Date The

Chapter 65: Crooked Ties Cause Trouble

Chapter 65: Crooked Ties Cause Trouble

Charlee took a deep breath.

She stood about a meter away from her target. This would be the first time she faced Ambryan since the breakup. Those articles and photos about her new girlfriend had broken her heart. He had moved on fast. Not only that, he actually took the biatch out on a date. 

Something he'd never done before.

Admiring his profile, she melted. His black suit framed his body elegantly. The lone red tie stood out. He posed like he usually did with his free hand tucked in his pant pocket. Against the lights, he emanated a dark, foreboding and mysterious aura. She could almost pretend that he was a vampire prince. 

Well, a slightly tan vampire prince.

Either way, it didn't matter. He was just as gorgeous as the last time she saw him. Her heartbeat raced the moment she spotted him on that red carpet. He still held it captive in his hands. It still belonged in his possession.

She had to talk to him.

Charlee stepped one foot forward.

"Ms. Edwards," Avery intercepted, wearing a tight smile. Her body blocked the actress' line of sight. Her arms formed an L-shape with a glass of champagne in one hand. If she had claws for nails, they would have poked out.

"Where do you think you're going?" She asked despite knowing the answer.

"Ms. Avery!" Charlee squealed. She raised her arms for a hug but Avery recoiled away. Her smile stayed in place while her arms retracted to her sides. "I am such a huge fan of yours. I've admired you since I was young."

Avery clicked her tongue and eyes the actress from head to toe. "Thank you for the flattery but I suggest that you stay away from my son."

Charlee cackled. Hostility hid behind the fake amusementdetectable by experienced sociable ears. "Oh, Ms. Avery. You make it sound like I'll cause him harm."

She rolled her shoulders back and fixed her posture. The way she stood could be compared to pageant candidates when they lined up on stage. She held her chin high, brimming in confidence and sophistication.

Avery almost gagged.

If her son had taken dating seriously from the start, this wouldn't be happening right now.

"Ambryan has a better use of his time than to entertain bimbos like you," she spat, deciding not to hold back. People like Charlee Edwards needed a good smack on the face. Their delusions would only cause trouble for not only them but also for other people.

"Do remember that he is no longer single. He is committed to a wonderful woman. You're as tiny as a bug compared to her." Avery tucked in her chin. Her violet eyes glared through her thick lashes. "And it's Mrs. Hathaway to you."

Charlee's bubbly face faded into an expressionless one. She bit her tongue, blocking an outraged burst of profanities. The madam hadn't even given her a chance and stabbed her instead. 

"Avery, darling!" A voice yelled over the crowd. It grew louder as the speaker came closer. "You haven't aged a day since you turned 18!"

Charlee fled from the scene. Her legs walked in long strides. She refused to have witnesses over the exchange. "Tch, that old hag. How old is Ambryan? 10? Why does she act like he's a minor?"

She stopped after a good distance away. Her skirt flared as she spun around. 

Ambryan hadn't moved from his spot. He hadn't noticed her either and continued to converse with the two other men. She looked for Avery. The madam stood close and kept watch. They locked eyes for a moment.

Then, Avery averted her gaze.

Charlee huffed, feeling helpless. 

She turned away and headed back to the display. They needed a new plan. There wouldn't be another chance like this in the future. Ambryan rarely attended events without escaping to a private room. It would be a waste if she didn't try again.

A red figure passed right in front of her eyes, taking her attention.

Charlee stared as Evangeline Reed strolled through the crowd. Her feet glided over the floor like she walked on air. Her body twisted whenever she found herself in a narrow opening. If she bumped into anyone, she apologized with a blinding smile.

There was no mistake as to where she was headed.

"Oh, no, you don't, missy." Charlee muttered, chasing after the model. She grabbed the latter's wrist and yanked her back. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Eve stepped back and prevented a fall. The sudden force caught her by surprise. She glanced over her shoulder, recognizing the actress. "Excuse me?"

"I know what you are up to."

She pulled her hand back and faced Charlee. The same cloud of dread hovered above her head. Of all of Ambryan's exes, why did it have to be Charlee Edwards? Running into them was inevitable since they shared the same social class but did it have to be crazy ones?

"Do you now?" Eve raised an eyebrow. She crossed her arms over her chest. She didn't think they'd meet this early. 

The public didn't even recognize her as his girlfriend yet for heaven's sake.

