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Chapter 93: Where is the Food?

Chapter 93: Where is the Food?

In a music room, its casement windows had been opened. The music poured out as the sun came in. A large black piano stood out against the cream walls and wooden flooring. Its glossy grandeur felt out of place with the rustic interior.

Eri knitted her eyebrows. 

She raised her right hand and spread her fingers. Each tip touched a white piano key. Her right thumb caressed the D note. Her other fingers followed until her left pinky landed on the A note. Then, her left thumb positioned on the middle C note beside her right one. She practiced pressing each key. 

Her scowl deepened.

Her ring finger and pinky still needed more effort than the others.

Mila walked over to the piano and sat beside the young girl. Her curly ginger hair had been brushed back to a ponytail. She wore a simple outfit of jeans and a ruffle blouse. Compared to her, Eri had gray shorts and a white shirt with her cinnamon hair braided behind her. 

A wind flew inside.

Mila reached for the sample sheet on the stand, stopping it from flying. She grabbed the music sheet holder and clipped it in place. The breeze left as soon as it came. Lessons had ended five minutes ago but it seemed that Eri wasn't satisfied with her performance.

The young girl wanted to try one more time.

"Go on," Mila whispered in encouragement. 

And Eri did.

She started on her ring finger, holding down the G key and mentally counting. Then, she moved on to the E note with the same time duration. When she went back to G, she tapped it twice as if cutting the long one before into halves. 

The corners of her lips turned down.

As she predicted, she felt strain on her ring finger. Her other ones trembled over their keys. It became more prominent when she used her pinky. 

It frustrated her.

"Try to let your other fingers go up whenever you push down on a key," Mila offered as a tip. "Since the notes are side by side, you won't miss and press a different key."

Eri remained silent. 

But, she heard the words.

She hadn't glanced on the sheet once. Her mind had it memorized. She concentrated on her placement. Progress slowed whenever she switched her attention between her fingers and the sheet. There would be pauses and they added to her impatience.

Starting over again, she lifted her hand off the keys. She touched them one finger at a time instead of all at once. Only her left thumb stayed the same. She played the nursery rhyme five times as she got used to the new positioning. 

A small smile teased her lips.

"Good?" Mila chuckled, noticing the change in expression.

"Easier," Eri corrected. Then, she sighed. "Now, I feel stupid."

It was a simple change. Something that should have been obvious. She bet Ede would have done the same without help. They both practiced at home but in separate rooms. Her chest squeezed. Sometimes she wished they were learning the same instrument so they could help each other out.

"It's okay. I did the same when I started. My fingers would look like spider legs." Mila shared, placing her hand on the piano and demonstrating. "See? And it is not comfortable, I tell you."

Eri giggled as the slender fingers crawled over the keys like a real spider. "Thank you for accompanying me, Teacher Mila. I wonder why my aunt is taking so long." 

Then, her head whirled towards the door. "And Ede too. We always meet in this room."

Mila stood up and patted the girl's shoulder. "I'll go check on your sister. You stay here."


Unbothered, Eri practiced the song again. 

And again.

And again.

"That sounds good, Eri!" Ede greeted as she ran inside and sat beside her twin. "Let me hear other songs too. Maybe we can play together later if I also know it."

Happiness surged inside Eri. "Sure!"

Mila stood by the door, carrying a violin case. It seemed like both twins wanted extra lessons. No one at home could help them out so they often stayed longer and consulted the teachers. Their dedication really impressed her.

"Is that Eri playing?" 

Her jade green eyes flickered towards the hallway.

Eve walked over, her thumbs tucked inside the pockets of her jumper shorts. Andie followed behind her and admired the place. The hanged paintings reminded her of Madame Isabelle's ballet studio. They added a vintage vibe to the place.

Mila opened her mouth to reply

but another voice intercepted.

"Wait! Did I just hear Eve?" Ede scrambled off the bench and ran for the door. Her brown almond-shaped eyes widened at the sight of her older sister. "Eve! You came!"

"Yes, I did!" Eve giggled, dropping on one knee. "Come and give me a hug."

