Date The

Chapter 360: SS4 07: The Homecoming Room Package

Chapter 360: SS4 07: The Homecoming Room Package

Eve fluffed out the pillow in her hand. 

She stood inside the guest room of Richard's home, wearing her pajamas. Her brown eyes swept across the room. It looked as good as any hotel she had the pleasure of sleeping in. The fridge was also stocked up with food supplies.

The accommodation was beyond what she expected. 

Ambryan walked out of the room's private bathroom. He scrubbed the towel over his damp hair. When he looked up, he met his wife's gaze.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

Eve bit her bottom lip. "I still feel bad for kicking Richard out. Don't you think we've gone a little bit overboard with this one?"

He sat on the foot of the bed and let the towel settle on his shoulders. "We could stay at a hotel but we'd never know if someone would leak it to the press. Any other place is traceable to me and to you. They would have been able to find us easily"

"I know. It's just" Eve sighed and sat down beside him. She hugged the pillow to her chest. "Did we really have to kick Richard out? It's his house."

"I doubt he wanted to stay with a couple of newlyweds."

"Then, did he have to stay over with Tiffany?"

Ambryan took a deep breath, observing her guilty face. He reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear. "Anywhere else would be suspicious because he has his own residence. Since they had that moment at the airport, the paparazzi would easily eat up what they see."

"I hate that you're right," Eve groaned. She leaned backwards until she fell on the mattress. Ambryan followed her example. Their feet stayed flat on the ground.

She turned her head in his direction. "Do you think Richard can handle the press?"

"He'll be fine." 

"I'm worried."

"Me too" Ambryan looked up at the ceiling. "If we didn't do this, Richard might be infertile soon."

Eve jabbed him in the ribs. "You're the same age."

"But I'm not single."

"How fortunate for you."

"I know I am." Ambryan grinned from ear to ear. He draped his arm across her stomach. Then, he pulled it back a little and let his hand rest on top of it. "Let's get some sleep. We need to get to that check up early tomorrow."

Eve pressed her lips together and nodded. They moved up the bed until they reached the headboard. Eve placed her head close to her husband's, their noses nearly touching. 

Her hand touched the side of his neck.

"I love you," she whispered with a small smile. 


"But I love the baby more," she cut Ambryan off. Soft giggles flowed out of her lips when she saw him frown.

Ambryan slid down so he could talk to her stomach. "I see you took after me. If you want something, you have to be early before someone else gets it."

His violet eyes flickered to Eve's face. "And here you are ready to take my wife from me."

Eve smacked him on the shoulder. "Don't compete with your own kid and stop being childish."

While the happy couple settled in their temporary residence, Richard had brought a duffel bag with him to Tiffany's apartment. He had stood in front of her door, contemplating if he could sneak away to a hotel.

The press had already seen him enter the building. There was no need for him to actually stay in the same apartment as her. Maybe there was a vacant one around

Tiffany opened the door. 

Richard jumped in surprise. 

She chuckled and said, "Don't worry. I was just messing with you earlier about the sugarplum thing. I won't bite. Make yourself at home."

"Please excuse me." Richard cleared his throat. He walked into her apartment while she held the door open. The place wasn't large but it had enough space for two bedrooms and a nice living room.

Tiffany appeared beside him and propped her elbow on his shoulder. "After this is over, we're gonna have a dramatic breakup. Then, Ambeevan will come save the day and comfort all those sad hearts so we can move on with our lives."

"I don't like this. I don't like AT ALL." Richard shook his head. 

She pressed her lips together and stepped in front of him, gripping both his shoulders and forcing him to look into her black eyes.

"Hear me out. Do this right and imagine all the ladies who'd love to nurture your broken heart. You'd be this valiant guy in the press who wants nothing more than to spend as much free time as he has with his girlfriend. He spoils her, shows affection, gets heartbroken, becomes vulnerable I hate to be blunt but you'd be very desirable."

Richard closed his eyes and made a face. 

