Date The

Chapter 95: Good Afternoon Call

Chapter 95: Good Afternoon Call

"Richard! So glad you could join us!" 

Avery chose a square patio for the meal. It had trees and bushes outlining the edges. Varnished wicker chairs surrounded a mahogany table. The latter had an umbrella stood perched in the middle, providing more shade. 

The scenery almost seemed like a tropical getaway.

"Good to see you, Aunt Avery." Richard smiled as the madam walked towards him. As he raised his arms for a hug, a loud grunt sounded behind him. He brushed off the gesture by pushing his hair back.

Avery patted his cheek. "I hope we're not piling up your work for you."

"Not at all," he said, shaking his head, "I always have time for friends."

"How kind. Mother takes your work into consideration."

"You, hush! You always use work as an excuse instead of making time for us," Avery scolded. The only time she would get to see her son was by barging in his office. Others were pure luck. "Richard is a CEO too! And he still has time for his personal affairs. I don't see why you couldn't do the same."

"Now, now, Aunt Avery. I'm sure it's all a misunderstanding," Richard reasoned with a chuckle. He nudged his best friend's side and wiggled his eyebrows. "After all, Yan has Evangeline now. Most of his free time probably went to her. Their romance is still on the blossoming stage."

"Really now?" Jackson spoke up as he chose a chair. "I should meet this girl soon to see why my son is completely smitten with her."

Ambryan offered no response. He simply sat by his father's left. Richard followed along and took up the seat next to his best friend. Avery joined the men at her husband's right. She called a servant over to serve refreshments. 

Glasses of iced water on a trolley rolled on the patio.

"Richard, have you met this mysterious girlfriend?" Jackson opened up again, refusing to surrender easily. His head tilted sideways as a curious grin teased his lips.

And again, Ambryan remained silent. He reached for a glass and drained half of its cold water.

"I have. Lovely personality. Matches Ambryan nicely." Richard nodded. He pressed his lips together and observed the silence between mother and son. 

They both knew Evangeline better than him. Why would his opinion matter compared to theirs? 

Jackson laced his hands in front of his chest and squinted. "In what ways?"

Richard laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. His steel gray eyes fell on the table. He felt like he was missing something. What was this sudden interrogation? 

Did Jackson disapprove of Evangeline?

Should he put in a good word for her?

He organized his thoughts together, recalling the party. It was a brief encounter but memorable. 

"She has a good grasp of business topics. For one, she knows about the near bankruptcy incident for Venus Investment. At the time, she also spoke with Mr. Wilson. Complimented him about his section in the paper. She also smiles often. There is this air around her that draws people in. One would compare her to an angeow!"

A kick had hit his shin. 

"I think it's better to stay silent about Evangeline until father meets her," Ambryan cut in. He straightened his collar. "Don't you agree, mother?"

Avery grasped the implication right away. Her whole face lit up with inspiration. "Absolutely. A blank slate would let you judge her without any bias or prejudice."

Jackson gave her a pointed look. 

"I would but it seems like the world is against me." He huffed. His wife could only offer an apologetic smile. So, he turned to his son and gestured towards the empty seat. "For instance, we have room for one more. Why not call Evangeline over, hm?"

Ambryan kept a firm grip on the thin armrests. "I am sure she had taken her lunch already."

"I don't see why you can't ask," Jackson pressed. If it weren't for the ad campaign, he would have thought that this girl was imaginary. 

Why wouldn't a boyfriend extend the lunch invitation to his significant other? What was more surprising was his wife didn't grab the chance either. Avery would have invited the girl first before their own son.

He hadn't heard either of them say that Evangeline stated that she couldn't make it. So what was happening exactly?

They purposely didn't ask her that was what!

"You can call her right here too. I don't think anyone would mind," Jackson finished. Either he saw it with his own eyes or he wouldn't believe it. 

"Darling, they're lying low for the time being," Avery reasoned. Even if Eve knew she'd meet Jackson someday as Evangeline, an impulsive meetup was best to be avoided. 