Eri stopped playing. Practice completely left her mind. Something more important replaced it and it waited for her in the hallway. By the time she reached it, Ede was already hugging their older sister.

"Eve!" She yelled and she joined the embrace.


Eve squeezed the twins tight. It had been a while since she had a whiff of their scents. Both girls enraptured her senses and her thoughts. No matter where they were her sisters always felt and smelled like home.

Oh, how she missed these girls.

"Wo-wo-woah! Where's my hug? I'm the one who cooks for you both whenever you come over." Andie pouted behind them. She crossed her arms over her chest, sticking out her bottom lip more. "This is unfair treatment. Should I stop making waffles?"

Eve laughed at her best friend's pettiness. 

She let the twins go.

Eri and Ede quickly tackled Andie with hugs. Their gazes looked up. Tenderness shined out of their eyes. "We love you too, Andie."

Andie grinned and crouched, returning the gesture. "Are you ready for some fun? I think your sister is taking us somewhere. You feel up for some time in the amusement park?"

Cheers erupted from the girls.

"OMG! Really?! I wanna play those darts and win a prize!"

"Can we go try the Drop Tower? I heard it's really high and scary!"

Eve straightened her legs and glared. Her hands went to her hips. Now, the spotlight fell onto Andie who revealed their plans. "Hey! Stop spoiling the surprise!" 

Mila tapped her shoulder, wearing a gentle smile. She lifted her hand. "Sorry to interrupt. Here is Ede's violin. Take care on your way. I will finish cleaning up the music room."

"Oh, Ms. Clark. Thank you for looking after them." Eve bowed as she took the violin case. "I'm sorry we're late. We lost track of time and got held up."

"It was nothing. They're both diligent students. I feel like they wouldn't mind even sleeping here if it meant they can have their questions answered," Mila joked, lightening the tension. She waved her hand and brushed off the concern. "It's always a pleasure to be around passionate musicians."

Eve instantly felt relieved. It seemed like both were serious about the lessons. The money wouldn't go to waste after all. She turned her head towards her companions. They had begun to leave the building. Their excitements reverberated around the narrow space.

"Looks like we'll be going now," she chuckled, bowing once more. "Thank you again, Ms. Clark."

Mila held up her hands and shook her head. "Oh, please. Call me, Mila."

"I will try to remember next time."

"Enjoy your day!"

"You as well."

Andie and the twins already reached the car by the time Eve stepped out of the building. The summer heat rose up as a direct light shined down the pavement, intensifying the shadows of humans and objects. 

Eri stood on her toes and pressed her face against a window. A gasp flowed out of her lips. Two boxes sat on the backseat. She would recognize the red and yellow colors anywhere, especially the 'W' logo on the sides. 

"Is that a Smiley Meal?!"

"What?" Ede asked, joining her sister. "Did you buy us, WcDonald's?"

"Yes and no. You won't find food in those." Eve answered and unlocked the car.

The girls immediately went inside. They opened the boxes and peeked inside. Both contained the same plastic bag. Inside the bags, the items looked like the side of a pink house. Scissors stuck out from a pocket, covering the 'wall', and a small doll smiled from the side.

Eri spoke up first, "Is this the last piece for our doll house?!"

Eve sat on the driver's seat and buckled in. "Yes, it is. Do you like it?"

"Like it?! I LOVE IT! We couldn't find this wherever we tried!"

"Yeah!" Ede complained as they back out of the parking lot. "The cashiers always say it's sold out. I think it's because of the scissors. It stands out from the other pieces."

Eri studied the box again. "Did you eat the food before you came here? You could have just saved it for us!"

"Nah," Andie replied. Mischief shined in her stormy blue eyes. "Your sister got that from a date."

"A DATE?!"

Eve hit the brakes. Everyone jerked off their seats. She apologized and put the car back in motion. A dark aura clouded around her. Profanities fired under her breath. Her right temple throbbed at the turn of events.

How was she going to explain the situation to her sisters now?

She really needed to get back at Andie soon.

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