When he opened them, a scowl morphed between his eyebrows. "And why would I want that?"

"You don't?" She blinked and dropped her arms to her side. "Ambryan said you were lonely. We thought this could benefit you in return for letting them stay in your house."

He pursed his lips together, refusing to answer that. "And what do you get out of this?" 


"Unbelievable," he muttered while looking away and shaking his head. It really was just home who found this entire thing odd.

"Don't worry about me, okay?" Tiffany assured him with a laugh. She pointed to one of the rooms. "You can have that room. The bathroom is that way and there's also food on the table. I need to be early tomorrow so I have to get my sleep now. Do you need anything?"

"No, I think I can manage."

"Great. Good night, roomie." She left for her room before he could respond. 

Richard lied down on the couch, his arm covering his eyes. The tension on his shoulders evaporated a little. "Do I seem really that lonely?"

Tiffany hadn't fully closed her door when he spoke to himself. She peeked at the living room with one eye exposed. When she heard it from Ambryan, he sounded like he was joking and was telling the truth at the same timebut maybe this was deeper than she thought.

The following day, Richard woke up alone in the apartment. He prepared for work like he normally did. He hesitated taking Tiffany's coffee but remembered he already ate her food. What was there to be wary about?

He could stock up whatever he ate during his stay anyway. 

As he buttoned his suit jacket, his thoughts wandered up the sky. 

"It really doesn't feel any different." He mumbled. "I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing anymore."

His phone vibrated from the bedside table. A message from Ambryan flashed in his notifications. 

He opened it as soon as he saw it.

It was a photo of a monitor. The screen showed the ultrasound of the baby. Another chat message popped up from Ambryan. This time, it was a video of the same screen. 

Richard smirked. "Now, you're just gloating."

He quickly typed in a reply.


``Richard: Congratulations! I can tell the baby looks like Eve. Thank goodness for that.``

``Yan: Yes, the world is relieved. If it looked like me, the baby would have become a heartbreaker with such fine genes.``


"..." Richard regretted his words.

He shouldn't have said anything. The baby would become as shameless Ambryan if he kept provoking his best friend like this. They couldn't have that happen.


``Richard: How long do you plan to hide from your family? You know Aunt Avery will be furious if she finds out about this.``

``Yan: Not that long but I still hope you get along with Tiffany. The press might doubt you're together if you don't.``

``Richard: We get along just fine. Just enjoy your stay-cation and don't break anything.``

``Yan: Your hospitality is very much appreciated. I'll consider you when Eve and I decide on the baby's godfather.``


Eve arched an eyebrow at her husband. "Who are you texting?"

She lied on the recliner with her stomach exposed. The cold gel had warmed up a little after a few minutes. She had stared at the monitor the whole time and hadn't realized Ambryan became preoccupied with something else.

"It's Richard," Ambryan replied without looking up. "I'm just thanking him for a peaceful checkup. It wouldn't be like this if he hadn't kept our secret."

"You better be thanking him properly."

"Of course, I am."

The couple drove back to Richard's residence. They chose the long route that led to the back of the house. There was a small gate they could use to sneak inside. The trees also hid their rented vehicle well.

"So what do you want to do today?" Eve asked when they entered the gate. Their intertwined hands swung in between them as they passed through the backyard.

"I don't know." Ambryan glanced at her stomach. "Does the baby want anything?"

Eve placed her free hand over it. "Watermelons."

He gave her a look. "Are you sure that's the baby and not your stomach?"

She merely shrugged her shoulders. "Who says we can't crave the same thing?"

"We'll have the housekeeper buy some then," Ambryan surrendered. Did it even matter which one of them wanted it? His cheeks started to hurt. He had been smiling for days even if he didn't know.

Eve side-stepped and fluttered her eyelashes up at him. "And pineapple?"

Ambryan pinched her nose. Her funny expression made him laugh. "Anything else?"

"A tent."

"A tent?"

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