Date The

Chapter 41: Running Into Trouble

Chapter 41: Running Into Trouble

"Um," Eve choked.

Her eyes gazed up at the ceiling. Although elevators had been installed, the complex had a grand staircase that led to the second floor. Everything seemed to be made of polished marble. The yellow lights added a warm hue and uplifted the ambiance like it was a bar of gold.

Gulping, Eve felt out of place.

"It's alright, Mrs. Hathaway," she started to say. She took a step back, half-twisting towards the exit. "It's been a tiring day. I'd love it if I would be able to go home now."

A return to her normal life would be nice. More than nice, it would be wonderful. The adventure as Evangeline was enough for today. She'd rather be home where she was safe.

"I understand. We can just talk about it next time," Avery replied, walking ahead of Eve. "Come on! Another reason why I'm here is to drive you back. Can't have a beautiful girl out late alone! There are predators everywhere."

Eve trailed behind. She didn't need to be told twice. There was a spring in her steps as they headed out. She could almost feel the warm water. It would relax away the tension in her muscles.

Hopefully, it would also ease the incoming ache.

A tall figure walked through the doorway. He held a brown paper bag by his side, returning from a convenience store. The hem of his fitted white shirt hung around his hips. Straight cut jeans covered his legs. His black sneakers squeaked against the floor.

His retro curtain hair was tousled from the evening winds.

Eve spotted him first and stopped. The agitation from earlier came back. It seeped through her brain and down to her heart. The latter increased in its beating. It felt like the room closed in, sucking out the air.

Then, a pair of radiant blue eyes noticed her.

"Evangeline?" Mikael scowled, a questioning look in his eyes. He halted in his steps. His gaze scrutinized her presence. Her hair had turned into a bird's nest since tangled strands stuck out. The dress wrapped around her body with uneven creases. Her makeup also smudged under her eyes.

She seemed to have come from outside. Why would she be here then?"

Eve nodded in greeting. "Mr. Davis."

He took a step closer. His arm and the paper bag swung at his side. "What brings you here?"

Mikael watched her flinch, avoiding his stare. Her upper teeth bit on her bottom lip as she stared at the wall. She twisted her wrists and clasped her hands together. Her feet bounced back and forth, shifting her weight every second.

In his eyes, she became more suspicious by the second.

His inquiry was simple. What could she be hiding?

Eve opened her mouth, still unsure of what to say, "I was just"

Hurried footsteps echoed behind Mikael. A hand tapped him on the shoulder and yanked him back. Violet eyes shined at his face. The madam wore a broad smile on her lips. "Mikael, right? Hi, I'm Avery. I'm one of Luna's and Cale's friends. I saw you during Evangeline's shoot."

Mikael rolled his sore shoulder. "Good evening to you, Ms. Avery."

Those fingers could claw out his skin. Not only that but it could also dislocate his joint. He lifted up his free hand to massage the spot. It soothed the pain even by a little.

"Oh, my. What a charmer." Avery giggled, hitting his upper arm and making him flinch. The giddiness lit up her whole face. "I'm sorry to cut this short but Evangeline and I have a dinner reservation. Do you mind if we go on ahead?"

"By all means," Mikael answered through gritted teeth. He struggled to form a smile. Her face may look innocent but those smacks weren't joking. She wanted him gone. His legs moved aside, letting Avery pass and grab Eve.

"Thank you!" The madam stated, false gratitude dripping in her words. She hooked her arm around Eve's and led the latter towards the exit. "Have a good evening."

"And to you as well, Ms. Avery" Mikael nodded at her. Then, his gaze flickered to the other woman in the room. "Ms. Evangeline."

"Enjoy your evening, Mr. Davis," Eve managed to say before Avery dragged her outside. The cool night air brushed on her bare chest. The sensation brought blood up to her cheeks. She had almost forgotten about the neckline.

"Phew, that was close," Avery sighed in relief. She pressed a button on her car keys and the headlights of a silver Porsche blinked. "Damn, Cale didn't mention Mikael would be here. It wouldn't be good if he pays too much attention to you. Otherwise, he'd notice that you are not using the apartment and will start to ask questions."

The two ladies separated in front of the car's hood. Eve went to the passenger's side and opened the door, hopping inside. She quickly buckled in her seatbelt. Her posture relaxed against the seat.

Unfortunately, her mind had a different desire.

"I'm sorry. I panicked," she apologized, groaning at her slipup. No doubt that pause caused her to become suspicious. "I didn't want to tell him Evangeline lived there for the same reason. He'd notice if she was gone most of the time."

She also didn't want him to know about the sponsorshipthe only explanation as to why she could afford such a luxurious place to live. He seemed to be a critical person based on last time. He'd probably have a comment or two about her residency.

Avery pulled away from her parking spot and drove down the main pathway. She shook her head at the windshield. "Well, if you'd consider Yan as your boyfriend, you could just tell him that you stayed over at his place."

Eve choked at the idea.

Her? And her boss? Under the same roof? Not working? She couldn't even begin to imagine it, let alone lie about any details if people asked. To do such a thing would need Ambryan's cooperation on the matter.

The lie would only cause more trouble.

"Well, I won't say anything as long as he doesn' ask," Eve lamented. She closed her eyes and massaged her right temple. Drowsiness clouded over her head. "Maybe I'll think of a better excuse before that happens."

Avery nodded, keeping her eyes on the road. "Yeah, let's not initiate anything. Just try not to run into him, especially inside the complex."

Eve looked out the window and silently agreed. She hoped Mikael would forget about the incidentbut it was still better not to collide with him. She was sure that he was a resident. They just didn't know which part he lived. It could be the room at the end of the lower floors. It would be hard for them to intersect then.

Maybe they had nothing to worry about after all.






Back at the lobby, Mikael took his time and walked towards the entrance. He swept his radiant blue eyes around the landscape. He spotted no sign of either woman. His curiosity still wasn't satisfied.

Since neither of them hinted him an answer, he would have to search for another.

He turned his head towards the security guard. He chose the safest theory that he came with. "Excuse me. Do you know what those two came here for? Did they visit anyone?"

A nagging voice rebutted in his mind. It denied his questions and stamped them as wrong. What gnawed wasn't the lack of answersbut it was the need for confirmation. He had to hear whether his suspicions were correct or not.

The security guard pondered for a moment. On one hand, some information should remain classified. On the other hand, residents had a right to know about any changes. It wouldn't be good if they mistook a neighbor as a robber.

"I believe one of them is a new resident here," he decided to reveal, clearing his throat. His back stayed straight.

Mikael cocked an eyebrow. "Which one?"

"I think it's the young woman, sir. Her companion merely took care of the paperwork."

"I see," he mumbled, bowing his head. The place became quiet until he nodded at the security guard. He offered the latter a gentle smile. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, sir."

Spinning on his heel, Mikael continued his journey. He stopped in front of the elevators and pushed the 'up' button. His eyes watched the numbers at the top bar. They slowly descended along with the lift.

Classical music filled his ears when he stepped inside. The gears in his head turned and connected the dots. Avery had to be Evangeline's benefactor. The reason why the latter received a campaign opportunity with Athon Corporation. If he wasn't mistaken, the violet eyes seemed familiar.

The hereditary trait was uncommon. Only a few of the upper class had them. He already eliminated anyone lower of rank. Pulling strings such as this had to be done by someone on top of a pedestal. But who? He should have asked more.

Maybe he could the next time he saw Evangeline.

Then, the elevator dinged and stopped at the 10th floor.

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