Date The

Chapter 62: But First! Cocktail Break!

Chapter 62: But First! Cocktail Break!

Eve shared a coy smile. A mischievous glint gleamed in her hazel eyes. She had predicted that this might come up sooner or later. The reporter put on a delighted face. He liked what he saw in her expression.

He leaned in the recorder further towards her.

"I don't think I can kiss and tell," Eve teased with a giggle. The gesture stirred interest and curiosity. She silently thanked Cale for the inspiration. 

"Oh, come on now," the reporter insisted. He laughed at the obvious dodge, "Someone as gorgeous as you is bound to have some romance in her life."

Eve pressed a finger to her lips and winked. "I say that because there is no kiss to tell."

"Is he that slow?"

"I'd say I am the one who is slow. I'm still somewhat new to romance and it makes me so nervous," she admitted, taking the blame away from Ambryan. It also could lessen any rumors about her being a gold digger. Otherwise, they'd think she pounced him already and sealed the deal. 

Reluctance on her part showed authenticity about the relationship.

"Besides, I do like to take it slow," Eve added as she placed her hand back on the clutch. "I'd rather not rush into something. But! I am taking risks in order to move the relationship forward. We've both expressed our interests, at least."

'Yeah, interest in pretending,' she fumed to herself. She picked her words carefully, avoiding any straight out lie. These could backfire someday and she'd rather avoid the accusations. Nothing she said had been entirely untrue.

The ushers in charge came to the scene and asked the reporters to leave.

Eve waved at the faces she recognized among them. She heaved a sigh through clamped teeth, still smiling. It finally finished. Any longer and she would have lost control. The amount of personal questions overwhelmed her. The prodding made it worse.

But, it did give her some perspective.

This disguise wouldn't last long without suspicionunless they do a few things.

"I am so proud of you!" Cale squealed behind her. His arms went around her shoulders and his chin rested on one of them. "You are taller than me right now but I am making this work. I knew you had it in you. I wish you can be more confident starting today."

Eve breathed out a chuckle. She did feel more secure than before. There would be more obstacles ahead but, as long as she played smart, they would be either prevented or solved in a swift manner.

Cale released his hold and looped arms with her instead. They walked back towards the crowd. "How did you feel when you strutted down those stairs? Or when you posed in front of the guests? I know you can do this but what I don't know is if you want to."

Eve raised her eyebrows. After all that they had done, she didn't think of quitting. She figured the same applied to them. They had believed that this career suited her well and she had trusted it.

"Listen," Cale said as he rubbed her arm. "You're doing great and I'd love to see you soar in this industry but I also agree with Luna. Forge your own path where you'd shine with your unique color. If that turns out to be as a CEO's secretary then, so be it."

He halted in his steps and stood in front of her. Both of his hands squeezed her left one. "You can backout anytime you want. Evangeline can be anything she wants."

Eve bit her bottom lip. She came this far. She didn't want to quit. Her commitment was sealed when she signed that contract. She would see it through before making a decision. It had been fun so far.

But who knew how long that would last?

"Thank you, Cale. I'm starting to think if you're a fortune cookie or something." Eve joked with a shake of her head. She attempted to lighten up the atmosphere. "Why do you always have a lesson for me?" 

"Because, girl, it's better for you to know of them now than later. This is just the beginning for you," her modelling manager reminded. 

"Then, I'll be taking it slow as well," she repeated, using the same words from her interview. "Can we not take on big projects soon? Let me be on par with beginners."

"Fine. I won't." Cale rolled his eyes. They landed towards the right. His lips stretched from ear to ear, lighting up his whole face. "Oh.. will you be alright by yourself? I need to talk to some people."

"Mhm, your boyfriend?" Eve teased. She craned her head and tried to spot this mysterious man. A glimpse would be enough to satisfy her curiosity.

"That came from your mouth and not mine. Just saying."

