Date The

Chapter 58: The Red Carpet Fiasco

Chapter 58: The Red Carpet Fiasco

A launch party from Athon Corporation was almost like a movie premier. The company set up a red carpet out front, where reporters and the media could catch a glimpse. Selected few were allowed to enter and cover the whole event. Valet attendants stood at the ready if a vehicle lacked a chauffeur. 

The end of the carpet led to a three-story building. See-through glass made up its front walls. Artificial trees made of gold, silver and bronze stood at either side of the entrance. Twinkle lights lit up, glowing against the sunset.

One after another, cars rolled up to the red carpet. Celebrities and famous personalities flowed out and strolled down its path. They posed in front of the cameras, accepting the occasional interviews and signing a few autographs.

The driver side of a black Jaguar XK opened. A valet supervisor tapped his subordinate, nudging the latter towards the convertible. He held his hand out for the keys and exchanged it with a card number. 

Ambryan Hathaway hid it in his inner breast pocket and walked around the hood, entering the scene.


"Here it is, folks! CEO of Eros Productions himself has joined the array of celebrities!" A blonde female reporter spoke to a video camera. She held up a microphone and updated viewers live from the main event.

She faked a gasp. "And what is this? Were the rumors wrong? Is Ambryan Hathaway still single?"

At the other side of the red carpet, another small reporter filmed through a cellular phone. He had a mic connected to the device and filled the footage with his high-pitched voice.

"Daddy Ambryan Hathaway is in the house! Ah! Does anyone believe those articles about his new woman? I am telling you, babes. This is one predator that is impossible to capture. Mm-mm."

An aspiring singer-songwriter stepped out of the spotlight and pulled out her phone. She took a short break just to send a post to her followers.

`` Ambryan came alone. Huhu. I was so looking forward to meeting his new lover. Her dress in those photos was *insert chef's kiss* ``

In the midst of it all, the man himself walked straight. His eyes never met a single reporter. The other guests whispered among themselves. The articles trended during the past week. Almost all of the famous socialites had heard about it.

None of them dared to come up to him.

He almost reached the building entrance when a young man stumbled upon his path. The latter tripped over his own feet and almost slammed against the CEO. It caught the attention of bystanders. 

Ambryan halted in his steps, avoiding the collision. 

The young man gulped and slowly straightened his posture. His gray eyes fidgeted as he gazed up at the rumored film tycoon. The same uneasiness shook in his voice. 

"M-Mr. Hathaway!" He said. "I'm sorry about this. Good thing you have such fast reflexes. I heard about the new tv series by the way. Congratulations on the new project! How are auditions coming along? Are you"

Trapped by the entrance, reporters raced to grab the chance. They flocked around the CEO and fired their questions. Each one fought for the hottest scoop. They wanted to be the first on the latest news.

Their voices filled Ambryan's ears. 

"Mr. Hathaway, are the articles true?"

"Did you get married in secret?"

"Is she the reason behind your breakup with Charlee Edwards?"

"Mr. Hathaway, witnesses mentioned about your closeness at the skating rink. Do you have any comments?"

"Are we to expect a new lady boss?"

Ambryan raised a hand. 

The talking ceased immediately and a group of bodyguards intervened. They stood in between the CEO and the reporters, widening their distance. Wen stood behind. She checked all sides and made sure the boss was out of reach.

"I will say this for the first and the last time." Ambryan addressed the group. He amplified his voice so it would reach a wide range. His violet eyes hardened into crystals.

"I am here on behalf of Eros Productions. Any inquiries about my personal life will be rejected. If someone still insists, I'll have to ask you to leave. If you refuse, I'll have you removed."

He flicked his gaze towards the young man. A dark cloud shadowed above his forehead. He had seen that trick multiple times. "The same goes with business related concerns. I am off working hours and will not be entertaining any. Thank you."

When Ambryan walked away, more questions popped up from behind him. A frenzy of curious noses spoke above the noise. Nothing in his speech indicated an answer.

And they couldn't accept it.

Ambryan escaped to the safety of the lobby. A few reporters still occupied the place but Athon Corporation set them in an orderly manner. They each had a designated spot and celebrities would walk over to them, passing through as approved by their managers.

Another figure bounded for the CEO. The bodyguards parted ways and let her in. The woman's aura sent shivers down their spines. They'd rather not get in her way.

Only Ambryan remained unconcerned as a pair of violet eyes glared at him. He had seen them coming from miles away.

"Where's Evangeline?" Avery demanded. She crossed her arms over her chest. She had been waiting for them to arrive. She had planned to introduce the latter to her social circles. 


Her nostrils flared. "What?! Why?!"

Ambryan exhaled sharply. His mind wandered back into his car where a conversation from earlier took place. 


Eve peeled her eyes off the car window. A long line of cars headed for the launch party. She could see the beams from the spotlights of the event. A crowd stood in front of the entrance.

She scrunched her eyebrows, contemplating a thought. "Can we not go in together?"

Ambryan glanced in her direction. "And why is that?"

The traffic light turned green and he stepped onto the gas, advancing towards the venue. They still had quite a long way to go. The event attracted a lot of socialites. Their numbers could be seen even from this distance.

Eve hit her back on the chair, almost clawing her hair out. She hadn't stepped foot on a red carpet before she had witnessed it from the sidelines. The amount of shameless leeches and parasites left her astonished.

"I already know what's going to happen." She groaned, shutting her eyes. She could almost picture everything.

"You do?" Ambryan asked, making a turn.

The longer Eve thought about it, the more convinced she was to skip over the scene. 

To answer him, she opened her eyes and straightened her posture. Her voice changed, mimicking the various tv reporters. She held up an imaginary mic in his direction. "Look at that woman! Is she the one in the photos? Ambryan Hathaway, is she your new lover? Mind introducing her to us? What's your relationship status?"

Ambryan swallowed an amused snort. Instead, he silently praised her for the effort.

"Are you feeling nervous? Pressured?"

Eve dropped her hand and relaxed. Now that she let it out, her anxiety slowly evaporated. "Surprisingly, no."

"Then, what is it?"

"It's the questions," she emphasized. Her gaze went back to the window. She watched the red carpet and its crowd. Even from here, she could hear their voices. "Think about them. They're all connected to you." 

Eve turned her head. The back of it stayed on the soft cushion. Her hazel eyes blinked with tenderness. "If I step out of this car and walk there beside you, they'll only see me as the CEO's woman."

Those articles were the proof. Other than Avery, Luna and Cale, reporters anticipated her arrival. They expected her to appear by his side.

"This will be my debut as a model to the public. When I present myself, I want them to see me as me. I want to make a name for myself before I'm linked with you."

Silence filled the car. The weight of her statement hovered in the air. She realized the circumstances too late. This whole pickup situation now seemed pointless.

She had thought about it long and hard. If she came as Ambryan's girlfriend, that would overshadow her individuality. She wanted to establish herself and create an image. Thwart any rumors about her climbing up the social ladderor using him for her career advancement.

It didn't happen yet but she felt disgusted. 

"So we won't interact with each other during the whole event?" Ambryan finally spoke. He had considered her words. He saw her point. 

Eve shook her head, feeling better. His silent agreement was good enough. "No, we'll leave it together. Otherwise, I imagine your mother would have a field day."

"Alright." Ambryan nodded. He steered the car towards a narrow street. It would lead them to the back entrance used by the staff. "Do think of impressing me when you step into the spotlight."

Eve rolled her eyes. 

If she was going to do this, she was going to do it right.

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