Date The

Chapter 88: To Gift or Not to Gift

Chapter 88: To Gift or Not to Gift

Outside the CEO's office, clouds had rolled by the afternoon sky. Sunrays cascaded through the window and illuminated the room with yellow light. They warmed Ambryan's back. He pulled a drawer open and took out a remote.

Blinds descended from the ceiling, blocking out the sun. He pushed another button and more indoor lights turned on at a more subtle warmth.

While his right hand worked on this, his left hand continued to type. He heard the door open as he hid the remote. New emails flooded his inbox.

The footsteps stopped near his desk. 

"What did my father say before he left?" Ambryan asked, breaking the silence between them. His hands continued to work.

Eve stiffened. This wasn't a test whether she'd say the truth or not, right? From what she knew, the walls were soundproof. No spy device had been implanted either. 

She shook her head, realizing that she overanalyzed the question. "He asked about Ms. Evangeline Reed."

The tapping ceased.

Ambryan side-eyed towards the floor. His 'permanent' scowl depened. "Was there a specific question?"

"Only about how I instructed the deliveries for the previous girls. I believe he was hinting about your gift to her and possibly asking for her address? I am not quite sure because there wasn't one so the conversation ended soon."

"Ah, the gifts." He nodded once. His chair rolled backwards as he gazed at the ceiling. 


Eve pressed her lips together. Was Ambryan planning to send Evangeline a gift? It might seem like a loophole to their relationship. There wouldn't be room to reject after she did for the bags.

She shivered at the prices for those pieces of jewelry. Since it would be a gift, it wouldn't feel right to sell or to pawn it.

"Hm, she rejected the bags from Louisse Tonvui before" Ambryan said. Would Evangeline prefer an inexpensive gift? But that wouldn't for someone of his status. Others might look down on her for it.

What would a woman like her want then?

"Eve, do you have any suggestions?" He asked on a whim. His head laid on the backrest and his intertwined fingers rose up to his chest.

"On what?" She blinked.

"On what to give Evangeline. As you've said, you're aware of all the gifts I sent. Do you think she would have preferred jewelry?" 

Eve bit her tongue. She almost yelled out her protest. Yes! She could use this chance for a different gift. 

"I think she would prefer what makes her happy?" She supplied, her tone becoming awkward by the end. 

"And she wonders why a shopping date was a good idea" Ambryan muttered to himself. His chin rested on the back of his hands. 

It was loud enough for Eve to hear. 

'Well, someone holds a grudge.' She squeezed her hands together until they screamed in pain. It would have been a good idea now that it came to her attention. They could still go out on another day if he'd insist.

Then again, a shopping date? It would make things too easy for him. No, that wouldn't do. He should also learn how to choose gifts for his significant other. 

This would be the first step in that direction. 

Eve scrunched her eyebrows. "I'm sorry. Did you say something, Sir Hathaway?" 

"Nothing," Ambryan denied, clearing his throat. His violet eyes flickered back to the ceiling and his thoughts came out of his mouth, "The only time she seemed extremely happy was at the roller skating rink. Perhaps I should buy it for her."

"Roller skates?" Eve perked up. 

Then, she calmed her expression. She couldn't help it. Her heart soared at the idea of new skates. It was simply wonderful! She wouldn't reject a good pair of skates. Those were hard to come by. 

Should she post about it after she got it? Or should she not? It would be a thoughtful gift unlike random jewelry. 

"No, the establishment," Ambryan corrected her thoughts.

The daydream shattered right before her eyes. She blinked several times as she came back to earth.

"Pardon my interruption but, if Ms. Evangeline Reed refused the bags, wouldn't that mean she's against extravagant spending?" Eve pointed out, her voice taking a sharp edge. It had been going so well. He just had to ruin it.

Ambryan frowned at her. "But she's not here. That was sort of the point of those gifts."

Eve exhaled sharply through her nose. It was the reason why they were delivered unannounced. He also had them prepared right away before any of them could make a request. 

