west wall. He had his hands tucked in his pant pockets. His all-black suit stuck out against the light and bright interior design. His violet eyes crystallized underneath his 'permanent' scowl. A grim line pulled the corners of his lips.

The usher closed the door.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Evangeline." Ambryan greeted and pushed himself off the wall. He stood with his feet apart, positing himself on the other side of the table. Nothing shifted in his aloof expression.

Eve cleared her throat. She changed her manner of speech and used her head voice. It sounded lighter and airier than her chest one.

"Pleased to meet you too, Mr. Hathaway." She flashed him a kind smile.

Mentally, Eve panicked. She almost bowed her head at the sight of him. Something Avery and Cale restricted her from doing. They considered it a dead giveaway for her real identity since it was a habit she developed from her job.

She must see him as her equal, nothing less.

"Do you love nature?" Ambryan suddenly asked. His head tilted to one side. "Is that why you stood outside while I waited on my feet?"

Eve blinked her hazel eyes.

Then, she flickered them to the sofa and to the chairs. The room had enough furnishings for him to sit anywhere. He could use the table for all she cared. The staff would probably permit him to do so.

She frowned, wondering where this would lead. "Why didn't you take a seat?"

"It's common courtesy for males to stand up whenever a lady joins the table or leaves it."

"But I hadn't arrived yet."

"I assumed you were close by from your last message," he explained and walked around the table. He towered over her easily. His hands reached out for the chair, pulling it back. Not once did his eyes leave hers. "So, I stood up while waiting. Please take a seat."

Eve snapped her head towards the chair. It angled in her direction, waiting for her to sit down. Never had a piece of furniture looked more intimidating than now.

She shifted her attention back on Ambryan. She stared at him through her lashes.

"I do apologize, Mr. Hathaway. If I had known better, I would have ran up here." A tiny smirk stretched at her corner lip. "Yet, at the same time, I'd love to relish in the fact that Eros' CEO waited for me while standing."

Ambryan narrowed his gaze.

"It seems like you love nature," he began to say. One of his hands remained on the chair's backrest. "I can change the table to one that is outside."

"I do love nature, Mr. Hathaway, but for summertime, I prefer the indoors." Eve chuckled. She pulled the straw hat closer to her chest, remembering about the dress. She wasn't sure if Ambryan could see the neckline from his viewpoint.

She wasn't about to take chances.

"Most people liked to explore during this season." Ambryan declared. He shifted his weight to one foot, letting the other rest. His temple pulsed underneath his skin.

"Then, I'm not most people, aren't I?" Eve joked, giggling for a bit. Her muscles relaxed from the sensation. The tension in the room melted a little. "Isn't everyone different? Like yourself?"

Ambryan took a step forward. The hat she held touched near his chest. His gaze almost dropped to the floor as he stared at her. The close proximity gave him a better look at her face. Those pure hazel eyes peered into his, seeing past the surface.

He watched as a gasp parted her juicy lip gloss coated lips.

Eve gulped, maintaining eye contact. She angled the straw hat so it would hide the dress top from the ceiling. Her heart pumped in her ears. She was sure the same happened to her other pulses.

Magnetic waves discharged between her and Ambryan.

A grip sneaked from under the straw hat, attempting to peel it off her fingers. Her hands resisted and didn't let go. It became a small tug-of-war. Neither of their gazes surrendered from the pressure.

"I'd suggest you sit down and drink the coffee while it's still hot." Ambryan advised. His free hand touched hers and pulled it gently away from the hat. "I'll put this on the coat rack."

Eve released the hat, turning on her heel. She sat down as he walked towards the door. She used this chance to spread the wig over her chest. It may not hide the neckline completely but it lessened the exposure of her chest.

Footsteps tapped against the wooden floor.

Her heart matched each beat. Something happened in the previous moment. She had been with Ambryan's side for five years. Not once did she experience something like it. Was it because their office relationship didn't exist here?

Ambryan sat across from her, proceeding to brew himself a cup of tea.

Eve observed his hands. They drifted across the table as if they crafted an art. Every movement seemed calculatedlike they always create the perfect tea. Each step stemmed from well constructed thoughts and perception.

This wasn't the first time she saw it but she couldn't help her admiration.

She still waited for the day she'd master his cup of tea.

"Does the coffee not suit your tastes?" Ambryan suddenly spoke. His eyes remained on his hands as he poured hot water into his cup. "The bristo offers a variety. I only picked a Caff mocha. You can have it switched with whatever you prefer."

"You ordered me coffee?" Eve asked, shaking away her daze. She glanced at her own spot on the table. A gray ceramic cup sat on a porcelain saucer. The milk foam reached the rim, almost overflowing. Chocolate syrup streaked over it. The barista created a flower design on the coffee's surface.

It looked too good to drink.

"Yes, is there a problem?" She heard him say.

Eve pondered on the question. Her eyes looked up, scowling in confusion. "Your voice tells me one thing. Your actions say another. It makes me wonder why the inconsistency exists."

She'd never seen him this considerate to a stranger before. They only applied to long term business partners. Even for Avery's visits, he let the latter make the order for any beverage. Other times, it was mostly her initiative that arranged finger food and water.

Perhaps her boss was actually this way all this time?

She just never saw him for casual gatherings?

Ambryan sipped his black tea. "I've been instructed to be hospitable and accommodating."

"Was it your mother?" Eve chuckled, lifting her own warm cup. She should have known it was Avery's doing. "Did she tell you to do these things so you'd win over a girl's heart? It's pretty good advice. My heart would have fluttered."

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