Any ounce of politeness left her. Charlee already drained the last bit of her patience from their last encounter. She would have left if this didn't open an opportunity. She could put the first delusional woman back in her place.

No way would she let the actress step all over Evangeline.

"Don't play games with me. You're heading for Ambryan Hathaway." Charlee stated, mimicking her stance. It seemed like she wasn't the only one with ideas. 

Eve glimpsed at Ambryan. 

Like a pair of magnets, he spotted her stare. 

She shifted her attention back to Charlee. Her eyes flickered to the ceiling and her lips smacked together, saying, "Do you mean the CEO of Eros Productions who is the Most Eligible Bachelor of the Country and the Coldest Man on Earth?"

"Funny but don't try your luck just because his mysterious girlfriend didn't appear tonight."

Eve swallowed a snort. Oh, this became more entertaining than she expected. Was she being accused of seducing her own boyfriend? She had to hold her breath from laughing. It took a while to regain her composure back.

"Were you about to do the same thing before you saw me?" Eve ridiculed. A sarcastic smile stretched across her face. It was obvious that the actress had that plan. Otherwise, she wouldn't be seen as doing the same thing.

"Why would I need to do such a thing?" Charlee scoffed, rolling her eyes. 

"You don't?"

"Of course not," she snorted with a hair flip. Her mind searched for an excuse. Evangeline had to be eliminated from the picture. In order to do it, she needed a good reason. "That mysterious girlfriend was just a ruse to get me jealous so we can get back together."

 'What was happening?' Eve questioned herself. She'd never heard of a more ridiculous story in her life. It contained obvious holes. To debunk it would be way too easy. It was practically effortless.

One, why would Ambryan resort to such a thing? Two, if he wanted for them to get back together, he would have done so by now. Three, why would he even want to get back together with a crazy person?

And that was just the first three speculations.

"You must be Charlee Edwards then," Eve mentioned offhandedly. 


"And you're saying that the rumors about this woman are untrue?"

Charlee shrugged, feeling relieved but staying guarded. Who knew what the model would pull up her sleeve? "I don't know how the media thinks. They always have inaccurate information."

"Uh-huh," Eve pretended to accept her answer. She scowled at the floor, thinking about her next move. "So the truth is that there is no other woman and you're still in love with each other?"


'What a load of'

"Alright then," Eve nodded. Then, she smiled. "Why don't we ask him?"

Charlee paled at her words. "He doesn't want to be interrupted."

"I'm sure he can make time for the love of his life." Eve winked. She turned around and proceeded with her pursuit. Whether Charlee agreed or not, she would walk over towards his side. She felt the effects of the alcohol. It would be best that they leave soon.

"Mr. Hathaway" she began to call out. Three heads snapped in her direction. She smiled at the gentleman, ready to apologize for her intrusion. 

"Don't listen to her!" Charlee suddenly screamed from behind. She dashed for the group and spoke in a rush. Panic seeped into her chest, speeding up her heartbeat. Her thoughts jumbled into a blur. 

"Evangeline just wants to ruin me because I warned her not to approach Ambryan."

With Avery's intervention earlier, she hadn't anticipated that the model would succeed. It seemed that the madam disappeared during their conversation. She should have checked and stopped Evangeline in her tracks. 

If the biatch opened her mouth, she would be done for.

"Whatever do you mean, Ms. Edwards?" Richard scowled, already annoyed by her presence. 

"I'm sorry for this, Mr. Kingston but I had to interfere." Charlee pleaded with her eyes. It was the same look she used for dramatic scenes. "This woman was about to accuse me of pining after a taken man. I didn't want to be misunderstood."

Eve tilted her head to one side. "I was? I don't think so."

"That's a lie!" Charlee sneered, her nostrils flaring. "Why else would you approach him?"

Eve held up a hand and glanced at the gentleman. "Allow me to share?"

"By all means, Ms. Reed." Richard cut in. He exhaled sharply through his nose. This was what happened when his best friend involved himself with troublesome women.

If this turned out to be a waste of time, he'd have both ladies removed from the party.

Eve tucked her clutch under her arm. She rose up to her toes and reached up. Her hands touched the red tie around Ambryan's neck. Her fingertips brushed over the silk and under the collar. She wiggled the tie, loosening and straightening its hold.

Ambryan raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry." She grinned at him. "I noticed your tie was crooked."

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