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Chapter 60: The Ruby of the Rainbow

Chapter 60: The Ruby of the Rainbow

The video cut into another montage. 

Despite the blank background, the editors managed to insert photos that replicated Ancient Rome. The young woman strolled great halls, walked away from a river, and became a fountain decor. The lighting and shadowing changes emphasized her red color. 

It ignited under the darkness.

It shined under the sun. 

Being out of place, the bags still managed to steal most of the show. But, they couldn't easily ignore the young woman either. She breathed life into the photoseven as a statue. 

Even as a lazy person on a chaise.

Ambryan gripped the wine glass tighter. The bone white dress hung loosely on Evangeline's shoulders. The excess fabric draped over her body, hugging every curve but also lumping together.

Like a pile of bedsheets.

Like only a pile of bedsheets. 

Around Evangeline.

A dark look clouded over his eyes. Storms thundered above his head. The campaign may say it was Ancient Rome inspired but he saw the subtleties. There was an allure to the toga's style. 

It was intriguing and amorous.

Avery gave him the side-eye. Even without looking, she sensed the rumbling of a thunderstorm. Something her son projected whenever he faced a difficult problem or a frustrating situation. 

She found his gaze on the LED screens.

While the rest saw the products, he beheld the model. 

Her lips curled into a smirk. It seemed that their plan for Eve's attractiveness worked somehowthough Ambryan might not be aware of it.

The video faded on the photo of Eve with a luggage bag. Instead of using different photo locations, the editors chose the progression of civilization and took her into the 21st century with an airport background.

White cursive letters wrote one line,

``Add a little red for a bit of spice in your life``

On cue, Luna's voice echoed around the room, "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my ruby model, Ms. Evangeline Reed!"

A round of applause came to support her. Their eyes travelled up the grand staircase and onto the indoor balcony. The gold curtains of an archway parted open. Darkness filled up the space behind it, contrasting against the bright ballroom.

Avery clapped the loudest among the onlookers. Although she witnessed the shoot, the video had blown her away. Eve had blown her away for the second time. 

She couldn't wait for a third.

For a moment, nothing happened. The balcony remained vacant. No one stepped out of the shadows. The music shifted to a pop song. Its beat brought the audience to the modern times. The song started out soft until the refrain.

Then, it increased in volume, bringing the suspense higher and higher. The singer paused just before the chorus. 

When the first note hit, it exploded in flares of upbeat and sassy music. The hype transcended the peak. The burst of instruments and energy served as the perfect point for an entrance.

And Eve knew it.

She emerged from the archway with a fierce expression on her face. Unlike her promo photos, flaming crimson red flowed from her shoulders and down to her feet. Her hair sat on top of her head. The style framed her face like a halo.

Cale had wrapped a scarf around her neck. Its ends swayed behind her as she walked, matching the movement of her hips. Her body angled to the left as she reached the grand staircase.

Eve hoisted up her skirt and strolled down the steps. She climbed down with her right shoulder pulled back, with her chin held high and with her feet not missing a beat of the music. 

Red hot heels glided across the staircase. They flew down as if each one had a pair of tiny wings. Except, everyone could see there weren't any.

But Eve almost made them believe it.

When she reached the platform, she let go of the skirt. Her legs continued to walk and followed the point marks on the podium. They reached the center and Eve pulled off the scarf from her neck.

She threw the long fabric flew towards her back.

Rose petals rained and danced in the air. They softened the fiery display into a sensual one. Delicate and lustrous, they covered her path and acted as a trail of her presence. 

Eve finished the half-moon direction of the markers. She spun on her heel at the last one. Her legs crossed at the ankles. Her body leaned back while her right hand held her waist from behind.The scarf had turned into a cape and created a train for her dress.

Like in her video, she winked at the audience.

Then, her lips broke into a wide smile. 

'For real. Am I in a pageant?' Eve couldn't help but chuckle. Her heart raced inside her chest. She'd never done anything remotely close to what she did just now.

The following applause defeaned her more than the music. Their reaction made her feel flattered and maybe a tiny bit shy.

Camera shutters flashed in her direction. She closed her mouth but kept the smile. Her head twisted in different directions, offering her brief attention to each reporter. 

Her short but trailblazing performance had enraptured the people's interest. Stakes for the rest of the models had ascended another level.

Luna joined her on the platform, greeting with an air-kiss. "Well done, dear. I knew you could do it."

Eve relaxed her posture and embraced the designer. They used it as a chance to talk. "I'm glad to hear that you approved. I think I almost tripped."

"No one noticed. Trust me," Luna assured her. But then, she added, "Well, maybe Mikael but he doesn't count."

The model's shoulders shook. She could already see the displeased face. "Honestly, if he says something, my only response is 'I know' because I do know."

Luna pulled away and held her hand. She lifted their joint fingers and faced the audience. Her voice spoke into the mic. "Once again, Ms. Evangeline Reed, everyone!" 

"If you haven't seen her before, that is understandable," she continued despite the loud noise, "The selected models for this day's event are the rookies of the bunch. I like to call them the diamonds in the rough."

Her black eyes softened as she stared them down. "I saw the same will and determination in these girls as I saw in myself when I started out as a designer. Like the shot of Evangeline travelling through time, this launch is about bridging the future and the past."

By now, the cheers had died down as ears hung on her every word. Voice recorders and video cameras registered her statements.

"That closed gap brings us to the present where this campaign only marks the beginning for them," Luna began to conclude. She released Eve's hand, only to place hers on the latter's upper back. 

"It is the first raindrop for their own rainbow."

When the guests clapped their hands, Eve clapped alongside them. Her hazel eyes stared wide at the designer. Rainbows held several meanings. They could be seen as hope, as blessings but in this case,

Luna had used them as a symbol of forging their own pathblazing the sky with their personal colors. They would paint the modelling world with their own brushes.

Eve squeezed the designer's shoulders when they hugged. The collection contained such a heartwarming message. Not only for them but also to others that set out to create their own path.

"That was so beautiful, Luna. I am honored to be part of it," she whispered. Pride flowed into her veins. Maybe she hadn't intended to be a model but this experience, this event she wouldn't exchange it for the world.

"It's nothing, dear. I already have my rainbow. I only wish for others to find theirs. No matter how many storms come their way." The designer chuckled, rubbing her back.

"So I expect you to find yours."

Eve blinked, releasing the woman from her hold. She stepped back and looked into her ebony eyes. Something told her that Luna meant more than just her modelling career. She didn't know how. She didn't know why.

Those words opened a locked part of her soul.

Eve moved aside to make way for the other models. Her body was at the party but her mind was elsewhere. A small flame kindled in her heart. The stagnant candle flickered again.

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as her first love warmed up her insides. 

It had been years since they parted ways. All of the pain, the joy and the struggles resonated back into her senses. They swirled in vivid images, igniting her passion. 

It had been so long.

Her chest felt like it would burst!

Eve wiped away the tears before anyone could notice. The last thing she wanted was to ruin a happy occasion. Her hands joined in the applause as the orange model came down the stairs.

She shut away the memories, putting the back where they belonged. Although they haven't seen each other since then, Eve knew that she'd never forget the times they spent together.

She snuffed out the flame and locked the chest. 

At the last second, a curious thought wondered in her head. It pondered about the other party from this relationship. The voice only had one question but it stabbed Eve in the heart.




did her ballet shoes miss her?

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