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Chapter 68: Put On the Thinking Cap

Chapter 68: Put On the Thinking Cap

'Is that who I think it is?' Mikael asked himself. He shut his eyes and shook his head. Pinching the bridge of his nose, he analyzed what he just witnessed. 'Am I hallucinating? I didn't just see Ms. Hart, right?'

He opened his eyes and studied Evangeline. His assumption became peculiar by the second. She and the secretary had the same build. They also approximately had the same height. Ms. Hart preferred to wear shapeless clothing but it was easy to estimate her measurements. 

What really convinced him more was her stance. With her clutch tucked under her arm, she folded her hands over her abdomen. Her chin was raised while her face had a neutral expression. 

He knew that look well.

But how would it even be possible?

A secretary? As a model? Dating her boss? Did Ambryan know? Was this a scheme of theirs? Did Luna know? She seemed to be in on the joke when she mentioned the CEO's girlfriend.

Question after question flooded his mind. The more they popped up, the more confused Mikael became. He began to doubt his own knowledge and perception. The words repeated in his head, sounding like a ridiculous plot of a web novel.

He must be out of his mind. 

"Mikael. Mikael!" Jordan called out. His best friend had blanked out on him. He grabbed Mikalel's shoulder and shook it. "Are you okay, man?"

"Yeah-yeah, I'm fine." Mikael exhaled. He hadn't noticed that he stopped breathing. He thought of a sound excuse for his behavior. "I just can't imagine that guy dating someone."

Evangeline or Ms. Hart, that part would remain true. Their lunch discussion gave Mikael the impression that Ambryan wasn't an affectionate man. Truth be told, he figured the CEO wouldn't marry if possible. None of the tabloids hinted the opposite.

"He did bring dates to parties you know," Jordan pointed out, watching the couple again. It seemed that Ambryan and Luna triggered a business discussion.

"From what I heard he never interacted with them during parties." Mikael finished the last of his champagne. He'd rather not look again or he'd go back to square one. The thought already refused to leave his head.

"Well, that is true. He usually stayed with his business associates. Then, his date mingled with others." Jordan placed an elbow on the counter and shifted his full attention on Mikael. "I'm actually just as shocked as you are. But this might actually be a serious one."

For Ambryan to act this way, there had to be a special reason. A person of his status had a wide range of power. He'd unlikely resort to underhanded tricks.

Besides, what benefit would he get for dating a rookie model? 

"Boys!" Cale yelled. He marched over to the mini bar with his hands on his hips. He gazed at both men under a razor eye. "Where is Evangeline? I thought I told you to look after her."

Jordan raised his hands in surrender, still holding the champagne glass. "Relax, Cale. Weren't you the one who also said that her date would pick her up? She's right there with him." 

He nudged the glass towards the couple. Was this his third glance at them? Fourth? His shock still seemed fresh. "Did you know it was Ambryan Hathaway?"

Cale whirled his head. His eyes landed on the two. This would be the first time he'd see them together. He wedged himself between Jordan and Mikael. His hands clasped over his chest.

"Aren't they just adorable?" He stated, admiration lacing in his tone. Jordan rolled his eyes at his hopeless romantic colleague. 

"Seems more like a CEO and a secretary to me." Mikael muttered to himself. Did he need a pair of glasses now? Maybe if he bought rose-colored ones, he'd see what the other two see.

Cale froze in place. His sharp hearing detected the model's voice. "What did you just say?" 

"I said" Mikael paused. He glanced at the manager, judging the reaction. His radiant blue eyes narrowed. "Do you know something about this Cale?" 

"Whatever do you mean, Mikael? I simply didn't hear what you said." 

"Oh, I think you heard exactly what I said," his voice dropped to a low taunt. An ominous feeling washed over his head. He bared his teeth. "I went to that office, Cale. I know what I saw. Is it what I am seeing now?"

"What the hell is going on here?" Jordan demanded. He looked at Mikael. Then, he glanced at Cale. Neither of them paid him any attention.

His companions shared a silent staredown. Both refused to surrender and to take back their claims. The rest of the room faded away. They perceived nothing but one another, searching for an opening or a break in the other's stance. 

"Ms. Hart is at this party, isn't she?" Mikael tried again, whispering. If Cale heard him before, the manager would still hear him clearly now. 

Cale snapped his head towards his right. He glanced at their third companion over his shoulder. "Jordan, do you mind if I borrow Mikael for a while? A friend of mine wants to meet him."

Jordan pursed his lips, feeling lost. His chocolate eyes darted from left to right. No one seemed to mind them since Ambryan and Evangeline hogged their interest. 

