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Chapter 74: Fifteen-Minute Window

Chapter 74: Fifteen-Minute Window

"Eve?! Why aren't you at work?"

Andie strode out of the kitchen. Her stormy blue eyes fluttered as her best friend ran up the stairs. Loud footsteps stomped against the floorboards. The backpack bounced from the climb. 

"No time to talk. I'm late!"

"Gee, you don't say?" Andie mumbled. She rubbed the side of her temple and headed back to the kitchen. When Eve hadn't shown up, she figured that her best friend went straight to the office. 

Papers replaced the usual array of food and equipment. Despite having a study table, Andie always preferred to work in the kitchen. A laptop sat in front of a stool. Her fingers tapped on the keyboard and opened a document.

The bakery was having an event soon.

Children would be invited to bake and learn about it. The session would be completely free. For today, she needed to conduct the budget. She used that as an excuse to stay at home. Her co-workers would have constantly disturbed her otherwise.

The loud footsteps came back. 

"Bye, Andie! See you later!" Eve shouted as she bolted out of the door. Her legs pumped up, aiming for the BMW M3 parked at the curb. She hopped inside and sped down the street. The car ran as high as the speed limit allowed. 

Any higher and a policeman could show up.

That would only cause more delay.

"That was fast" Andie remarked, frowning at the archway. "Did Eve wear her heels?"

What shoes did she have on?


"Morning, Beautiful Ms. Hart." 

"Darryl, not now. I am so late!"

Eve pushed the up button. She considered it as a milestone. From here, there was nothing else to do but wait. She panted for breath. Her lungs burned from the lack of air and moisture.

She hadn't drank or eaten anything.

Hell, she hadn't even brought food. 

"Not like my compliments make the elevator run slower." Darryl chuckled. His sleek brunette bob had been gelled from the sides. It gave him a windswept look.

"If they can make it move faster, please feel free." 

Eve continued to pray for a miracle. Maybe Ambryan visited the studios. Maybe he stopped by an investor's house. Maybe he was stuck in traffic. Maybe Avery surprised him with a house visit.

There had to be something. 


Anything would do if it meant she'd be scat free.

"I'd say it's worth the shot." The security guard gazed upwards. The lift had crossed the halfway point. He hummed, thinking of compliments to use. 

"Hey, beautiful."

"Yes, you're beautiful."

"You're also cute when embarrassed."

Eve flushed red. He was telling it to the elevator but she was the one who heard them. What would people think if they saw this situation? No sane person would think Darryl addressed the compliments to the elevator.

"D-Darryl, Darryl," she stammered, keeping her head bowed. She shook her hands in protest. Then, she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Ignore what I said. I was just joking!"

Her ears felt hot. Why was she affected by this? Was it because of her current state? 1) She had the fastest shower in her life, 2) she threw on her clothes, creating wrinkles in them, and 3) she lacked sleep plus had an incoming headache.

None of them fit a compliment.

Hopefully, she wouldn't make obvious mistakes in the office. Mr. Perfectionist would have a field dayespecially since it was the first work day of the week. It called for a ton of things needed to be done.

Would it be too much to ask or to hope that he was sleeping in the office right now? How is he functioning with all the red wine he had? Not to mention how late they stayed out. 

He had to be sleeping.

He just had to be.

"I can't ignore you when you always catch my eye"

"... More compliments, huh?" Eve sighed. She dropped her hand and glanced up at the floor number. Her heart leaped when she saw how close it was. She glanced at her watch. There was still a bit of time before she became 15 minutes late.

This was a window given by HR for employees to receive zero deduction from tardiness. But! If they missed by a minute, like being 16 minutes late, the whole 16 minutes would be charged.

"Hm." Darryl turned to face Eve. He placed his elbow on the lecturn and his cheek on the back of his curled fingers. An amused smirk painted his lips. "How am I supposed to compliment you more when you're already perfect?"

"Oh, look! Lift's here! Thanks for the help. Bye!"