"If you're worried about paparazzi, I think you're forgetting that our house has a secure location," her husband pointed out. 

"She doesn't have a car. It wouldn't be good to lead a taxi here."

"Ambryan can pick her up. Actually, any of our drivers can pick her up. Just call her and ask. Nothing wrong with that, right? If she's busy, I won't push. Someone call her without leaving their chair."

Avery fidgeted in her seat. It seemed that she underestimated Jackson's impatience. Any more and it would further increase his suspicion. He'd only move on if they did something to appease him. 

Right now, there was only one way to do it.

Her violet eyes flickered to her son's.

"Alright. I'll do it." Ambryan exhaled sharply. He also had thought the same thing. There was no avoiding a phone call anymore. How this Sunday would proceed now depended on Evangeline's response.

Richard squealed on this inside. He had a feeling that this would be an interesting callthough they'd only hear his best friend's side. It didn't matter. Any chance to peep at this 'relationship' intrigued him. 

The call rang three times. 

Everyone leaned towards Ambryan. He faced the garden and refused to make eye contact. Three pairs of ears earnestly listened, blocking out unnecessary noise. All of them wanted to hear, at least, the faintest voice from the other line. They could rival eager reporters with their curiosity. 

"Hello?" Eve panted through the receiver.

Ambryan immediately frowned. "Why are you out of breath?"

Six eyebrows raised simultaneously. 

But, he didn't notice. His focus belonged to someone elseparticularly a breathing pattern that stayed the same. No hint of it easing anytime soon. His temple throbbed. It was a time when heat stroke could strike any moment if not taken care of.

Especially if dehydrated.

"Oh, I'm on a treadmill."

"At lunch time?" Ambryan investigated further. He checked his watch. There was 15 minutes left before the clock hit 1300 hours. Lunch normally ended at 1PM. So why was she jogging around this time?

"I'll have my lunch later," Eve assured him. She puffed out a breath and increased her speed. Her mind only had one thing in mind. She wouldn't rest until she reached it. "I had a late breakfast anyway. I'm not hungry at all."

"You" Ambryan groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Chill, Ambee. I'm almost done." She laughed. It made her seem less tired unlike before. "I'd even have tea if it makes you feel better. I'll take a picture of it too. Do you have other food recommendations? Like what to eat after a workout?"

The tension on his shoulders lightened. She was finally listening to him. It wasn't a huge change but an interest in a proper diet was a step. At least, he could expect less fast food during their dates.

Ambryan sighed, his mind flooding with information on food. "I'll send you a list."

"Much appreciated. Enjoy your day!"

"You too."

Ambryan glanced at his phone once before hiding it inside his pocket. Any emotion on his face vanished. He twisted his neck towards the others. Then, his gaze landed on his father. "Are you satisfied?"

"Fair enough. I'll stop for now." Jackson shrugged. He wouldn't admit it but the scene replayed in his head over and over. One word from Evangeline and his son spun 360 degrees. It was an astonishing sight!

'What if I told you I loved her?' echoed in his head. 

Only this time, he might actually believe them...

"Oh, shush!" Avery complained and smacked his arm. "You act like you never left in the middle of meetings whenever I called."

"Is that true?" Richard asked, blinking out of his daze. He wasn't sure before but he was now. This fake relationship might not be that fake after all and the realization had him speechless!

"Yes, it's true! His secretary told me. I almost didn't believe it" Avery narrated. A mischievous grin spread across her face. "Until I called him during one and witnessed it with my own eyes, of course."

Jackson snorted under his breath. "Eavesdropping."

Avery batted her lashes at him. She could see the pink tint in his ears. It encouraged her more. "I remember we had a wonderful time later that day"

"And you wonder why I refused to become committed," Ambryan muttered. His mother had done this too many times. She acted as if she had a clever secret. It worked when he was a kid.

Unfortunately, it didn't anymore.

His mother sent him a death glare. "You're merely overreacting."

He gave her a cheeky smile in return. "I still don't want to hear it."

"Why not share yours then, Yan? Didn't you take her to the roller skating rink?"

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