"It's not going to be a psychopath fan, is it?" He couldn't help but ask. Their number appeared to be abundant in this event. He encountered two in a single route.

"Of course not!" Cale reassured him. He grasped Jordan's shoulder and squeezed. The smile he wore gravitated towards a sickly sweet one. "A potential client actually."

"Then, I should"

Cale grabbed Mikael's arm, dragging him away. "Nope. Only Mikael. Those are the terms." 

Jordan watched as they vanished into the crowd. Something was off and he knew it. But how much did he care? How much did he trust Cale? 

He shrugged.

His eyes searched for a waiter, craving more champagne. 'Whatever. I'll find out about it sooner or later.'

Cale led Mikael down a narrow hallway. They climbed the same stairs that led to the dressing room. Only this time, they entered a different door. It had a simple lounge and a large bathroom. It had multiple purposes, depending on the host's desire.

For this instance, it became a hideout/confrontation room.

Cale marched inside and let Mikael go. He fished out his phone, sending a quick message. They had some damage to control and this early into the game too. Was this a sign?

Thankfully, he had been on the scene. Who knew what would have happened if he wasn't there? Jordan almost heard about it.

"Alright. What do you know?" Cale asked, turning around and crossing his arms over his chest. He stood with his feet apart. His spot allowed him to match the model's eye level better.

"What do I know? What do you know, Cale?" Mikael exasperated. He shook his head and gestured to the door behind him. "Is Evangeline and Ms. Hart the same person? Is she Ambryan's secretary?"

The idea had almost left his mind. It hung by a thread, ready to snap and fall. He would have abandoned it if it weren't for Cale. That sort of disbelief implied a different meaning from pure surprise.

It had the tone of someone getting caught.

"Mikael," Cale started to say. He used a firm tone of voice as if lecturing a student. "Let me remind you that no matter how much you know, it's not your place to be involved."

"Who says I want to be involved?" Mikael retorted. He pressed his fingers against the side of his forehead. All of his analogies came back at once and flooded his senses. "This. Is. Insane. What were you thinking?!"

"How is it insane? People have stage personas all the time."

"But not everyone is deceiving other people!" He yelled, his chest rising and falling prominently. Frustration boiled in his veins. 

Celebrities with stage personas usually revealed their background. They only use a different name. The information would be available for anyone who looked it up like Beyonce, Marilyn Monroe, Lana Del Ray, The Weekend, Lady Gaga and many more.

In Ms.Hart/Evangeline's case, nothing about the latter's background hinted at her day job or her other identity. They had fabricated a completely new person.

It wasn't right. 

It simply wasn't.

The door opened and a head of long black hair popped in. Violet eyes scanned the room, noticing the two occupants in an instant. Avery stepped inside, taking cautious steps. "What's going on?" 

"Avery!" Cale walked over to her side and proceeded with the introductions. He felt much better having her around. "Mikael, Avery. Avery, Mikael." 

"We've met." Avery admitted with a little hesitation. It hadn't been the best first impressions. At the time, she behaved in a way that would drive him away. Oh, how did he see her now?


"Yes." She cleared her throat. Her eyes focused on the modelling manager, changing the topic. "Now, why are you both here?"

Cale heaved a sigh. "Mikael figured it out." 

He should have seen this coming. He had witnessed the model's sense of perception several times since they met. It had been alright at first since Mikael had never met Eve and had little chance in doing so. 

Then, that meeting happened. The walls crumbled down by a pair of darts.

Avery raised her eyebrows. "Figured out what?"

"About Evangeline being your son's secretary."

She whirled her eyes towards the model. Astonishment twinkled in her eyes. "Wow. You're the first one to make the connection."

Mikael cursed himself on the inside, recognizing the resemblance between the madam and the CEO. They shared the same eyes and hair. The truth had been staring at his face the whole time!

How could he have missed it?!

"Does Luna know?" He questioned as he remembered that day of the shoot. There had been three key people with Evangeline. It had been planned from the beginning. 

Just how intricate was it? How long was it going to last? What's the purpose of this?

His brain started to hurt. The questions only piled up, not lessening in the slightest. It suddenly became difficult to breathe again. His vision clouded. His lips paled. He needed to stop thinking. It was affecting his health.

He might just also lose it if he stayed longer.

Mikael headed for the exit, craving for some fresh air and some peace. This ridiculousness had to stop. It was just a dreamnothing but a dream that he wanted to wake up from.

"You know what? You're right. I don't want to know more. Continue to scheme. I'll stay out of it."

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