The security guard laughed as Eve ran for the elevator. It had been a while since she became flustered from compliments. The reaction brought him down memory lane. When Eve first started, she used to politely thank him for them while blushing.

Their boss must have rubbed off on her because her responses became snarky.

It was still just as fun though.

Could a heart break through skin and bones?

Because it just might for Eve.

Her heart accelerated as the elevator approached the top floor. She'd never been late before. She didn't know what to expect from Ambryan. If appointments and meetings were any indicators, it would not be pretty.

Would it call for a punishment? She hoped not. 

Setting the panic aside, Eve forced herself to think of a good excusenot to escape from sanction but to have a valid reason. It was the least she could do in order to maintain a good record underneath the violation.

Also, to promise that it wouldn't happen again.

Eve heaved a sigh. This really shouldn't happen again. Her secretary job still came first. If there would be a hindrance between Eve and Evangeline, Eve would prevail. She needed more help if this would become a regular occurence.

The lift opened at the top floor, revealing the CEO's office door across the hall. Eve found the plank of mahogany wood intimidatingmuch like the person behind it. She walked over to her desk and set up her things. 

She booted the PC, using the time to stall.

It didn't last long. The lock screen wallpaper flashed before her eyes. She logged into her account and the computer prepared her desktop. Her auto-start programs started up at once, opening her emails and her office chat windows.

Everlee Hart was officially online in the workplace.

If Ambryan had his eyes on his monitor, he'd know that she arrived. The inevitable had come. Her legs moved sluggishly. The distance between the desk and the door seemed too short. She reached it in a few seconds.

Now, it was time to face the boss.

Eve knocked with hesitation. Her hand trembled over the knob, turning it with caution. She took a deep breath and entered the office. "Sir Hathaway, I"

It seemed that the CEO had a guest.

The back of a long albino hair greeted her sight. Its luster was more prominent because of the morning sun. The tips reached up to a slim waist, twisting inwards. It added volume and 'bounce' to the hair. 

Then, it flipped to the right and a pair of luminous green eyes met her gaze. Long lashes framed their large almond shape. They seemed too big for a dainty and angelic face. Thin rosy lips hovered below a button nose. 

They stretched into a charming smile towards her.

No matter how many times Eve had seen this face and this expression, it always managed to take her breath away. How could such a beautiful person exist? An allure that could stun any person in the same room. 

"Eve!" Madison called out to her. "

Ambryan sat on his seat, looking bored. He took this moment as a chance to close his eyes. For once, he wasn't irritated that someone came to disturb him at work.

"Madison?" Eve blurted out, remembering herself, "I mean, Pre"

"Dear, oh, dear. I don't mind the slipup." Madison snorted, brushing off her mistake. "We were acquainted before you joined our company. It's only natural that you're used to the former way of greeting. Frankly, I also prefer that one." 

Eve pressed her lips together, afraid to speak out of turn. She folded her hands over her abdomen and stood at the ready. Inside, she scolded herself for her tardiness once more. This was why she should always be on time.

Now, more than one person knew of her tainted punctuality record.

The President of Eros Productions sat on a chair and regarded her with an amused look. The charming smile never wavered. "How's my favorite secretary?"

"Madison, please do not show favoritism among employees." Ambryan interrupted. He heard the chair scrap against the floor and opened his eyes. They frosted into gemstones. "You also have your own secretary."

"Who would have been Eve but I know you deserve the best so I handed her to you."

Unfortunately, Ambryan didn't appreciate the humor 

Eve cleared her throat, cutting in. This wasn't the first time this happened. Her superiors often bickered about nonsensical things. "Would the two of you like some refreshments?" 

"Nonsense. I came with a tray of them," Madison replied, gesturing towards the Ambryan's work desk. Three paper cups sat on the surface, two with hot teas and one with cold coffee. Bread and pastries also occupied the table.

Still sitting, the President reached for the iced espresso and handed it to Eve.

"Here. I know you love Caramel Macchiatos. I ordered you the largest one." Madison chuckled. "Seems like you need it too since you're late for the first time in five years."

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