"I see but maybe something small would be much better?" She hinted. From bags to a whole skating rink business? Was he implying that those items cost as much as that building? 

It was more useful, she'd admit. 

But also too much. 

A faint hum of a ringtone flowed in from the open. 

Eve took a step backward. Her thumb pointed over her shoulder. "I think my phone is ringing. Please excuse me, Sir Hathaway."

She escaped out of the office before she heard more. When Ambryan decides on a gift, he'd relay it to her for ordering. She could make comments then if it turned out to be just as ridiculous as it was now.

He had asked her for suggestions previously. She would use it as an excuse if he questioned her nosiness, adding that she merely wanted to do a good job.

Ambryan continued on his search for a perfect gift. The same memories swirled in his head. There had to be a clue somewhere. She had been the happiest in that skating rink so far. The reason was because she hadn't been to one for years.

So, the establishment was what made her giddy.

Wouldn't it be nice if he bought it for her then? 

'Maybe something small would be much better?' Eve repeated in the midst of his thinking. 

He sighed. Something small a lifetime membership card? Did it even have one? He had read the receipt when he cleaned out his pockets. The payment referred to the entrance fee, the roller skates and the socks. The descriptions didn't clue anything about there being more than one option for each. 

The representative behind the counter hadn't advertised about membership cards either. 

What else could he refer to for gifts?

Eve put the phone down. The silence after the conversation aggravated her. Ambryan was used to thinking big. He handled millions of funds on a daily basis. His mindset had been trained to look for better results and bigger returns. His price range covered a level higher than hers.

Maybe two levels higher.

Okay, maybe three.

'Scratch those. His was an entirely new world compared to my laid back one.' Eve huffed, propping her arm on the desk and cupping her cheek.

She probably should get used to it for the next 9 months. Or was it 8? This should mark their third weekend as a couple. The next one would be their 4th, completing their first month.

Would monthsaries be celebrated? 

Should they be?

The intercom rang. 

Distracted, Eve pushed the answer button and forgot to speak. Her finger stayed on it too. Her head had become preoccupied for the next time in the relationship. More specifically, how important monthsaries for. Should it be like a baby's first year? Every month celebrated until the baby reaches one years old?

Then, she should also prepare a gift.

Not just Ambryan.

"Eve, are you there?" Spoken by the devil himself.

"Uh, yes! Yes, Sir Hathaway. What is it?" Eve recovered. She debated whether she should explain her behavior or not. Before she could decide, his voice intercepted her thoughts.

"Contact Blade Sprinter, Incorporated and ask where I could make an order. Pass it to me once everything is in place," Ambryan instructed in one breath.

"Yes, Sir Hathaway."

The conversation disconnected and Eve searched about the company. Her computer monitor became flooded with links. She scrolled through them, getting an idea on Blade Sprinter manufactured. Other than a photo of its logo, nothing else offered a visual.

She clicked the first hit. It led her to the official website. 

One look at the homepage and she knew.

Blade Sprinter, Incorporated manufactured and sold roller blades. A squeal flowed through her gritted teeth. She thanked any higher power for Ambryan's brain. It took awhile but he put the pieces together. 

This. Was.

Great. Fantastic.

Marvelous. Amazing. 

No words could describe how happy Eve was feeling and how proud she was of Ambryan. As a memento, she clapped her hands. Right there. On her work station. She pretended that it was a round of applause.

It wouldn't be right not to acknowledge such thinking. 

She didn't take long to find a contact number. It took even less time to dial it. The music from the rink echoed in her ears. She hummed along with the tune while she waited for someone to pick up the call. 

"Hello, Blade Sprinter Incorporated. How may I help you?" A reception, Eve assumed, said through the receiver.

When she put on her charming demeanor, she meant every sweet and pleasant intonation. If only Ambryan gave her the full task of ordering... she'd pick out her own skates.

"Yes, hello. I'm Everlee Hart, Ambryan Hathaway's secretary. He would like to make an order for a pair of roller blades. I understand you have an online store for all your products but he specifically asked for a spokesperson."

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