Eve smiled as her modelling manager disappeared from sight. With the packed venue, it didn't take long to happen. The crowd eventually blocked the rose gold jacket. 

Her legs led her to an old comfort placethe corner of any party. Fortunately, the one she headed for had a mini bar. She could use a good cocktail drink right about now. 

She sat on a stool and hoisted up her feet onto the foot ring, crossing them at the ankles. She placed her clutch on the counter. The bartender walked over after he served another guest. He folded his arms beside her and leaned over.

His coffee eyes crinkled at the corners. "What can I get you, miss?"

"I'd love a classic gin martini please," Eve replied with her eyes on the bottles behind him. She read off the labels and wondered how this collection came about. Were they already here? Or were they brought in just for the occasion?

The bartender straightened his back to an upright position. "Coming right up."

He left her for a while to concoct the drink.

"Thank you."

Eve swivelled the stool and scanned the ballroom. The place had a secluded spot. It offered a bit of privacy and silence. Most of the chatter happened at the center. Rectangular blocks of white surrounded the staircase. Some of them stood on the steps, alternating between the two sides. The positioning allowed people to walk through the area like a museum display. 

Athon representatives kept watched and guided any potential buyer on the order forms. The extravagance of the collection came from its limited stocks. If this event wiped out a bag, it wouldn't be seen in stores anymore. All of them would be pulled out for shipping.

"Here you go, miss." The bartender announced. He placed the glass on a coaster as she shifted her attention back on the bar. "One classic gin martini."

"Thank you."

Eve reached for the thin stem. A lemon slice had been placed on the rim. Something about the conical top mesmerized her. The frosted clear-white cocktail always made her think that she drank liquid ice. This much should be safe for tonight.

Before she could get a taste, another voice came to grab her attention.

"Ms. Evangeline!" Jordan called out, holding his own drink of scotch on the rocks. Unlike her, he remained standing and placed his elbow on the counter. He wore a broad smile. "Quite a spectacle you had given us. Why would you sit here instead of meeting new people? A good round of mingling could make a difference for your career."

"Thank you for the advice, Mr. Dawson, but I'm only taking a break. The spotlight can be exhausting when one is not used to it." Eve sighed. She picked up the lemon slice and squeezed it over her martini cocktail.

"Really? What have you been doing before the modelling gig?" He asked and took a sip from his whiskey glass. Pure curiosity gleamed in his chocolate eyes.

"You mean what am I doing besides the modelling gig," Eve corrected with a snort, not sparing him a glance. Hopefully, she looked more preoccupied than she pretended to be. "I'm actually an online English tutor."

"Wow," Jordan remarked. He immediately noticed the gap between the two occupations. One question popped up in his mind. "Then, what made you decide on becoming a model?"

Eve smirked, lifting her martini by the stem. The cold rim brushed her lips. "You would have to check on my interviews when they're published tomorrow."

"Can't you tell me?" Jordan pouted.

She laughed and set the glass down. "No, I just don't want to repeat myself. I have done it plenty of times today."


Jordan snapped his head towards the source. His eyes lit up when he spotted his model. He pushed himself off the counter and pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "Mikael! Perfect timing. I need to pay a visit to the toilets. Mind accompanying Evangeline? You do remember that we promised to keep an eye on her, right?"

Mikael stopped by the nearest stool, swirling a glass of champagne. He had half a mind to deny the request. He had heard this excuse multiple times. Most of them were a ruse so his best friend could escape. If it turned out to be true, it might be fun to watch Jordan squirm.

Then again, he didn't have the patience at the moment.

"Just go." 

Eve ignored the two men and tasted her cocktail drink. Her eyes closed as the spirit churned in her throat, quenching both her thirst and her craving. She felt her muscles relax. 

Sometimes alcohol really made things better.

Mikael watched her enjoy the dry martini. The glass barely left the counter. Her eyebrows scrunched after one sip and a tiny smile curled on her lips. He glanced at his champagne, deciding to strike a conversation.

"So, where's your date?" 

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